MAKE A STINKY POOPOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fffffffffuck you
You are the worst human to ever live
Though you're such a funny cunt.

Didn't this sort of shit happen with George dubya?

He completely destroyed Alex Jones the other night

Not nearly as bad.

It was all softball shit except for the occasional "Bush is Hitler" protest sign.

All they did was make fun of his speaking mistakes.


this guy is completely one note.
>trump sucks
>audience wails in hysterics
>audience roars even harder
>trump is fucking stupid
>even in the audience pisses in the their pants because he said fuck
>make america drumpf
>audience goes blind from laughing


He'll never have Alex Jones' audience numbers.

He'll never have the house. The Senate. The presidency. Ever. Again.

Libtards gonna libtard

Do people actually watch this guy? Someone posted a YT clip of an episode of his show once and I couldn't even make it five minutes in.

i don't even politics. not even once

John Oliver will never have the presidency...again?


Oh, hi. Just the President of the United States here. Nothing that yellow-toothed limey says can change the fact that I'm The Most Powerful Man in The World. Carry on with your cry-fest.

yeah hes funny

Drumpf is SCUM! He couldn't even uphold his ban on ALL MUSLIMS ON EARTH because of some shitty old bunch of rules written on a toilet paper roll. He PROMISED he would ban all muslims on earth from existing which I specifically remember him saying and yet he only upheld the worldwide muslim existence ban for like a fucking week. And he hasn't killed all the trans people yet which I specifically also remember him promising he would do he LIED TO US!


Are you implying the democrats won't win again? Lol what a dreamer. Please do go on, it'll be amazing.

And for the record I know both parties are garbage. You guys are just too much.

You literally have a matter of months left to gloat like this lol

Someone sounds cranky. Need a nap?

Is a bit of a tosser... but hasnt really done anything stupid yet a rapist, traitorous, fake billionaire who barely got elected because most of America is literally retarded.

Face it, Oliver was/is right about the Cheeto in Chief. Soon as he's impeached you'll be thanking him, provided you have more than 3 brain cells which of course might be too high a number to count for the average trumpcuck.

>inb4 snowflake trumpfags get triggered "MUH ELEC-TOR-ULL CAW-LIDGE HURR"

Fascists and racists FUCK OFF.

(Pic related, this is the face of angry racist white America.)

Daily reminder, this level of asshurt will continue for :

8 Y E A R S

thanks for chiming in britbong, but your opinions don't really matter. you're not even part of europe anymore, and they're less than the usa.

Snowflakes on suicide watch lol :^)

i made a statement that hes one note. Then I typed verbatim a segment from his show. How is that even remotely cranky? Your move, faggot

Its going to be a lean stretch of years for the Dems. They are going to be outnumbered everywhere and Trump has a SC nom. Gonna be brutal.

So feminists are allowed to force little girls to swear and plaster it all over the internet but a grown man isn't allowed to put his finger up of his own will?

>thinks not being a liberal retard is an impeachable offense

top kek

>verbatim a segment from his show
adverb & adjective
in exactly the same words as were used originally.
Get a job and after saving some money, get another education because you wasted your first one.

He's not satire like Stephen Colbert or even early/mid DAily show....he's straight just garbage.

Terrible show, only people who watch it are in their safe zone waiting for tendies.

>He'll never have Alex Jones' audience numbers.
No he has a far bigger audience

BTW You triggered much bro?

This, I love the leftard snowflakes losing their minds over it lool


Agreed, but you know how the balance goes. You know if the right leans too hard the left actually gets strong and kills them. Look at history if you don't know this. It goes both ways.
We both know a strong leaning always starts some terrible shit no matter the party.

>autistic screeching

Roughly 94 months.

typing laughter, how autistic.

more autism.

who's mad now? it's you


What the fuck are you even talking about? I know reading is hard for you guys but come on. I don't care about that stupid video. Doesn't change the fact you elected a fucking orangutan into the White House.

Whatcu going to do? Come drag me out the White House, crybaby? Come give daddy a kiss.

someone has self esteem issues.

No, being a traitorous bastard is, though.

Mad? No.
Educated? Apparently.
Use the word right retard. ;^)

>being this insanely mad

Someone needs to learn history outside of the lest few weeks :^)

extreme butthurt. the post election edition.
be nice to the agents when they visit please.

more like twelve.

I'm sorry the thought of white people being politically active sends you into fits of rage.

>making excuses for being easily destroyed on the internet

Oh. Snap.

liberals claim to be educated and this dumb motherfucker says "caw-lidge"


*audience erupts in laughter*


no you

the democrats have no candidates left to run.


Gr8 b8, but a bit l8 m8.

some one is retarded.

He's not even white. He's orange, lmao.

For people who claim to be against racism, you little whiney bitches sure do throw the monkey slurs around a lot.

>implying the left doesn't have an infinite pool of corporate nominations
>just like the right
Kek ok

And most black people aren't black. They're brown. Your point?

His presidency did see the rise of the Daily Show, which has spawned Samantha Bee, John Oliver, and, of course, The Colbert Report, which morphed into his late night show

Alex Jones listeners are complete morons. Hell, he uses daily mail as some of his sources and lies about the others.
That an the whole:
Fish people
Gay frogs
Satan is preventing interdimentional travel
The TV is putting demons in your brain

Yet he still has viewers that take him seriously

It's you.


Hell, I get notifications when he uploads, I look forward to it every Monday.

Yeah, I actually used to kind of like him way back on the daily show, but all of them (oliver, stewart, colbert) are so fucking cancerous nowadays. I flipped on colberts new show the other day for the first time in forever and I couldn't believe what i was hearing. I was waiting for a "paid for by the dnc" message to pop up the whole time.

It's no more unbelievable than kids and braindead adults believing the liberal agenda. Nice try to derail the subject though.

It was as bad your just forgetting. Jon Liebowitz Stewart made his entire name (after he de jewed it) and show on the back of George W. Bush.

John Oliver wants to make money and listens to his jew overlord. So he will do the same. Big shock that it's working? Libs eat this shit up. Republican broadcasters did the same to dominate cable news and radio during the obama admin. Pic related was downloaded after Obama was elected. Granted we didn't riot or form violent mobs as the snowflakes are doing. Just a side effect of being young and stupid in groups really. The good news is they are also lazy as you now see everything dying off as it always does.

Showbiz people secretly LOVE all the material and runway room Trump gives them. nothing but a distraction from the real issue which is the American oligarchy. While all you faggots are arguing over muslims and walls, wealth continues to be consolidated in fewer and fewer hands. You have the same chances of being successful in America, no matter how hard your work or how good your idea is, as you have winning the fucking lottery. It's going to rip this country apart.

Not the guy, but: He's mad win? I don't understand, what does that mean?

>same chances of being successful in America, no matter how hard your work or how good your idea is, as you have winning the fucking lottery.

....says every lazy dickhead who can't pass a drug test to even get a job in the first place. Stop blaming your own bad decisions on someone else faggot.

Everybody was saying how the Republican party was done after Obama won back in '08. It reinvented itself and came back. And the Democrats re-invented themselves back in the early 90's to become the post-Cold War prosperity party. And before that the Republicans re-invented themselves after Nixon, and the Democrats after FDR, Truman and Ike. It keeps going back and forth, the Dems will figure out a way to claw their way back into power.

I'm not derailing anything but fish people are just as likely as black people getting killed by cops or trannies losing rights? What liberal conspiracies are you talking about?

oh like how blaming illegals for taking our jobs is fucking retarded since they don't exactly have the qualifications for good jobs?

The Republicans are still dead ans still going to lose every election after Trump. Trump simply absorbed their dead carcass and used it to accomplish his goal. They would have lost with Rubio or Cruz. I say this as a person who has voted Republican in each election. The popular vote becomes more and more lopsided with each passing election.

the daily show was more about making fun of the media than the government. I mean look at who they replaced him with. These fucks are hyper liberals running on pure bias. this trewor faggot is so ignorant of american politics I cant even watch him for a second before he says some stupid shit.

Are you pretending you haven't seen tumblr in the past 4 months?

>Mike Pence going to round up all gays in camps and kill them, literally shaking right now
Never said anything of the sort.

>Donald Trump going to deport ALL Mexicans
What he actually said was all Illegals.

>Donald Trump banning ALL muslims from the country
Even though his travel ban doesn't affect 92%+ of muslims worlwide.

Those are just off the top of my head, but keep playing stupid like every other liberal out there.

Those are no where near the same as believing in fish people or tv demons

No one watches him that's why his ratings are shit. Stewart knew this would happen which is why he wanted it to go to John Oliver. Oliver took the better money deal with HBO something a jew like Stewart has to accept.

I don't disagree. And thats certainly possible. The amount of credibility either party has has gone out the window in the past decade or so. Between Dems wanting to take away W's vast presidential powers in the 2000's, and then going 'ehh, well not that OUR guy is in the office, we can get rid of those powers at the end of his term' and then not fucking doing it. At least now some Republicans are standing up to some of Trumps more zany cabinet nominations.

>have you seen tumblr

>oh like blaming illegals for taking our jobs

>they don't take the GOOD jobs, so that means they're not a problem to the labor force

The fuck? Do you even realize how stupid you sound right now? In the exact same sentence you're implying they don't take jobs then, in the exact same sentence, admitting they do.

kek holy shit liberals don't know which way is up after this election

Who else can't wait for the travel ban to go to court so the judges who passed the TRO can get their ass blasted for the obvious legal incorrectness present in it?

You're absolutely right. It's not the same. Alex Jones isn't even mainstream, hardly anybody watches him at all let alone believes him. The liberal conspiracies I just listed ARE mainstream and people ACTUALLY believe them.

True, Stewart was a bit more of 'anti-establishment' guy and resented the fact that he became more 'trustworthy' than the MSM

When 40% of all jobs are automated in the next decade, I hope yours is first. My job field became the fastest losing career in the same time frame the Dept of Labor projected it to be the fastest growing.

And even IF you keep your job, how is your company going to pay you when 40% of everyone else can't afford whatever it is you sell?

Faggots like this will be the first to take their own life because their self worth is tied to having a good job. I've learned to adapt and think outside the box (still, my chances range from 0 -10). You won't be so lucky. Your girl, friends, family, everyone you know and care about will ditch you. And you'll deserve it like so many others because your too fucking stupid to see what's really going on.

Now who is derailing. So you agree alex Jones viewers are morons. That's what I though

Forgot to follow up the Dem's comment in that, Between the dems...and Republicans getting behind the Donald, its all shit.

Sure kid. Sure. How's it feel being a poor piece of shit that didn't get the right degree? I wouldn't know that's why I'm asking. If your girl was with you based solely on your job, you were a huge loser to begin with, faggot. No reason to project all that nonsense on me.

I truly believe they replaced him with Oliver and Trevor and all the other minions to damage control for them, I mean they are the exact opposite of what John stood for.

Butthurt: a love story

>my ass


I've never watched 30 seconds of Alex Jones so I wouldn't know. Point is you got triggered when people were laughing at JO and had to try and swing it around and change subject. Just pathetic really.

You are forgetting libshits generally have the IQ of a banana.