Wkh nhb olhv lq wkh fuhdwru. wr ilqg wkh wuxwk, xvh dq rjuh

wkh nhb olhv lq wkh fuhdwru. wr ilqg wkh wuxwk, xvh dq rjuh.

Other urls found in this thread:


what the fuck

>the key lies in the creator. to find the truth, use an ogre.
Use something more complex than a fucking Caesar shift, mongoloid

He getting raped by shrek in his swamp




Sounds like you don't want to be found asshole.

it's all fucking ogre now

Oshla? Kurempiea!

good one, scrotumpole.


Try searching the image for steganography clues

found op

no problem, m' here all week


looks legit

Already on it. No embedded files, no other files on the internet to compare/diff with,none of my scripts decode the image into anything, other than this:


420 bro haha

Also no EXIF or geolocation data.



Sup Forums removes EXIF faggot


blaze it

Who else is lit up?

just you, highschooler.


are those qr codes?


what scripts are you using?


could this be bait?

I'd like to also ask what scripts you are using, for curiosity's sake.


Not any kind that I'm aware of.

Some paint.net scripts designed for steg decoding. I forget where I found them. I'm running binwalk and steghide now, both are turning up nothin.

mostly likely
then again, there's a one percent chance that this is the "something good" that comes around Sup Forums on the Sup Forums every blue moon or so
we could get lucky

Westernmost Oklahoma panhandle.

I dont speak australian.

dude, it went from that rookie shift cipher to embedded image encryption? probably right.


try crunching them all together. it may make a more useful image.

shit just go serious

>Implying anyone's stupid enough to care for this shit

This better not be cocksmoker OP's idea of an ogre.

so far about 50 people are...

if all of that effort was put into only a picture of an ogre then Sup Forumsros
we might have just gotten trolled

overlay the light and dark areas against a star chart and find the same pattern.

Hmmm... already tried to match up to your wife's cum-spattered tube top. Worth a try.

is ogre an abreviation for any steganography decryption programs?

Change file extension to .zip or .rar

If there's a password thr kry is shrek

that was going to be my next guess.
could you send her on home? im getting hungry.

some kinda gmask?


...is that a flat D?

yo, super-sleuths, found anything new yet? All this effort is greatly appreciated.

Nah I don't feel like it


Oh shit user, you might be on to something:

i thought about this too, did some research to find nothing, maybe we're supposed to switch the letters around or sumthing.

holy moley

I thought it may be a sideways shrek face, but who the fuck knows.

Th'fucks with these captchas? Now I gotta draw shapes? What's next, forging currency?

inb4 dead body

just checked it out (i'm not the user you were mentioning) and guys
I think this is it

Already tried this, as well as MP3, WAV, TIFF and whetever other three chars came to mind.

here's to hoping

im the user he was talking to.
its good that you are working on it because im drunk as fuck right now and dont feel like booting up the pi to run python scrypts.

god speed tho

good luck user, you're making this thread interesting

did you just rename the file or dod you open it with notepad and save as each one?

Half baked ARG trolling you

there is still that chance.


also today was my birthday. so...happy birthday to me.

somebody please figure this shit out!!!

anyone else working on this right now?
struggling to get ogre to output through the webkit

happy birthday user

i think this is becoming a get thread

thx Sup Forumsro

i want to try it but my browsing laptop is is slower than a turtle on a snail carriage


user here, that checked it out
and I found jackshit
it may be that I'm half baked but I tried.
I toss the torch to you other Sup Forumsros, good luck


Steganogre was a dead-end, as far as I can tell. Fuck Node. Any other Sup Forumsrogrammers better with Node.js wanna take a crack at it?

ayy lmao

lol, maybe try .ogre or something similar


better be something good


it's a sign guys look it's the trips

was worth a shot man.
save everything and screencap.
we can pick this up tomorrow, sober, and with "fresh eyes"
just start another thread with the original picture about noon and i'll join in. dont know much about steganography but i can pick up on most things rather quickly.
also did i roll dubs too?

got it
However any other grammers out there, come one and come all. keep going if ya'll can.

So far I have this.
The _e_ lies in the __ea_ot.
To find the truth use an ogre.

I'm on to something. Stay alive for me boiz. I need to install node.js and restart, then try to figure this out.

it was. i spent half the day shoveling sawdust in the cold rain on my birthday and now i get to brainstorm with some pretty cool Sup Forumsros. all-in-all a decent evening.

good luck user
may the Sup Forumsros be with you

we might just have an arg on our hands. op better not be a faggot, looking forward to how this turns out.

thanks dude. I'm starting now. I'm hoping 5-10 mins I'll at least have something or have failed haha

I'm not a dweeb but this thread seems pretty fuckin cool
trust Sup Forums to get it done, or at least give it a try.