I think I'm depressed but don't want to be one of those self diagnosing faggots but also don't want to go to doctor and...

I think I'm depressed but don't want to be one of those self diagnosing faggots but also don't want to go to doctor and have everyone I know have that stigma over me. So a feels thread will have to do for now.

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OP here, even if no one else post here I will

I'm pretty lonely

Are any of you lonely

I sure am

I can't do anything right, can't even make a feels thread on Sup Forums...

this is really depressing


A good sign that you're depressed is wanting to sleep all the time just to turn your brain off.

OP here, thanks for commenting its appreciated to say the least. I don't have any images left to contribute. Im glad you stopped by pal

Its OP, I don't sleep much anymore. Maybe 2-3 hours and sometimes not at all. I think I'm just very lonely

Then it doesn't sound like you're depressed. Just a faggot.

Thank you for the contribution I really appreciate it. Good story.

You're probably right user, thanks for the contribution to the thread.

Just find yourself something that will keep you busy, like a hobby. Keeps away the existential dread. At least it worked for me.

This. Try learning how to cook. Make some decent, healthy meals. It keeps you busy, you can listen to music while doing it, and it's a useful skill that women will admire you for.

Gf of 6 years broke up with me last night
Let me get in on this

I'm don't really feel existential dread. I think I'm just very lonely. I go to an assisted living facility everyday to talk to some of the folks there and two of the people I talked to the most died and I'm feeling very lonely. I look around and see all of my peers in relationships and in love and happy and then there's me. I just wish I was born into an easier life.

5 weeks ago here. I'm good with it now. Out the other side looking good.

I cook all my own meals and I bring food to an assisted living facility down my street because it makes the folks there happy for a while.

OP here, would you say it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? I dont think ive felt love and that makes me sad, especially When I see a happy couple on the street.

Id say it is worth it. If you feel that love for a long time, sure the break up can be bad but that fades and I reckon the good of it all is more

I feel the same way OP
It's really confusing

Feels like ill never get over it

Couldve sworn she was the one, i have faith in you op youll find it one day

Find yourself a more elevate reason to live for. I started to learn music theory 2 years ago to make up for the lack of social interaction and now i dont feel depressed anymore despite being alone. For me it's better to invest into something that will blossom with time and mentain its beauty instead of a passing relationship.

move to nyc and you won't ever be lonely again

Always feels that way. Look after yourself bro. Yourself

Yeah, I don't talk to anyone about this and its really eating me up

No matter how many people are around me I still feel lonely. I long to feel love but to no avail

You should talk to someone

I feel like I need someone who I can trust and who will love me but I'm known as the weird guy. I'm not autistic or anything I just have a different taste in music and general interests and people think I'm weird but not like weird in a bad way. I'm known as the funny guy.

Yeah I know I should but I have no one and would feel like a fag if I talked on a hotline or something

Wow, that is depressing

No good ruminating on yourself. Got to get out of your comfort zone and you'll find someone or lose the need.

I never leave my comfort zone unless forced out and that's one of my biggest faults. I blame my childhood on a lot of my short comings


i dug myself out for the most part, or am at least able to control it very well now

pinpoint the things you think are causing it. what are they?

please tell me what kind of music you enjoy

also how old are you

19 I listen to literally everything except country and rap. Lately I've been listening to a lot of rockabilly and "surf music". The Doors are my favorite music group.

I'm very lonely and I think I've never felt love and it makes me sad. Also two people i used to talk to often just passed away so I'm completely alone and have been considering offing myself

Address the fault since you recognise it. It was your childhood. Not is. You have to force yourself at first, until its habit. Everyday take stock

Easier said than done user. I don't want to sound like a fag but I had a pretty rough childhood and I think its permanently fucked me up tbh

They do say deaths come in threes

well good thing you're only 19 and still have plenty of time

stop pining after love, honestly
make friends first
i mean good close friends, quality people

you sound completely normal not weird, most people that are "normal" are boring as fuck

you're still in school right? because this is your opportunity to do this. onces school is over your a lot more limited to finding people

the love your searching for is fantasy
ever heard of the honey moon phase? well for most people it gets very boring after that

me and my womans 5 year is this weekend and having a relationship and maintaining love is work, most people dont realize that. Its a 2 way street.

you shouldnt be sitting sad you should be learning about yourself, the hobbies you might enjoy. I feel like i used to be in a very similiar position as yours and you know what helped me? Just a handful of mushrooms and a couple hours of mind fucking

maybe wont work for you but just relating my experience

after that it opened up a bunch of new doors for me.
If you dont have a pet, get one. Maintin fishtanks its fun and incredibly relaxing. I have a pupper and its the perfect excuse to go to dog parks and meet people or go on hikes. I like to mix music just playing around with my favorite tracks of fucked up electronic. Try painting or any type of art. If you have any interest you can find me here or just check out a whole new world of music


i can definitely keep going if youd like

I dont doubt you. What some kids go through growing up and what it does to them. I know a bit about it. Thing is, you can be defined by all that or you can define yourself. I think its further suffering into adulthood to let it persist when it doesn't need to be that way. You dont need to be, a little force and effort from you.

Thanks pal, ill check out the music and I think it makes me sad to know that love is temporary and also thst I will never know love. I used to spend a lot of time at a nursing home and ive learned a lot about life from those old people. They are always so lonely and i think we are destined to be lonely . I write a lot and would like to make art but I'm not very good at it. Thanks again pal.

I'm really trying

You work school or neet?
Sleep well?


If you're still here OP you should take a look at the list of symptoms and check how many apply to you. Even if you're not clinically depressed, having suicidal thoughts is enough to try and get professional help. I actually do have clinical depression and I was in the same boat as you for a while, where I thought I was just being a self-diagnosing special snowflake. Trust me, you aren't.

I also felt the same way about not wanting people to see me differently because of my depressed state, medical or otherwise. Eventually I just stopped caring though. I'd advise seeking help before the same happens to you. Godspeed OP.

In school, sleep very little, and I exercise regularly

I dont want to be alone anymore.

Thanks, i would say i experience all of the symptoms except the weight change. I've felt like this for a long time and don't remember when I didnt

you dont know if you will never know love. anything is possible

you come into this world alone and you will leave alone. thats just a fact you will have to digest and hopefully it will be become easier as you age and mature. Working in a place like that has shown you a lot about life already and it can definitely have its benefits, but on the flip side honestly, a god damn nursing home is not a good place to be spending so much time especially this young please find a different job or hobby or whatever you do there because obviously somebody is going to die there very often, and you dont need that extra negativity in your life if you can help it.

try helping babies or kids or some shit instead of people almost out the door.

I have a limited scope on your situation but i feel as though it would help immensely

Me neither user

School age is good. Easier and quicker to form new habits. Sleep to a regular schedule. Sounds silly but regulate your rhythm, the pattern of your day. Meals and such. Not to a rain man autistic level. Also, very important to keep a clean organised home space even if just your corner of a shared room. Little alterations make great changes. Engage yourself in what's good for you. Be active in your decisions for your improvement. Reinforce positive not negative

I just go there to make them smile and keep them company. In exchange I get to talk to people, and I mean really talk. Not meaningless bullshit. I'm not lonely when I'm there. They have plenty of stories to tell

I try sleeping on a normal schedule but no matter what I either only sleep for 2-3 hours or I lay in bed staring at my ceiling until morning

thats a very good thing of you to do, but from my perspective i see more damage than good

good luck i truly hope you make it out of this rut

Thanks for stopping by user

If you like I could tell you my whole experience. I've never contributed to a feels thread before and I don't really feel the need to now, so I'll only do it if you think it'll be helpful. Sometimes hearing someone else's story helps you forget about your own for a while, even if mine isn't really that exciting.

Thats not right. Perhaps some mindfulness meditation or something to help you close down easier. You smoke weed? Also, drink water and lots of it. You should probably just bite the bullet and go see a doc

Go for it

I smoke weed occasionally and yeah I drink a lot of water. I think ill bring it up in my next check up

was also going suggest weed for knocking out

except my body became dependent on it to fall asleep for a long time so if you do remember moderation

I dont know man. I'm just friendly advice. You dont seem to be wasting away or anything. School, exercise, recreational weed is good but the sleeping thing and feeling generally down n shit. Maybe read some philosophy, I know its a bit gay but a different perspective, intro to new thoughts, self reflection might spark something. Definitely talk to someone. You might help them help yourself. Or because of where we are I'll suggest you kys. Dont though

I enjoy reading philosophy, I am currently reading Being and Time by Heidegger. I think a lot about offing myself but I don't think I will. I think ill hold out for a few more years. Ill probably talk to someone soon hopefully.

Thanks again