Why do American high schools have their lockers outside?

Why do American high schools have their lockers outside?

Convenience for gun keeping

I do not know why, my high school had all of its lockers inside. This aesthetic decision has always perplexed me when I saw it in movies and tv shows, but I think its purpose is to provide more lockers for bigger schools.

Warmer climates I guess they do for space. My high school didn't have lockers. We had a home set of books and a set of books in the classroom and had to lug all of our binders and shit around all day.

Why do they have lockers at all?

my student life would've been harder with lockers outside, for I was the sort of man cramming almost all the textbooks/notebooks into my locker.
>I have to step out again to collect things for the next class!

Where did you leave your coat and books between periods?

tbqh I never understood why you have lockers? don't people have bags or something?


Desert niggers don't have lockers

to store ammo for school shootings

They were inside at my school.

aussies live in a desert they don't have coats or winter boots to change out of


we've no servants to keep them all safe, Nadim.

My school had an entirely open campus, there weren't any halls just sidewalks on the side of the buildings, so of course the lockers were outside like in your picture

It was actually very nice to get to go outside that often. I think all schools should emulate

They may stock guns in locker and shoot in the classroom.

So you don't have to bring your belongings to school everyday. Such as books, spare clothes, sport gear, etc..

My locker was my car.

actually we stuff jap exchange students into them

Wish my school had them 2bh. Going around with a lot of books is a pain in the ass. That day you just grab what you need for that day and youre done, then you go home without a heavy ass bag.

Australians live on the coast, you fucking morons. More Americans live in the desert than Australians do.
Did you not use backpacks?

You wear them on your back, you tool. They sit by your desk in class. Take off the fucking proxy.

You cannot be serious. What a joke.
It's called a backpack, they are cheap and make it easy to carry books, etc.
Schools spending stupid amounts of money on fucking lockers which could go towards something useful, like free, better textbooks, etc. but instead waste it because people are too fucking lazy to lug around a few books.

TIL backpacks = servants, interesting
also TIL Nadim is an Arabic name??????

>Where did you leave your coat
In a coat hanger outside the entrance

>and books
In one of these

Our income tax literally is 54% yet I had to pay for a locker at my state school

That's nice.
Too bad it doesn't work in places where it snows 3/4 of the year.

actually I had sex with a murican blonde puss in lavatory when I went to murica to study.

Because we don't need to scare of an attack of IED

Maybe in Australia you guys don't need lockers because you don't learn anything but here in America a backpack is not enough because every class requires heavy thousand page books.

That would be hell in the southwest

>he uses a locker at school
what are you, a highschooler?


Why would you stress your spine without need?
>Schools spending stupid amounts of money on fucking lockers
Lockers aren't that expensive and will stay there for several generations if cared properly.