What the fuck is this shit?

what the fuck is this shit?

It is lyfe

fuck off jake

this cunt just got my name right

fucking retarded

im a big gay bitch fuck

quit fucking lying, steven

its something children are trying to force meme, like most shit memes

isnt every meme forced?
and mostly by 'children'??

isnt that what Sup Forums has been doing for years?
just because we didnt start it, doesnt mean we all have to be bitter about it.. (and everyone is)

Jared you best shut your whore mouth.

Holy shit is that real?

YASSSS! I saw this on Facebook xDDD


It's a meme if its a tattoo, give in to the MEMEEE

It's nothing more than a Facebook sticker that moves rapidly, thus being more annoying than the average Facebook sticker. So people are spamming it for maximum annoyance to other Facebook users.


>someone went through the trouble of 3D printing the save icon for a dumb joke


Habib, don't you have goats to plow in the ass, you diaper headed fuck?

how did you get this high res?

well memes used to mean jokes, like actual things that were so funny, just mentioning something about them was funny. hence the image.

Now theres no substance, its just "post this enough" = meme

at least you tried

>current year
>memed a meme to win an election
>we metameme now

that's not how greentext works, fucking idiot



Took me a while to get but chuckled, bravo user