S/Fur thread REEEEEEEEEdition 2

S/Fur thread REEEEEEEEEdition 2
>Let's hit another image limit

Other urls found in this thread:




fuck sleep

i have chicken

i can satay away for like another 30 mins





>OP here I've got 2000 images and I'm only going to post 20, GG no re

nevermind apparently i can't even see straight

29 hours awake

may there be many lewds in this thread

Why do you guys post this half human half animal shit anyway?

Why don't you guys just buy a dog, some weed, acid, shrooms, and a strobe light? Maybe a fog machine. Drugged up hardcore techno animal fucking.

Lots of fun.


Sleep well my dude. Thanks for posting.

I fingered and ate out my dog a few days ago while stoned as fuck.



Before I go

http : //www.mediafire.com/file/3gy481tkv8knp7o/Gifs.rar

is a pile of furry gifs from a larger torrent, posted the link last thread, am bumping it again for those who wanted/don't have it

Swear on the lord there's no viruses famalams.

More comics plz




I'm searching for a doujin about a slave that got a device on his cock preventing him from coming. He is in a cage, it's a gay comic, anyone would know the name?

Nice work buddy. Did you give her the D?

Bitches love human sperm just saying. My bitch also loves getting high as fuck and cummed inside of.

dont open this link it creates mustard gas




Nope. She's too tight.

>My bitch also loves getting high as fuck
Wait. What the fuck? You get your dog high? What the fuck is wrong with you? If I ever saw you in person, I would beat the shit out of you.

Anyone got an squirting picks?


fucking disgusting





moar feral

Well she comes to me when I'm blazing and won't leave me alone until I blow in her face.

She's also gotten into my edibles twice because she knew it gets you high. Does the same thing to my buds when they come over. Won't leave us alone until she gets her hit.

Colorado is fucking amazing bro.



Why don't you keep it away from her then? Don't fucking shotgun your dog, dude. Just because she wants it doesn't mean you should give it to her. Dogs shouldn't have drugs.

And yes, Colorado is amazing. I want to move there for that reason among many.

no big deal I used to get my dog high too. He loved it. Didnt fuck him tho

Why? See my other post here.

Took some time to find in my folder, cheers.


Why not? She loves it. Why deny her the pleasure?

I never got those fags who say letting a dog get high is cruelty. Same retards who say feeding a dog human food is bad yet still feed them that cancer kibble shit everyday.

Fuck off if you feed your dog kibble. My dog eats real meat and get high. Deal with it.


he liked it and came to me when I was smoking.

Thats the only reason I never switched to vape. It didnt get him high when I vaped and I felt like he was missing out. He looked disappointed if I didnt give him a smoke.





I would feed my dog meat if I actually had one, but that is completely irrelevant. Don't get your dog high.

And you're just going to let him have it? That's fucking stupid. That's like giving a child drugs.

>OP here taking any request for type of image


Idk how I feel knowing we live in the same state.

Wait till you get a dog and he's pawing at you and whining until you let him blaze with you. Youll feel like a fag if you dont give it to him.

I don't care. I wouldn't get my dog high no matter how much he wanted it.


That's nothing

Canada fag here

Saw a crackhead viciously fucking the severed head of a fish once

Never been the same since mate


Lol buddy its no big deal. Also you're calling dogs kids? Are you retarded as fuck dude? Kids don't pop rodents in half from outside and bring it indoors, and they dont fuck each other either. Dogs do both.

I feel sorry for your dog when you get one. Please dont unless youll at least feed him or her meat and high end kibble, not that purina cancer causing shit.

That makes you a fag who leaves your own dog out.

You must be fun at parties.



That's not what I meant. I mean that you should treat your pets as you would a child.

I don't know about it causing cancer, nor do I care, but I wouldn't do that anyway.

I don't give a fuck. And you're right, I'm not fun at parties, but I don't care. I'm not even happy that I'm a stoner.

This thread is going places

Are these places good?

No, no they're not.

But we're going there anyway.


Because God is dead and we're the ones that fucking killed him.

Damn...I actually feel bad for you bro.

OP here, I'm just going to step in here. Why the fuck would you give a dog drugs? You are aware different species react differently to things right?
Giving the dog the drugs is the equivalence of giving it death.


Thank you, OP.

Bats, lactation, or comics



Well if you're gonna "treat a dog like a kid" I hope you at least give them good food.

Think about it, dogs are more like slaves than kids. They are adults who we literally mutilate the genitals out of because we can't handle the fact that they have sex. We throw them into the meat grinder of kill shelters because our shitty new job or apartment doesn't allow us to keep a dog.

Do we do that to kids?
Stupid as fuck way of thinking if you ask me.

Fuck off with that shit seriously dude. I treat my dog like an adult and shes very happy. Sex, drugs, organic meat, everything she wants.

Look up youtube vids of colorado stoners regularly giving their dogs weed with no ill effects whatseover.


You don't get it, do you? OP said it right fucking here. Animals have different reactions to things. And you would just give your drugs to your "child"?



I wouldn't give weed to a little kid like I wouldn't give weed to a newborn puppy. But an adult dog does just fine with it.

Plenty of videos on youtube about it. No harm at all. They seek it out and enjoy it. My dogs been getting stoned with me for years and she loves it.




You da real mvp

One more

It doesn't matter if she loves it. It's for her health, you fucking dipshit. If you really cared about her then you wouldn't endanger her. It doesn't matter if you saw some shit on YouTube, fucking retard. That doesn't mean it's correct. You say don't give your dogs food that could cause them cancer? Then don't be a hypocrite and give them something that you don't even know that effects of.

last one





I've got over 2000+ Furry Female images.
It's just quality pickings I''m making.

>Giving the dog the drugs is the equivalence of giving it death.
Furries are retarded as always.

A normal size dog can take 3 grams before anything bad happens, around that point you risk seizures, not death.

Fucking moron, if you're one of those asshats who claims cruelty even for feeding dogs raw food and then feeds your dog cancer cereal from Iams you need to have your fucking throat kicked in.

God I hate retards who talk about animal health when they give their dogs kibble WITH THE MEAT OF OTHER DOGS IN IT. Too many asshats like you around.


Fuck off dude. My dog is way happier than yours will ever be, and way healthier too.




Damn. Well the ones you picked were nice


>My dog is way happier than yours will ever be, and way healthier too.
You have the mentality of a child. And I would still beat the shit out of you with no regrets if I ever saw you.

Do you hear yourself?
"3 grams of everything"

Kid before you try to start, can a dog fucking take 3 grams of cyanide before dying?