There were no WMDs, we didn't get any oil, and the entire region was destabilized...

There were no WMDs, we didn't get any oil, and the entire region was destabilized. So what was the point to the Bush Wars?

Distraction via anger and nationalism while the Bush administration set in place economic policies that furthered wealth disparity and the Great Recession

Kill Saddam cuz W's daddy told him to.

Petrodollar. The US dollar's high international value is supported in part because the US demands that OPEC oil nations trade only in US dollars. Iraq threatened to stop trading in dollars and switch to the Euro. We stopped that. Same thing happened in Libya when they threatened to stop using the dollar. Do not fuck with the almighty petrodollar.

>didn't take any oil
Nice meme you got there

>We didnt get any oil


Ensuring Saudi supremacy over the region.

Literally all of these answers are correct.

Extensive war-time experience for the officer corp, in preparation for the forthcoming war with a China.

Occupation in the Middle East has been a necessary evil for decades and will be for the foreseeable future. All the random cucks advocating for the U.S. to just let the sand niggers deal with their own shit do not recognize the vice grip with which shitskin oil has on the global economy.

Wmd's were found, both in Iraq and Syria where they were moved. This was old news 3 years ago. Please keep up

A. They were from our arsenals which we gave them to gas the Kurds

B. The justification was that those weapons were going to be given to al qaeda.

That was a lie. Youre wrong on all counts.

To advance the goals of the state of Israel. I know that you're going to say some shit like "but terrorists are worse than Sadaam!"

You're wrong. Take 5 minutes to do a little research and you will find interviews with high ranking officials within the Israeli government saying explicitly that they knew it was going to happen, that they wanted it to happen because they would rather have a disorganized band of radicalized Muslims around than organized nation-states with militaries and political structures.

Basically ISIS will never be able to pose an existential threat to Israel, but Iraq, Iran and Syria could.

Basically this, plus:-
>US oil majors wanted exclusive contracts in the region
>rednecks wanted a mountain of dead Ay-rabs as revenge for 9/11
>Jewish lobby wanted the biggest Arab army destroyed
>Evangelicals wanted to convert a Muslim country, and generally restart the Crusades
>End-Timers (remember them?) actively wanted to bring about Armageddon
>an unpopular administration wanted to rally support (and have an excuse to call critics traitors)
>The New American Century crazies wanted an American Empire

Basically, the entire ruling coalition of the Republican Party stood to profit from the war, for a whole variety of reasons.

And shit, I even forgot to mention:-
>the military-industrial complex

I've heard this is why us media and governments slander the Russians and try to portray Putin as corrupt. Putin wants a new gold based international currency which would be used for oil prices which would fuck the americans royally because they have next to no exports otherwise.

Something like that anyway, this is what was told to me a guy at work who loves conspiracy theories and i don't always listen while i smile and nod...

First war was legit. The iran iraq war was ww2 with cold war hardware and it was brutal as fuck. Sadaam was just invading who he wanted and that shit doesnt fly.

Second gulf war was because they didnt finish the first one. They got iraq out of kuwait with the largest bitchslap known to man but then they they just called it quits after that. If they keprt the ball rolling and toppled sadaam in 91 the middle east would be alot more peaceful.

>So what was the point to the Bush Wars?

Israel wanted Iraq reduced to squabbling factions. Same as with the "Arab Spring" -- destabilize and destroy governments in Egypt and Libya and LEAVE them in a shambles.

>Sadaam was just invading who he wanted

No. Hussein was angry because Kuwait was slant-drilling into Iraq's oil fields. The UN did nothing. The US informed Hussein that the US didn't care what he did. So he invaded Kuwait. It was a sucker punch.

When the US slaughtered RETREATING IRAQI TROOPS it was a major war crime. Did you know that?

The Rothschilds took over part of the few remaining Central Banks that they didnt own. Only Iran and North Korea remain out of their reach today.

In no way does slant-drilling oil justify the Iraqi invasion on Kuwait. And if you want to talk war crimes you'd be better off talking about the Iran iraq war. The reason why the colition was so heavy handed was because they were expecting a bloodbath based of that conflict.

>toppled sadaam in 91 the middle east would be alot more peaceful
The Hussein dictatorship was the only thing holding Iraq together. Remove him at any point, and you get precisely what you got in 2003: the complete disintegration of the country, and a power vacuum filled by radical clerics and jihadist carpetbaggers.

And remember that al-Qaeda was a response to the presence of US troops on Saudi land. Iraq would have been a playground for a fledgling Saudi terror group with Hussein out of the way.

who do you suggest Saddam should have done about a nation stealing it's resources when the UN had already refused to take action?

Slant-drilling does justify a war. Otherwise whats the point in claiming territory?

Also, Saddam actually checked with the CIA before invading Kuwait, and got the green light. Afterwards they had second thoughts, and suddenly he was Public Enemy No 1.

Up until that point, he'd been America's guy in Arabia.

He did a shit job of holding iraq together. He stopped his government being overthrown twice by butchering his oponents and their families. Terrorist cells have been operating in iraq for over a decade at the start of the second gulf war.

I wouldnt sudgest invading Kuwait stealing all the oil feilds and then moving troops across the boarder to saudi arabia and attempting to do the same thing there.

How history repeats itself

sure kid

>He stopped his government being overthrown twice by butchering his oponents and their families.
So what? The body count was peanuts compared to what happened after he was overthrown.

And his biggest single act of carnage was putting down the Shia rebellion after the first Gulf War - a rebellion the US encouraged but then did nothing to help.



No, he did plenty. But a lot of it was for the Murcans.