Isn't this the point of evolution? Why are people so mad about it. Iceland is doing it right

Isn't this the point of evolution? Why are people so mad about it. Iceland is doing it right.

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When you guide evolution, it's called Eugenics.

He's not wrong.

Well obviously it's not a bad thing on it's own, but it's a precedent. How far do you allow decisions like this go? You get rid of Down's? What about Harlequins, they don't have a high survival rate anyways, right? What about Alzheimer's, where people still live normally till old age?

This is something that has to be seriously discussed before allowing countries to make these decisions willy nilly

We do it with pets, why not our children?

I think it's a step in the right direction. I don't mean killing people who are disabled but finding a way to either breed that gene out or use something similar to hormone replacement to get rid of it. Something like that.

>comparing Down's to fucking Alzheimers
Neck yourself retard

> Too few braincells to grasp the full concept of precedent
Go suck your mother's dick some more, kid

Iceland I love you more each day.

It costs less for the government as well since they don't need to support them.

Then again, I'm kind of a trans-humanist, and expect our race to become more machine than man eventually. I don't really see a problem with preventing seriously disabled people from being born, since nature also kills off people that wouldn't make it anyways. Why not take control of that process?

Wow, not even near what anyone would call a good counter argument.

>maximum damage control detected

I didn't need a counterargument to begin with because I never compared Down's to Alzheimers in the first place you full blown retard


> D- Try harder

It's funny how sad you are

You did though you massive retard.

Pets aren't humans

>if we kill downie babies, we will eventually kill everybody with alzheimers

bet you are the type that thinks gay marriage will lead towards interspecies marriage.

He's saying if we start with downs, will we eventually move to Alzheimer's?
He's not comparing the two, just simply framing the question "when will it end?"

Its exactly the same as abortion it just they're pointing out the fact that they've got downs.

You guys are truly, genuinely, complete idiots.
So I guess, good luck with that. You'll need it.
Don't worry, you'll be bred out eventually

I totally support this. Eradicate the retards one by one

>>implying people with downs are

Fetuses are not yet human either, we aren't rounding up all the mentally handicapped/exicuting them. Those that already exist should be cared for.

Also, are you saying you want MORE retads in this world?

Ugh, at least someone sorta gets it. Honestly, I personally don't have an opinion on this whole matter. I'm just pointing out that all these things we'd be able to get rid off, are not just good or bad. They're like this huge sliding scale of completely bad, sorta bad, all the way up to nothing but personal preference


You already know what I am about to say, but anyway:

Like you?

And then the question becomes, where do you stop the sliding scale? Maybe even more importantly, who do you think is best suited to make this decision? The parents? The really smart moral sciencefags? The government? I just don't know man, all I know is, it's not an easy decision to make

nah pedos gonna get their rights first then comes the people who fuck animals

theres a pecking order at which degenerate behavior gets accepted next

As well is these downies gave a high sex drive and end up with babies that are basically double downs. Its tough enough to teach them to look after themselves but now they're having children that they can't even look after themselves. It hard but we have to put feelings aside sometime and do what's best for the community and certain disabilities are a drain and that's not to mention other Di's abilities that drastically diminish a persons quality of life like these children don't live that long

If you want to have a retarded freak baby, knock yourself out. Just don't expect me to pay tax dollars to keep the little monster alive, or congratulate you on how brave and selfless you are.

My understanding was downs can have kids themselves so whether they're alive or dead wouldn't matter since it would be a dead end on the family tree. So downs would never actually be gone its just you'd always kill them what they need to do to truly eradicate it is kill the parents when a kid is diagnosed with downs otherwise the parents would have other children who might be normal but carry the genes so their kids would have it. This is a good start though and once people accept it's for the best it shouldn't be too hard to move forward after all if you're fine with killing a baby for being a monster you'd be fine with killing an adult that makes monsters

You make it sounds like eugenics are a bad thing.

>missing a chromosome
Please don't drag me down to hell with you

Any unborn child can become a potato, user. It's not hereditary so killing the parents isn't going to do shit.

You mean as a mutation? And if so, isn't that way less likely at any rate?

the problem with eugenics is complete idiots often get a say in it

the other problem with eugenics is it eventually ends with eliminating otherwise healthy people who may carry negative genes

Already had the talk with my gf about this, we agreed that if there were any issues mentally or biologically we'd get it scraped out and try again. Life's too short to bring retards and invalids into the world.


But if thats the case that it's just a random thing then they'll never be a downs syndrome free world like their advertising it would just be constant killing. The way they're wording the article it sounds like eradicating small pox through vaccines. And it would never count as evolution if it isn't removing a genetic trait

Way more than half of Down's Syndrome cases are caused by events after conception, not genetics. The people advocating eugenics here don't have the basic knowledge of genetics they need, they just want to kill people they don't care for.

Add all deformities to the list, I guess the question is, where do you stop? (Baldness? Left handers?)

Oops but you understand right lovey

It's an error in cell division very early on in the development of the foetus.

This is wrong user

These decisions will go as far as individuals want.
Eventually genetical testing will get so god-damn-unbelievable cheap and easy, that anyone can pretty much do what they want. Government forbids it? Go abroad, or get a testkit via the internet.
Simply put, it will happen and you will not get a say in what other people do.

next step after that: designer babies. you also cannot stop that.

Well if every fetus with Down's is aborted they won't end up with any children with Down's. They just won't ever stop the abortion thing.

>the problem with eugenics is complete idiots often get a say in it
That's actually a really good point and I think that may actually be the biggest issue
Even if we decide it's a good thing to get rid of all the retards and niggers, there'll always be idiots that get rid of otherwise positive traits
I shudder to think what all the present day extremist SJWs would get rid off

Bald people and left handers can function perfectly fine in society. Potatoes cannot.

pretty sure SJWs are super against eugenics

Because if I abort a fetus with downs, some mombie, over-obsessed parent of a kid with downs will take it as an insult or their anti-abortion feelings get hurt.

What u believe this bullshit
Lol u should have been aborted for being so simple belive in shit like this look it up Iceland don't do this

It just the way they're phrasing it, by saying 2030 it'll be gone makes it seem like an illness that's being wiped out through vaccines. I mean if all you're going to do is just always kill a downs on sight then we could have a downs free world by the end of the week why wait

Yeah until they find a retard SJW doctor that tells the other retard SJWs there's a transgender gene.
I'm joking obviously but I'm sure you can think of a scenario where they horribly abuse it to fuck up a future generation with their misguided PC rage

>by the end of the week why wait
because feelings

I bet if you told them there was a genetic marker for privilege they'd be grabbing their coat hangers and getting ready to abort anything that triggered them

You said this you idiot
>Way more than half of Down's Syndrome cases are caused by events after conception

You then gave pic related as evidence
I don't think you understand what conception is

I mean, there's already some pretty insane stories out there of kids being forced to live out the other gender.
What's stopping them from pushing their freakshow even further

The reality will be that most parents will decide to abort the fetuses with gender issues. Just like with Down's Syndrome, they don't want to deal wit that shit and they don't want their kids to suffer that shit.

>I don't think you understand what conception is

Probably not that uncommon on Sup Forums

Yeah, that's what he just fucking said.
Nice slippery slope, faggot.

Yeah... I wouldn't be so quick to convince myself of that honestly

It is not a problem, it is an opportunity.
Let all parents make their own decisions. That way the idiots will take of themselves faster than any eugenics program could.

Eugenics will eventually become a necessity though.

Every fucking tard stays alive because of welfare and can pass on their tard genes. We can cure or manage a lot of hereditary conditions so everyone can just keep passing on those broken genes as well.

In the end humanity will end up as a bunch of health-challenged potatoes.

no you cant, because of the already living downys

Hitler tried this and people got upset for some reason

what is precedent?

Hitler tried a bit more than just weed out potatoes, user. And used far more questionable methods.

>And used far more questionable methods.
They aren't that questionable. They work VERY well. (until the world declares war on you)

I was talking morally questionable.

ppl get one thing wrong.
its not about aborting a fetus with down syndrom.
its abourt aborting a fetus with the chance of down syndrom.
the test only indicate a risk for the syndrom not the syndrom itself.
every doctor tell you that before the test

Any form of eugenics isnt morally questionable. It supports evolution of the human race

Evolution is letting them die off naturally

Better believe it. The silent majority does not want to have to deal with it, regardless what the political correct feel-good crowd says. To much stress, worries, unhappiness and costs (medical or otherwise).
Hell, most people would probably abort homosexual fetuses rather than deal with it.

Nor are down syndromes

yes, but the government wont allow that. theyd rather throw welfare money at them

>die off naturally
Which they won't. At least not in most Western countries.

by your retarded women / negro argument, how far do you let technology go? technology could eventually invent guns

allowing countries to make decisions?
Countries can do what ever they want, if not other countries have to go to war with them

So what happens if your baby has downs and you wanna keep it? Like do they force you to abort or what?

The point was killing all the already born downys this week. Which clearly you'd be against due to self preservation

its been 71 years after the war and we now know he was right, so i say down with the downies and the jew


How far do we allow decisions such as homosexuality go? How far do we allow decisions on ham and cheese sandwiches to go? Do you see how weird the question is when you use it in any context? Obviously I'm playing devil's advocate and I agree with you that it is a serious discussion. You have good points and I think that others would take them more seriously if that argument was replaced with something that could steer the conversation in the right direction rather than discourse.

this wouldnt work in a country infected by liberalism, for example, in countries such as iceland that this thread is about, you could abort every homosexual, african, downie, female, jew, european, anybody under 6 ft 1

But downs syndrome isn't hereditary, it's an error in genetic copying, you're not guiding anything, if anything your just destroying

I fucking lost it at double downs

how many downies do you know in the NBA

this should be the parents choice not of no goverment. no if and mayby's if the morher wanna keep it then she should keep it

Slippery slope fallacy

nobody declared war on germany because the nazis killed jews, gypsies, gays, commies, retards, etc.

they declared war because germany declared it on them first, fighting a war was hitlers day time job so to say.
exterminating the juice etc was just a little fun on the side, for hitler at least

How can you be such a retard and be so smug?

>they declared war because germany declared it on them first, fighting a war was hitlers day time job so to say.
>exterminating the juice etc was just a little fun on the side, for hitler at least
Another retard nigger that doesn't know a thing about history

Well yeah but I don't really get what you're aiming at, that's the whole point of context isn't it? You can throw any problem in a different context and make it look silly. I didn't throw the question out there necessarily because I wanted to discuss it personally. I mean, I'm fully aware this is beyond my current understanding of the science and intricacies behind it

Hello Eugenics.

No, it's not a slippery slope fallacy if you literally acknowledge the fact that a middle ground exists. I'm just pointing out that the middle ground hasn't been established yet

are you trying to seriously tell me that the allies declared war on germany because of war crimes and the holocaust and because of gassing downies?
those things werent even discovered until shortly before the end of the war.
stfu you fucking cunt. spewing bullshit idiot.

Hello faggot that didn't even read the first fucking reply before posting

>are you trying to seriously tell me that the allies declared war on germany because of war crimes and the holocaust and because of gassing downies?
They went to war with germany because hitler didnt allow anyone to make profits off of his nations suffering. Churchill has admitted this, too.

And yet it'd be the government that has to pay for the little bastard. Money to the kid cause it cant work, cost of schools, training and hiring tard wranglers, money to parents since they'd stop working to look after the freak. A downs contributes nothing to society and is just a black hole of money.
I guess if the mother wanted to keep it she could if she then agreed to not take a single cent from the government and pay out of her own pocket for all the specialist shit her kid needs, but with that choice they'd still be a 100% abortion rate just the parents would feel like shit. Iceland government is the hero we need to take the guilt away