"You're black, you all know each other. Have them set up a meeting with me."

"You're black, you all know each other. Have them set up a meeting with me."

He's just a parody of himself at this point.

Other urls found in this thread:


So we should leave the black community to wallow in the Democrat-run shit tanks they made? We shouldn't give them a hand up so they can pull themselves out of the cesspool they were thrown into?

Maybe stop being a fucking racist for once, eh?

Don't get on here and act like you care about black people. This is Sup Forums. No one cares about niggers.

>posting cnn shit
how much did you get paid to post this?


das raycis

Did you actually see the press conference? Or are you just making this up? He did state that he tried to setup a meet with the black cockass, and they naturally refused, being the open people they are.

>"You're black, you all know each other. Have them set up a meeting with me."

i watched the press conference, this quote was never said. typical liberal lies

CNN needs to stop being fucking liars. No matter how much I hate Donald (and trust me, I hate Trump more than I hate CNN), this is supposed to be an actual news website. #FuckCNN

Didn't happen. I listened to NPR on the way home from work. Trust me if that happened that is all they would have been talking about. It's NPR after all.

> white people are bad!

she asked him first nigger



They have to compete with fox news ratings afterall

>i get my news from cnn and buzzfeed

Is this how CNN gets free advertising on a porn site?

They've tried to setup a meeting with him and he had not responded as of yet

That's not what happened and you know it. Trump said he wanted to reach out to one of them but they couldn't due to political pressure. So he said "if you want to meet with them so badly set it up, because I tried to"


Jesus trolling is easy nowadays, but just in case you're serious:
>I watched it live
>completely out of context
>CNN is proving Trump right, whether is he is or not
>Not surprising, most media is as cancerous as OP today

go to bed donald

Lol keep believing all the bullshit the orange baboon says.


The headline is out of context but unfortunately that's how people get their news now no one wants to read a full article that would explain more, they just read the "got your attention" headline.

He did not, they tried to contact him and he ignored them.


>The Congressional Black Caucus


Can you really blame him?

Black Entertainment Television, Black History Month, Black Business Initiative, Big Black Comedy Show, Black Journal, Black Magazine, Black Biker Week, State of the Black Union, Black Heroes of Comedy, Black Film Festival, Simply Black, American Association of Blacks in Energy, Black Enterprise, Black Women's Network, Congress of National Black Churches, Black Security Execs, National Association of Black Journalists, National Association of Black Telecom Professionals, Congressional Black Caucus, African American Male Empowerment Summit, Blacks in Government, Harvard Black Law Students Association, National Alliance of Black School Educators, National Association of Black Accountants, National Association of Black SCUBA Divers (seriously?), Black Nurses Association, National Association of Black-Owned Broadcasters, National Black Flight Attendants of America, International Black Film Festival, AND MANY MORE.

That was actually a lie. It came out on twitter moments late that he had never done that. Why does this dude keep lying on the simplest thing?


>no one wants to read a full article

Have you ever tried to read a Trump transcript?

QUESTION: Are you going to include the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional --
TRUMP: Well, I would. I tell you what, do you want to set up the meeting?
QUESTION: -- Hispanic Caucus --
TRUMP: Do you want to set up the meeting?
QUESTION: No -- no -- no. I'm not --
TRUMP: Are they friends of yours?
QUESTION: I'm just a reporter.
TRUMP: Well, then(ph) set up the meeting.
QUESTION: I know some of them, but I'm sure they're watching right now.
TRUMP: Let's go set up a meeting. I would love to meet with the Black Caucus. I think it's great, the Congressional Black Caucus. I think it's great. I actually thought I had a meeting with Congressman Cummings and he was all excited. And then he said, well, I can't move, it might be bad for me politically. I can't have that meeting.
I was all set to have the meeting. You know, we called him and called him. And he was all set. I spoke to him on the phone, very nice guy.

Fucking faggot.

You cut off the recipe

>I know some of them
Is she saying she knows of them or actually knows them personally?

Yeah I saw that. wtf was he thinking?

You keep believing what CNN says. He handed them a serving of crow to eat. I actually saw the whole thing on C-Span not the Communist News Network.

In fact, I don't think he did that.
Someone needs to start up whatever the process is to invoke the 25th amendment. He's already in the final days of Nixon combined with the final days of Reagan.


CNN, why not quote the onion?

libtards and their Very fake news


Pretty sure he was referring to people in the black caucus knowing people in the media who cover the black caucus. How is that racist?

Russian trolls, pls go.


Why does that matter?

what's funny is she probably does know them and could set up the meeting if she wanted too

Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

Apparently he tried to reach out to them and they said they want to meet up but then fell quiet probably because dems told them to stay away from Trump. The lady reporter asked about it and he was basically like "I donno what's going on maybe you could try to find out". Since it's an important issue for this woman and she "knows some of them" she could help with setting it up.

Fair enough. Thanks for clarifying. I didn't see anything wrong with Trumps exchange with that reporter.

I have the ingredients, WHAT NOW?!!

All the black democrats lawmakers boycotted his inauguration!

False, there were black lawmakers on stage at the inauguration.

>at this point.
have you been in a cave the last two decades?

>where have you been?
Being a child, probably.

I actually want to know what it's like to buy into everything CNN and shit says. Like is not depressing? In your world the world most just constantly be on fire. Seriously how do liberals live thinking Trump is the end of the world, That white men are literally raping girls on the daily and that police are shooting poor black folk who didn't do nuffin. You are flat out retarded dude. And I'm genuinely curious what it's like to be that gone. People like you seem to be everywhere but I never actually meet you guys. Idk, It's weird. Keep shilling though bro. The more insane you people are the more likely 8 years of Trump becomes. Love u xx

i hope he gets impeached

At least CNN lies less than Trump.

For what? Why would a Republican congress impeach him regardless?

your retardation is showing

Kek, sorry
Full recipe medium.com/@justaride/why-liberals-are-wrong-about-trump-c865b12c72a7#.b6fo9ofs0

> Sup Forums, the president
>Social justice crapper shows up to whine

back to your far left safe space, newfriend

>For what? Why would a Republican congress impeach him regardless?
Maybe they like the sound of President Pence.

not op, but i saw the news conference and that is what he asked...

>white men are literally raping girls on the daily and that police are shooting poor black folk who didn't do nuffin.

Both of these things are very true, unless you haven't been paying attention.


that fuckin face when you put all this thought into this post to realize that you're a fucking idiot for even posting here...

it feels okay, my main sources is bloomberg and daily mail- which is shit, i admit- and i do enjoy my occaustional anderson cooper 360.
If you have to put words to it, it feels like a 25 years old young adult who is debating should he get a master degree, graduated college 4 years ago and currently works for a bank.

Basically not a blue collar worker.



>implying blacks don't hang out with blacks more than they do white
Truth hurts

I always thought this was racist as fuck and I'm a white irish guy with a beard.

Yeah, I'm sure the poor stupid blacks can't decide their own political affiliations, you dumbshit.

A prime example of hyperbole to make him look bad no matter what he does. The man shows a genuine interest to fix the problems blacks face, and the first thing you can think of is calling him a racist. Fucking liberals today.

What has the "black community" ever done to earn anything but our contempt? As a culture they deserve far more ridicule than anything Trump has done so far.


I'm guessing you aren't going to Harvard for that masters degree.

Haha I love this guy. The reason the left hates him is because they cant bully him like most ducks out there. He schooled them hard today.

They invented jazz, rap, and rock and roll, for starters.

No, but we shouldn't begin negotiations by asking some random black reporter to set up a meeting with black lawmakers because she's black. You fucking moron.

lol seriously? He responds to bullying worse than any president before him.

Gonna have to hope a long time fan.

she asked a question about them so he assumed she might be connected to them nowt to do with race.

This is all the neo Marxists have at this point.

Good, he doesn't care and that's why he will be successful. He's not trying to win a second term.

What have they done lately though?

>any president
I don't think you know that.

Jazz and Rap suck. 1/3.

>lol seriously? He responds to bullying worse than any president before him.

Worse? He takes shit from no man. He's the alpha of alpha males, and it makes cucks like you uncomfortable. You want your president to speak softly with no firm positions and constantly apologize. What's it like being a faggot?

I wish I knew history, that way I know when it'll repeat itself

he makes a valid point though.

all black people say they are what nots and who dos. when they speak about black people they are inevitably referring to all black people. so in doing so. they should shut the fuck up.

dream on libcuck he's playing you all like a violin, it is great to watch

It's like when he was called out for his "awkward" handshake with the Japanese PM. Trump wasn't letting go as a power move to assert dominance, which is something this nutless crybaby generation wouldn't understand.


trump will shut down them all
no more mexican food in america

I want my president to be diplomatic. That's the difference between you and me. I understand that a position of power must be handled with a certain degree of tact and self control, of which he has none.

I know you think it's awesome. I know he was elected because about 40% of voters believes "kicking ass and taking names" will MAGA. But if you've ever studied history, you would know that this is not oly delusional, it's downright dangerous.

You're riding high now, because you believe you've won. Enjoy it while you believe it lasts.

Not even trump is stupid enough to say something like that and I hate trump

Oh cool more fake news.

The world needs more danger. There are too many people and some lines need major redrawing. The wheels are being greased as we speak.

>getting your news from Sup Forums

Actually, it makes perfect sense and the niggers are parodies

Cuck detected.

>trusting NPR
why don't you just read the Daily Worker

>is he is
or is he aint

When they're purposefully kept stupid and reliant by the party they chose? Word.