College diploma thread

college diploma thread

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I need a new keyboard. I'm out here playing isaac on my laptop because my desktop's keyboard has a dead zone with wasd and the arrow keys.

>the alpha male

Normal people function at less than optimum capacity under these circumstances, dallas, and I have actually been working this entire time on various tasks that require at least some degree of cognitive expenditure. Regardless of your superhuman ability to #staywoke, my excuse remains entirely valid. Also eat a dick.

>tfw you will never be the alpha male

Donut make fun.
I'd just have to jump a few mental and physical barriers, but it's possible.


It's not all its cracked up to be.

donuts make me fat so I will not have fun with them under any circumstances.

I guess it's POSSIBLE.

I will be the beta male.
I feel like there's already a surplus, though.

I still remember the time I got a box of walmart cake donuts and ate them with a giant jar of peanut butter.
I fucking hate myself.

You can be the omega male.

And yeah that's actually probably worse than anything I've or drink wise, anyway. We have different genres of error, you and I.

You had a dickwaving contest with Fool that was entirely semantics for like four hours. Truly the kind of cognitive expenditure that'd put you- Right on the fucking spectrum you aspie.

The last male?
I just have these vivid memories of several such instances that automatically put tears in my eyes if I hold the memory in my head for too long.
It's okay now tho. Maybe.


I was writing a paper between posts, and I'm not very good at ignoring people. I recognize how idiotic that entire line of conversation was. I"m just bad at not having them.

No, just like...the beta-est beta.

Man that's some heavy shit.


milo wishes he was that skinny.


Writing a paper- Outstanding! We can officially class you as high-functioning, now. The fuck kind of faggot shit are you going to school for anyhow?


I feel like you are disproportionately bellicose today.

The last one to get off.
The only way we can get better is by making mistakes. This is fine. It just reminds me to never do the things I've done, ever again. Hasn't worked entirely, but still, helps.

that tiny chibiterasu got me fucked up I mean how you gonna put a dog in your hand like that

If only I could be so smol.

I'm just imagining ammy holding a tiny chibi in her paw and he's got one too and that one's got one and it's just this great russian doll chain of increasingly tiny dogs

They would be crushed or blown away easily.

Because that whole protracted conversation was finding weapons grade autism in your colon after you've disappeared up your own ass and you need to be belittled and otherwise reminded you are fucking stupid. So like any responsible man of the house after an animal shits on the carpet or child shits the bed, I am going to rub your fucking nose in it.

nah they'd be fine ammy is basically god but better

at this point I'm considering reprising the performance out of spite. I've got to go to class though. Tata.

Dog god is always better.
CoC got me cucked up and now I've just played TiTS. May dog god save me.


I forgot to ask.
How much were you D'd yesterday, sf?
















which cherry mx switches will you get in your new keyboard?


Intracranial neoplasm


Sounds tasty



Gay queerfags