Have you ever locked yourself out of the house naked?

Have you ever locked yourself out of the house naked?

I've never been naked outside of my home

You should have made it something like "have you been naked and embarrassed in public?"

Nobody is stupid enuff to lock himself out.

Anyway, I haven't, but once the maid walked on me.

I've risked it.

Horrible idea.

I'm on 700 acres.
I don't lock my house, I do go outside naked frequently though

what happen

The only place I can see this happening is in a hotel.

>Dat ass


>go outside, close eyes, throw keys
>go back inside, strip, lock the door
>step outside and close it behind you
Have fun, user.

I've never been outside my house.

I had come back from living abroad to my parents house. They left for work and I slept naked because it was hot. I woke up and opened the closet and she came in with a broom.

I don't have a home

get to the fucking part

implying I'm social enough to go outside

There wasn't any, sadly.

having sex is a normie meme, user

You have not lived

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

What is this sex thing I keep hearing aboot?

Locked the wife outside naked.

If you lock your dog and your wife outside, who do you let in?

The dog, because once he's in, he'll shut up.

Don't it cripples a wizard and you lose your powers. Even the dice rolls will be automatic fails.

got some pics? (of your farm)

I'm a kobold. One of the small ones.

A few times in uni

thats fuckin sexist man
not cool

Not if you're otherkin.


I hate that moment, when you're naked and you`re spaghetti falls out of you`re pockets as well

Uh, excuse me. Did you just assume gender?

No, just using grammar.
