Am I the only one feeling like Colbert and Stewart are just coming across as more and more resentful of the fact that...

Am I the only one feeling like Colbert and Stewart are just coming across as more and more resentful of the fact that the political landscape has changed around them, leaving them out of touch and bitter at the public for their being out of touch?

You are.

poor lebowitz

Jon doesn't realize muslims can't be rehabilitated like his farm animals.

Bush era John Stewart would never have ranted at half the country. He would rant against media pundits and politicians who he thought deserved it, sure, but that's going after the powerful.

He's now just lashing out at those people with less of a voice and less power than him because they're supporting someone he doesn't like.

david letterman became a pirate. jon stewart became a just.

>but that's going after the powerful.

The Obama years have made it pretty clear it was never about going after the powerful so much as going after the people on the other side of the fence. They're just rebels for the status quo now

If Bush era Stewart had appeared on Colbert's show he wouldn't have said anything that makes a headline, so we get Current Year Stewart

>Hey Trump Supporters, fuck you! We need to kill these racist assholes.

I'm getting real sick and tired of this fucking bullshit.
Sure make fun of Trump, say whatever the fuck you want about him. But all of the faggots are attacking his family and his supporters and it's fucking pathetic.
These fucks aren't the slightest professional and should be removed from television.
You assholes did this to yourselves with your golden negro Obama.
You all kissed his ass and shit all over his detractors while he continues to fuck this country up the ass.
I sincerely hope a civil war breaks out so I can start splitting your faggot wigs with immunity.

>But all of the faggots are attacking his family
you mean like he's doing? yeah, how dare those awful libruls say meanie things about people who are literally saying innocents should be killed
>golden negro Obama
>how dare people say I'm racist!

Are any of these liberal shows funny?

In Britain we have mock the week and it's just cringe

Which "innocents"? The thugs who keep trying to attack cops and get shot for it, the poor oppressed muslims who keep shooting up malls and theaters?

>MFW going to Sup Forums on the archive for the 2008/2012 Election
>Mfw the butthurt
>Mfw its gonna repeat


Feels good mang

His comment seems to say "you don't own America, we do"


Kys, libtard.

>another namefag retard

Kill yourself you piece of shit

Is there any Talkshow host in America that doesn't shit on Trump for more Views?

>He's now just lashing out at those people with less of a voice and less power than him because they're supporting someone he doesn't like.
Welcome to the far Left of politics, user. They're as bad as the far Right but with media support and cognitive dissonance

Nope, they're all satanic cocksuckers.

no he isn't

Is there any radiohost in America that doesn't shit on Clinton for more listens?

great knowing that no matter what, either Trump or Clinton will win and either way the butthurt and drama will be so great, so massive. year of the popcorn. get ready for one hell of a ride boys

>it's another libtard tucks tail and runs away episode

they've become a propaganda arm of the democratic party.

Bashing people right of center is just low hanging fruit comedians go for so they don't actually have to do any work to be funny.

He's a neet from Sup Forums who has been here since 2006. Dont pay him any attention.

You mean the oppressed minorities who are killed by pigs for no reason.

The big Colorado cinema murder was done by a white American.
So was sandy hook.
And the Church in Charleston.

Why am I not surprised murrifat conservatards are still up this late complaining about the joos and librrls

I guess he forgot to wear his Hillary shirt during this rant.

Tbh, the world would be a much better place without liberals. If their rein goes on, they will destroy us all. They've already doomed Europe, that place will never be the same. Europe will be mostly Islamic, with a terrible economy, in half a century.

Yeah you're right, let's just get rid of all of the police.
Then I can march into your gated community, rape your wife and daughter and set fire to you and your house.

sick burn

>You will live to see European Green parties debate whether throwing gays off buildings or hanging them from cranes is what Muhammed (PBUH) would have really wanted

Reminder that cops kill more whites then blacks.

Shouldn't you be cheering on Ahmed as he rapes another 8 year old eurocuck?

Should you be looking for a job instead of wasting your 20's every night shitposting until daybreak?

>be against nafta and the outsourcing of jobs
>suddenly racist

the globalists are really fucking up

the rust belt and coal country are not having it

>More blacks die per year at the hands of other blacks rather than at the hands of police and whites combined

good one bro

same demographic that btfo them in brexit is going to do it in america

Semen slurping sycophant faggot detected

What's it like being born with no balls?
Fucking queer.


>not wanting your overpaid job to go to Chang in China for $0.25 an hour

Getting sick of all these Sup Forumsacks on Sup Forums 3bh

what are you on about

Jobs are rayciss libshit.
I can literally do whatever the fuck I want.
Feels good to be free. Something your shithole of a country will never understand.
Don't stay up too late. You have to make it to the soup line in time for your daily rations as you rejoin the proletariat.
Stupid commie fuckface.

>You assholes did this to yourselves with your golden negro Obama.

Actually Trump is the culmination of the Tea Party taking over the Republicans

Here's your (You) lad, don't spend it all at once

shut the fuck up
I didn't say you could reply to me

this is fun

but why not

>Oh no, our base is leaving us because we've turned our backs on them and kept calling them evil, dumb bigots for not voting for us!
>How do we fix this?

Thank you liberals for handing the election over to the God Emperor.

Dude lets give the launch codes to a reality TV game show host with no policy what's the worst that could happen lmao

What... is he growing a rabbi beard now?

really makes me think

You know a decision like that has to go through congress, right?

Dude lets give the launch codes to a criminal gangster who answers to Saudi Arabia lmao

Dude lets give the launch codes to a criminal with a failed policy that destabilized the east and can barely even fucking walk lmao

>People under 25 trying to talk politics

I think it's more of a "just fuck my shit up" beard.

They doing better riding trucks and shit.

I agree, Bernie supporters are embarrassing

Can we just admit that both left and right wingers do absolutely nothing to resolve the situation, but just relentlessly bicker back and forth with each other instead of finding a solution to fix the problem?

What happened to this guy anyway?

He probably thinks he's Santa for the employmentally challenged.

that is the history of politics tho

You're just tuning in to this?

Why do homosexuals sit like girls?

lol no it doesn't.

Command structure is set up to be able to respond to potential threats within MINUTES.

It only takes ~30 minutes for ICBMs launched from Russia to hit America. That's the window in which the decision to retaliate must be considered in. They don't summon congressmen to have them debate a response.

I'm still for Trump and everything, but Mike Pence is such a shit VP choice, he really should have picked Jim Webb or someone more moderate and less of a corporate cocksucking evangelical.

wtf, I hate politics now

>Then I can march into your gated community, rape your wife and daughter and set fire to you and your house.


You think the police would save you from an attack? If someone broke into your home, they show up an hour later to tell you how fucked you are.

I've tried to explain this a million times but they're convinced that the president has a big red button on his desk and all he has to do is push it.

That is why the 2nd Amendment is important.

Webb's a democrat, you dip. Is this your first election?

VPs are irrelevant for the most part anyway.

This, it's fucking insane
>what, you don't like having your jobs outsourced to foreign countries
>you fucking bigot

I just turned 25 :^)

That's the whole point of the law, dude. It doesn't stop determined criminals from committing crimes, it provides a very serious deterrent to those pondering committing crimes because it promises to punish them after the fact.

Hilary's a crooked she-devil but trump isn't even a politician. The rest of the world is laughing at us.

Debatable, Palin sunk McCain and Biden saved Obama, Trump was just playing it safe

Clinton is gonna fuck America's shit up so hard

Why is being a politician considered a plus?

The moment he picked Pence was the moment I was certain he's just memeing the whole election.

But that's a retaliatory strike where the decision has already been made by the attacker, not a first strike. It's not like you just flip open a secret door in the desk and smash the "FUCK THAT OTHER COUNTRY" button.

Because they all know that the best way to control the sheep is to keep them in a constant state of crisis.

ooooo they're laughing at us from their nightmare vision cuck continent, what ever shall i do.


Trump needed an insider who wouldn't overshadow or undermine him.

Pence is a well-spoken establishment link, which is valuable counter to Trump's outsider brashness. It's a good balance.

>wah why didn't he pick muh meme pick like christie

So you decide to put up with it and fall into the social convention of "picking a side"? If politics and the people who are in it don't change, then nothing will ever change.

The rest of the world is being spit-roasted by Ali and Hajji.

The two party system doesn't work, it's the most divisive thing in western politics. England is hardly better because it's still basically liberals vs conservatives.

Centrists aren't that much better either. People are people, we're all just idiots of one variety or another, and those who should know better (are in the public sphere and have influence) generally egg this shit on instead of trying to defuse it and foster responsible discussion.

You don't change someones mind by insulting them. It just doesn't happen. Belittle their idols, point out their flaws and faults, but don't insult the little people.

This whole issue really saddens me. I'm not sure if there are many responsible people with power and influence in the media any more, let alone in politics. I also don't understand how ultra politically correct progressivism allows such horrible shaming and insulting tactics. It doesn't make sense to me.

Hillary's a politician and her record has been horrifying and criminal.

How is that a plus?

Hey I'm voting for Johnson. At least a vote for him is better than a vote for no one.

>America allowed a meme candidate to get this far.

That's fine. Johnson is Democrat-lite and a complete failure of a Libertarian.

>nothing will ever change.

Welcome to reality, youngling.

>meme candidate
>not the guy who's offering free college for everyone

Doesn't Gary Johnson support the TPP? I seriously don't get what people see in that corporate shill.

No, son. This is a meme candidate.

It's the country's mentality to ignore and disregard bigots.