Where's the cheapest place I can buy a gun to kill myself...

Where's the cheapest place I can buy a gun to kill myself? I'm assuming a 10 gauge shotgun is safe enough to kill myself with? Where can I buy one cheapest

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used to be walmart. thank the liberals for making it harder to kill yourself

you liberal faggot

Why go cheap? Saving money for something later?

Flea market definitely, some real junkers there ive seen, probably would explode after one shot but that doesnt really matter

Yeah it's totally "safe" to kill yourself with

user I love you.

Dont know if shotgun is the way to go

I'm not 100% sure i want to yet, im just buying it now just in case

Ill kill some liberals on the way out if you want


Please do, you'd be a God among men if you did.

Why kill yourself?
You'd be better off hiking the Appalachian Trail!
If you die on the path, then you've accomplished your goal of death. If you survive, then perhaps you will no longer see a point in ending your life.

don't be a faggot and suicide yourself with a really fucking expensive gun, like the most expensive one that exists; do it with style.
maybe you will find something that makes you want to live in the process!

Stevens or Maverick 88 or anything used at a pawn shop. Worst case scenario is that it doesn't fire, so doesn't have to be fancy. Under $150 if you look around. Buy 00 buck or any magnum load. Try to aim for brainstem. If you fuck it up you might end up horribly maimed but alive and unable to ever finiah the job.

Bullet, notched board, nail, rock or hammer....

It disperses a lot, I've heard from a few people than tried to shoot themselves with normal guns and it didn't get to the brain

One kid (there's a gif of it) just rekt his jaw (shouldnt shoot the jaw anyway) and another guy shot himself with a normal gun in the ears and just go deaf

No no, the Pacific Crest Trail, and make sure your shoes don't fit and you're not prepared at all. You'll find the meaning of life and get a best-selling memoir out of it.

I'll killl some trannies and colored hair degenerates and niggers if you want, but let the media know it wasnt /pol it was /r9k/

I've done enough thinking and philosophising

Oh ill leave a very nice note itll be good enough

ill look around

Well i could always use a slug

Go with 20 Ga, it's twice as big


don't meme me, i killed a deer with a 22 and saw first hand why it's illegal to do so

who is this?

>don't meme me, i killed a deer with a 22 and saw first hand why it's illegal to do so

Yeah, because there;s NOTHING left. It's like red mist.

Your future cousin.

Live for this user, live. for. this.

Just look at those hips

Now look at this face, imagine those hips/ass and try to think "I might get a wife like this"

I shot it directly above its left eye and brains came out and it still got on three legs and almost ran. Felt awful for weeks. Grandad didn't tell me why it was illegal just said aim for the head

I was hoping she killed herself and there was pics but oh well, and the thought of getting ahot wife and then getting cucked isn't gonna help anybody