Trump non-believers Im ignorant and want to know exactly how you think we'd be better off with Hillary as president Why...

Trump non-believers Im ignorant and want to know exactly how you think we'd be better off with Hillary as president Why Hillary? Because she was the only candidate left in the run going against him so pls enlighten me

>I'm ignorant

You don't say.

>Because she was the only candidate left in the run going against him

There is your answer

Just forget about this crap and enjoy the ride. After 4 years we will be butthurt and divide once more and this will be brought up everyday. The Trump this and that should settle down in about 3 months or in half a year.

That doesnt answer shit

>You don't say

Why dont you answer my question faggot

Atleast we can understand them.
They're only trying to get Hillary supporters to explain their position so he can understand it better, and thus, debate better.

If I remember correctly, somewhere between 70-80% of the country was dissatisfied with both candidates. It was really which bowl of shit smelled the least bad, and apparently more people in states that mattered thought that Trump was the more pleasant smelling bowl.

And you think Hillary would do better??

What's her name again?

I didn't vote for Hillary personally, but I was in that 70 to 80%

He's only explaining the position of the majority of the voters from the USA. He gave no opinion, only an analogy to help people understand.

Stop. Enough. No more.

I like Trump but all these political posts and threads are tiring. You'll never convince anyone to change their opinion.

They can't, they can only project anger.

I agree, it would be better if they could move to Sup Forums

Hillary Clinton was a bad presidential candidate in the confines of normal politics, like Ross "Can I Finish?" Perot, Mitt Romney, Barry Goldwater, George Wallace and Hubert Humphrey. But she was a fucking wayyyyy better choice for president than the shitgibbon in the White House right now.

Only time will tell

The election is over. Let this old bitch die in peace. Anyone still measuring Trump against her is either a dumbass or a shill. Decide whether or not you approve of him based on what he does now, not based on how much of an evil cunt she is

The implication is that anyone would have been a better choice.

>Because she was the only candidate left in the run going against him

there you go, answered it yourself.

Its not the idea that she was great.... its the simple fact that she's not as bad.

sort of like the choice of a shit sandwitch (clinton) or just a plate with a shit on it. (trump).



at least he knows the difference between ignorant and stupid.