Welcome to the Salty Spitoon how tough are ya Sup Forums?

Welcome to the Salty Spitoon how tough are ya Sup Forums?

How tough am I?

I eat eggs raw, before they come out the chicken



Tough enough to not get dubs.

Ordered water, filled with soda

How tough am I

Just check 'em to find out.

i eat a salad. without romaine

I walk the child i bought in the deep web right in front of the police station...Using a dog belt

I went on loli threads...WITHOUT POSTING SPIDER MAN

i call minorities racial slurs... while driving away

I get TRIPS...

I ate a bowl of nails for breakfast...


I walk down the stairs without holding onto the banisters.

I shoot people for a living.

im so tough i raped ur mum
......nice to meet you son you've grown into a finer young man than i could ever hope to be

when i turn the lights off on my way to bed, i powerwalk instead of run

Got a bottle of ketchup?


this is my first day back in 2 years. .... i look at 3 posts before seeing a dubs reference..

war... war never changes.
