ITT: movies that only work the first time

ITT: movies that only work the first time

The White Bear episode of Black Mirror

Yeah it's not a movie. So what? What are you gonna do? Report me?


Any twist reliant movie worth its salt should work twice. The second time being catching the small tells and giveaways that the twist is coming.

Unbreakable > The Visit > Sixth Sense > Signs = The Village > The Happening

Still have a few left to see, but I always felt he's been treated unfairly by audiences and critics.


>how to catch a plebittor

Why don't you have a seat right over there.

Dear god I hope not. I only saw it once and loved it, but not for its twist.

the visit was garbage

good argument

Yeah because you realise the film is shit after you watch it the first time

Every actor in this film does such a poor job it's like none of them cared about this shitty movie. I've only seen Freeman phone it in worse than this once

You're joking right? Were you watching it on your laptop while shitposting in another tab? Both the leads give very good subtle performances.

>plotholes everywhere
>"well, you know uhm....uhm ghosts just see what they want to see lol xD"
Why did this movie get so much praise again?

Memento. plebs will disagree.

poo in loo

I always find it dumb when people nitpick supposed logic errors and think it factors into the film being well-made as a whole in a dramatic and cinematic way.

That's not even what a plot hole is, anyway, because it still makes sense (although you could definitely call it lazy).

>subtle performances
You've never seen a subtle performance in your life. Freeman plays the same stock character he plays in nearly every film and Pitt's acting is poor. The character he is playing is far from subtle, in fact he's a very in your face aggressive jock type

I said subtle performances, not characters. While Pitt is a jock type initially he goes through small changes throughout the film thanks to what he encounters on the case and It's done very well. freemans character too has some really nice depth although I will admit a lot of it is cut in the theatrical version of the movie.

This is true. The characters almost feel like archetypes from the thrillers of the 40s and 50s (not a bad thing) and the actors do a good job with what they're given.

real life
