Take a moment away from calling each other faggots and tearing down arguments only to start another to recognize one...

Take a moment away from calling each other faggots and tearing down arguments only to start another to recognize one another as Sup Forumsrothers and share a moment of peace. This is the thread for that.

Fuk u


go fuck yourself faggot


good try friend

I'm actually a demon that sustains itself on pure hate alone. You fell right into my trap.


cool thread op

That really bothers me grammatically. There should either be an s after fear or no s after respect. I can't take it.


I like peace.

Is there a story to this or is it just pictorial gibberish?

there should be an e after the n

As do I, friend. What are you doing on an insignificant night such as this one?

no one wants you here, faggot. get out.

I noticed that afterwards as well. Good catch.

Tell me how you really feel, friendo

I feel great, now that i've vented my vitriol. you?

if you're reading this, i want you to tell yourself one thing you love about yourself and one thing you don't like about yourself, and one thing you can do to change the thing you don't like.

post them.


It is amazing what Sup Forums can do when it decides it wants to.

I want to post cutting memes, who's down?

Better now that I looked up the definition of vitriol. Mostly drunk though.

OP here. Post what you want. Nobody is going to stop you. I'm down for a laugh.

I can't find any of my cutting memes would somebody mind posting theirs?

nothing wrong with that. so long as we all have something to kep us company, right?



I love you too user. Thank you.

You're welcome. I hope everything works out for you. Whatever that may be.

Right you are.

What peace? There is no peace. C'mon user, you can't possibly sit here and act like this place has some kind of comradery.

Anyone who has spent more than a month here can realize that this place, this board in particular, is poisonous to a person. Ever notice how the most obvious truths are always met with blatant disregard and shitposting? Nobody here wants to come to any kind of realization. They just want their shitposts and chances at fleeting victory by getting the last word in an argument and hallow sense of belonging to something more, anything to drive away the demons that remind them they are utterly alone and completely on their own.

Everyone is here completely for simple, selfish reasons, from shitposting to simple trolling to complicated baiting just to bring about the illusion that you've made someone react the way you wanted just to reaffirm your own corrupted and bitter preconceptions about everything around you. It's been that way since this board became known for pulling shit for fun, it's been that way since people suddenly thought 'gee, I myself want a place where I can be the asshole I always wanted to be and get away with it!' and it will stay that way because this ground will never be reclaimed back to the way it was, when you could be yourself or say what you really wanted to say honestly without it being considered a bullshit attempt at garnering attention.

and yet we can all agree that you're a faggot

I smell a fresh copypasta. You're doing God's work user.

I like my ability to use cold reason to navigate intellectual problems. I don't like that this makes me an impersonal, calculating robot around other people. I improve by watching other people and experimenting in social situations to learn how to fit in among other people.

You fit in fine. Despite what society tells you, they're all a bunch of weirdos.

Oh dont get me wrong. Im not depressed or lonely or some stupid shit like that. Ive made huge improvements since adulthood, it's just annoying having to study basic social principles that everyone else seems to have naturally.

Damn straight everyone is weird. Normal is not the norm.

Night lads


Aye loev you gais

I love that I am able to face my fear of people and either deal with my emotions very rapidly, or suppress them very effectively--however I get rid of them, they don't seem to return stronger, and getting rid of them does seem to make me a more effective person. I'll feel pangs of dread at this condition, infrequently: feelings of being very alone and very wrong and broken, the sense of a backlog of things I need to process, the most pressing thing always being my inability to process anything. I'll cry at my inability to cry, and never get to crying at anything else.

I don't like how important it is to me to be special. I don't want that to motivate how I behave, what I pursue, or what I believe.

Am I holding onto my way of dealing with emotion because I think it is the right thing to do, or because I think it makes me special? That's the basic struggle I have in a lot of arenas of my life. On one level I want to do what's right, on another, whatever makes me feel good. And the part of me that wants to feel good will convince me that certain things are right, just so I do them and it gets its way.

I love the person in me and hate the animal, and I can't tell if that makes me self-hating or self-loving.

How tranquil. That was nice. Thanks, OP.

Yo people are animals too