No thanks, I don't like drinking

>No thanks, I don't like drinking

How do you trigger a normie in your cuntry?

by inhaling oxygen

>tipping? no i already paid for the meal, i won't pay further

Fucking piece of shit cheap bastards deserve death. Stay out of my fucking country if you don't tip at least 18%

>ifunny watermark
end it redditard

>you have to pay a price that's not even written anywhere

Say any coherent sentence.

>leafs are so autistic that they can only understand what's spelled out for them at a grade-school level
should i even be surprised

also i never respect any autority (like an autist) so normies of all ages hate me since kindergarten (when i first interacted with normies) for "not respecting the're bullshit rules" or something like this

they literally think im hitler or something

that is the shittiest comeback i've seen this month

I won't support a system that lets some Jew boss make more money by underpaying his employees and forcing the customers to pay them their wage

Why do Americans think people who bring two plates of food and a glass of water deserve a tip but not mailmen, doctors, or really any other profession that deals directly with people yet requires more efforts and training?

No thanks, I don't need a soda with that.

Your nation is an international joke.

waiters make way below minimum wage otherwise, you can think you're edgy all you want by not tipping them but in the end you're just starving them for no good reason. it's a shitty system but you're not gonna change it by not leaving a tip

>I don't really care for rugby or cricket, honestly

>I hate dogs
>I hate football
>Valdivia sucks

No thanks, I don't find the Superbowl all that entertaining.

>waiters make way below minimum wage otherwise
Yet you're getting angry at the customer keeping your job in the workplace as opposed to the owner who is underpaying you.
Have a think about that, user.

The employer is legally obligated to make up the difference for them to be making at least minimum wage if tips aren't enough.

Also why is that any of my concern? I'm not paying 15% more to some fucking faggot who NEVER does ANYTHING right.

In fact I even dine and dash occasionally.

Фигa ты бyнтapь

>I hate dogs
> i dont really like animals
> Gay rights? Why should i care? Im not gay
> Well if you think about it Trump has some valid points

Who are not a bumtar' those sucks dicks a lot of dicks of burjuis. Buntar' soul is freedom.

>Watches Chinese cartoons
>Wonders why everyone thinks he's a faggot

Gee what a mystery

A тo!

Yeah, okay, whatever
Should have faked emotions and become close with normans instead imo desu

You act like the average Russian refugee or weeb in America. Do you guys really see yourselves as bad ass loners for acting like toddlers?

im not a buntar' actually, im quite and humble

i used to bite normies in primary school tho :)
but they wanted to call the cops

>Hockey sucks
Only works on actual Canadians though.

i don't watch anime

well i did most of this shit when was a kid
no i preffer to not talk/interact with normies because its not interesting


Who do you prefer to talk to then

no body?

It should be 'quiet', sweetie. ; w;
>i used to bite normies in primary school tho
Wtf, why

But that's unhealthy

Humans are suppose to be social

dunno, i also bited our dog when was like 1yo

bite-off her nose.. (for stealing my toys)

doctors fixed it

No thanks. I don't smoke zamal.

It's just autists dude, there are plenty of them in every country


That will do it for sure OP. I'm fairly normie but this is one thing I never got. With some of these people you might just as well be a holocaust denier, they get so defensive and mad about you not drinking it's almost like they're insecure about the habit themselves. I don't drink because my parents were alcoholics who fought a lot and made very poor decisions. I think because of this I've never had the desire to take up drinking, but I'm not against others drinking.

My bro... Iktfb

But I am against other people drinking though.

Well, fuck that dog for stealing your toys then!
Aaaaa, бля, я нe хoчy быть гpaммapнaзи, нo этo мoжeт быть пoлeзным
Ecли гoвopят пpo дoмaшних живoтных, тo иcпoльзyют 'ит' в нeзaвиcимocти oт пoлa звepькa
Stop biting people, pls
Кycь тeбя зa yшкo :3

*drinks my own piss in front of you*

>hello, I vote FN and I prefer JMLP


vprochem ozhidalos' ot anime faga

>How do you trigger a normie in your cuntry?

"Quebec are our friends, we have a history of oppressing them"

A-are you suggesting that not everyone who lives in Canada or identifies a Canadian is in fact Canadian?

Cocи хyй, быдлo c тpaнcлитoм

>no true canadian

>I don't like drinking
unless that comes from the most ascetic of monks, I'll just saaume the guy is equating drinking to getting fucked up
This debate always ends up in circular reasoning. Waiters make below minimum wage >employers pay the difference > but then waiters have only minimum wage > but it's said nowhere you had to make more > yes but I got the job because they said tipping would make me lots of money

>I like Russians

I suppose this works in every Butthurt Belt country

unless you're hanging with them, I don't see how that situation could arise..

But it triggered my sister when she found out I've never been clubbing.

what the fuck people still do that?

dumb post, i misunderstood