Hey B, what's this?

Hey B, what's this?

base of a faggot's dick. you're welcome.

An ingrown hair probly, also post moar

looks like the start of a tumorous growth that will form your second penis

Looks like your penis. Someday you might grow up to be a man and have a special purpose for it

Dissect it. Take a knife and cut it open and show us moar


The skins a bit harder and i tried popping it and a little puss came out from the right side

That's definitely an ingrown hair OP, find the pore it's in with tweezers and pull it out, it's gonna suck OP

cancerous aids


inbred hair

If I just leave it what will happen? Will it just go away over time?

Find culprit follicle, squeeze towards follicle, take pics of funk

you can only get parasites like that from fucking animals or corpses

you must remove it
by yourself
and post pics

thanks for not posting a pic of your dick. i get sort of tired of seeing cocks all over the catalog.
since you seem pretty cool, I hope that bump turns out to be nothing serious.
i'm closing the thread now, so post all the dick pics you want.

Yeah, it'll keep growing and could get infected, it's better and less painful if you do it sooner than later, also take pics of the process faggot, love ya OP

It will just get worse. Find the pore with the ingrown hair and dig it out with a needle or tweezers.

Ingrown hair. Not aids, OP.
Sterilize a needle and put your hands underneath the base of it. Or do the same thing but with tweezers.

shove a syringe in there and suck it out

Basically we wanna see your dick OP

that's just where the crabs you had prior to shaving your pubes laid their eggs under your skin, nothing to worry about

nasty ingrown hair thats inflamed. lose weight.

Record a slo-mo of the pus exploding from it out

you're not wrong

the only way to get rid of it is to stop fapping forever, might as well kys OP

OP you meanie weanie, show us your junk >:V

It's a lump Op.

need full dick

An in-grown hair probably, dumbass.

Ingrown hair or a cyst

Take it to a pediatrician and ask for help

OP, you have benis cancer. The only option is to remove your dick before it spreads.

you have to squeeze it fr man

i got a lil lump too(noticeable) but can't get it to pop

cyst or like an infected pimple below the skin. go to dr un treated can be gangrenous, facetious necrotitis can develop, google at your risk lol,
