How do I do this math problem?

How do I do this math problem?

I have the answer already, just don't know how to solve for x. (studying for a quiz)

are you in 9th grade?

Do your own homework.

Underage b&. Ask your teacher to help you fuckwit.

why the fuck are approximations even included here
git gud at math, worksheet


Solve for x

Get x by itself. For this one first multiply each side by 2 and then cube root the whole thing which will give your answer. Will also not be the +- thing it will only be positive.

x = cubic root ( 864*2) = 12


> x cubed, then divided by two.

> x cannot be negative because it is cubed with the answer being a definitive positive

> b or d are the only valid choices

> 12 * 12 = 144
> 144 * 12 = (100*12 (1200) + 4*12 (48) + 4*12*10 (480)) = 1200 + 48 + 480 = 1728
> 1728 / 2 = (1700/2 (850) + 28/2 (14)) = 850 + 14 = 864

> If this was incorrect, check for how b works instead. As this was correct and you've already shown the steps, take your d and get back to work.

Not OP, but thinking back to the 8th grade, I never could understand why I always had issues with simple algebra and circle base problems. I knew the theory, but couldn't do the math. A decade and a half later, I can do both and more with no issue. I wonder if it's possible to be good at math, but bad at arithmetic?

no it's +/- 12 and not only 12 you fagit

Just by looking i can tell its b. Use cube root button pls tell me ur trolling

not even matlab helps at
>(2. 1/2)(x^3)=864

You don't know how to use matlab

x³ = 2*864
x= (2*864)^(1/3)

pro-tip: you can eliminate a. and c. right off the bat. odd powers will only have a single root, for all real values of x. (complex numbers will behave differently, but i really don't think whatever class you're taking is geared towards complex analysis.)


then tell me how you add something like "2." what the hell shall i do with the . . . . . . . :. .

multiple both sides of the equation by 2 ( 2/1) to get the x term by itself.

then you take the cubed root (which is just like the square root but with a 3 in front of the radicand). The answer will NOT be in +/- form since a cube is an odd function, meaning it will retain its original sign.

ex: -1^3 = -1 x -1 = 1 x -1 = -1
-2^3 = -2 x -2 = 4 x -2 = -8

It's c.

x^3 = 2 x 864 = 1728, which means x can be 12 or -12.

Don't you know, that it is 2.5? 1/2 is 0.5. Lrn your math man

Sorry, this is wrong. It's d.

(-12)^3 is what?

Cubic root is odd, the sign will stay the same

Yep, odd function etc.

>3 = odd