I been drinking for a steady... 9 hours. not shitfaced but well round under the legs. drive home or no...

i been drinking for a steady... 9 hours. not shitfaced but well round under the legs. drive home or no? have more more before driving even? what the general consensus?

you to drink more before you drive to sober yourself

i wouldn't take advice from a drunkard, would you?

get a taxi, u bum!
>t. 3 years sober guy

don't be dumb and kill someone. killing yourself is fine but not other people

Get a taxi or friend to drive you home, killing someone cause you drove home drunk is not cool!
That could be me you hit into!

a dui arrest can cost $10,000

don't drive

try to live by this, ill just nappy in the car. (and gas realy slowly home) :x sssh

no fuck it, ill walk really. thx b.

How far? What's the population density of the area and how shady are the areas you'll have to drive through to get home?

Just GTA it driving down the sidewalk hitting as many people as possible. If you get on the national news you'll live forever.

its in the thick of. 2 miles or so home. walkking alreay tho, so its good. goosd shit b tho! for once.

Do it OP!
Extra bonus points for hitting this guy!

and that's the best case scenario, when no injuries involved. Lawyer fee, fines, impound fee, court monitoring fee, court issued alcohol awareness classes, drivers license suspension. All these things suck.

Yea it would be fine if you were just gunna die but you might kill someone else so don't.

ANd people say B is cancer?!?! You reminded me of murder and DUIs. little angels.

should be fine if theres not a lot of people/cars around

lol, just thought if i dropped the do goodie shit act, walked back to car, odds ill get fucked driving home? karma?

no double vison, fucked reflexes tho for sure.

im pretty fucked came to think of it. fuck it, ill drive like 10m/ph. update along the way

hypotheticly best of getting out of a ditch?


>i been drinking for a steady... 9 hours
>drive home or no?


Just run home

like sonic