Post fucking anything

Post fucking anything......

Other urls found in this thread:

including cheese pizza?

I bet most people don't even know who this is.


As long as it looks delicious.


I don't know?


8-11 slices ty




Tell me if you want more

My granddad raped my mom and created my older sister. She later had children. What are those children to me?

More importantly, should I find my piece of shit granddad and bash his skull in?

Lastly, it is in the blood. My mother never did anything to me, but when I was 17 (like, 17 years ago) I used to fantasize about little kids. I already knew even at that point what he had done, so it scared me to my core that if I ever had kids, I'd do the same. I never have, but holy shit is that thought scary. Should I write a book about it? Or kill granddad, or just an hero?

Needa see them

Sorry for bad quality had to compress.
More comming

yeah go

It's good enough man ty!










That's it guys. Youtube name: hayley420 800k+ subs

Such a show off.



How fuck did you get your paws on these you well done annon well done.

It was more if people actually wanted to fap to her


I mean she's the show off.


Oh yeah gotchu

That's heavy dude. I think if you're going to do anything at all then the book writing route is the best. You might find some peace that way. Good luck.








Matt Klein~





Looks like a pigs snout

thats fascinating

i know its corny but i love this picture, its one of my all time favorite things on the internets and that little faggots face is my icon on youtube.
i even found this little gem too

Kill grandad, kill self for your own sake
your bloodline is cursed
you know the implications and already feel the guilt
Might as well end it

Thank you user. That little faggot dog is also my all time favorite product of the inter webs. Makes me smile or laugh every fucking time











How painless would an exit tank be with welding gas? Planning on making one with my mig welding tank i have. Otherwise ill just hang myself.



Love this one






Some blacks fighting in a basement at night.





Jesus fucking christ I have seen it all now and I am rapidly giving up on life.















I'm moon man


