What is your biggest current problem user? Are you hopeless?

What is your biggest current problem user? Are you hopeless?

my biggest problem is OP making shit threads

i'm out of mtn dew and chicken tendies

borderline alcoholic without self cofidence.

not hopeless yet, but probably soon

My biggest problem is that every time I go on a first date I have to make a move as in try to kiss her. And it hasn't worked for a while and I think I scare them off.

Yesterday I went out with the most beautiful girl in the world. And we got kind of drunk and I tried to kiss her but she turned away. I told her that I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world (and I wasn't lying) and she just giggled and I held her hands and told her I was serious and that I wanted to see her again and she said maybe.

God damn I don't know why I always come too strong with this shit. I think it's just my personality that I have to let a girl know I'm into her.


The mtn dew part is a catastrophe

In need of a job.

Trying to make money selling shit on Amazon.

>Am I hopeless.
No just impatient AF

Financing this stripper to come stay with me, recently broke up with my last gf n met this smokin hot bitch online.
>confirmed via FaceTime is not fatneckbeard
She's cool n in school for psychology but she wants to come stay with me.
>I'm in Colorado and she's in illinois. Supposedly would only cost around a hundred bucks but I got a gut feeling something seems off about the whole thing.
>tldr stripper wants my nuts n I'm too sceptical to fly her out

then i bet ur problem is income tax

45 years old still shitposting on /b

Did you run out of GB points? Tell that bitch mom what's what by shitting yourself at dinner n that should get you enough points for Dew n tendies

Needs to get laid by a crazy girl, I heard they are the best in bed.

Fuck that, you dont have to pay taxes if you own your own business. Shits just moving slower than Id like, but I just gotta give it time.

Too much effort man, tell her you're serious but then don't do anything. That'll usually win em over

My girlfriend killed herself but it's not setting in just yet

Nice dubz

Ulcerative Culitis is being a bitch for the past 6 months. I hardly eat because I'll have to shit, I hardly sleep because I have to shit, when I shit it hurts. No energy because of lack of sleep and food. Can't travel because I have to be near a toilet at all times just to feel safe.
Had to temporarily quit my study because of it, can't find a proper job because of it, neglecting my friends because of it.
Soon I'm meeting with a surgeon to remove the colon because all medication up until now failed.
Living day by day, waiting for the day to be over. Just to repeat this shit fest, literally.

What a hell having to shit and not being able to enjoy it.

you must be me

i need to get out of my job
i hate retail pharmacy

>you dont have to pay taxes if you own your own business
please elaborate

I have an irritable bowel, this is made a lot worse by anixity, im not a social autist or anything as its my job to talk to people. The fear of not being able to use the toilet to throw a turd makes me mad fucking anxious, thus in turn making my ibs worse, making my anixity worse...its just a vicious cycle...ammi fuckrd? I realise its just a head game

Don't have to pay? What? Yeah of you want irs in your pocket book for rest of your life

Im getting old. Im 29 and starting to get wrinkles. I know its vain but it still sucks


As a business owner youre in a different tax category. Read this book, then a bunch more business books and study accounting if you really wanna learn...

At least you got to 45 yo. I'm 31 almost 32 and I highly doubt I'll make it to 33.

Too much bad luck, mistakes (I'm shit), negative environment/country.

I seem to have a fear of intimacy.

Dunno how to feel.

I'm just fat, man. Like, sure there are other problems like loans, relationships, and all the shit everyone faces but fuck me am I a fat fuck.

Used to be fit, it sort of just rolled downhill, too much comfort food, and I guess I would probably say I have a heavy food addiction.

>go to a gym
Yeah, I would, I just don't have that confidence for it, like I feel like I would draw too much attention to myself.

You can work out at home, get some dumbbelss and do pull-ups.

As time goes by I wonder about a girl.
We are getting closer again...

I guess my only problem is waiting.

Compared to being urethrally sounded as a child against my will by my own mother as an infant.....
Not bad.

just why?

and im not asking about the girl

No ones looking at the fat unnatractive guy at the gym..trust me, no one. Theyre looking at the hot girl squatting or the buff guy wishing they were him. Lower that ego. If anyone does look at you they think, good hes in a gym, hes doing somthing about it.

These threads are depressing. Most of you guys are nice, you were worthy enough to be active in life to be exposed to problems as taxes or loans. I'm so pathetic I don't have such problems because I basically have nothing and achieved nothing (and it's too late for me).

Yeah, it's my fault, I'm shit, yeah, yeah... Wish i could make you understand it wasn't entirely my fault, but you know what, at least death will be my friend.

You'd have to ask her.

>Answering to both. God knows I have no answers about women.

we are fucked

+ Mental illness.
I'm trying.
You aren't.

Addicted to opiates. I spent about $80 a week on heroin. Thank god i deliver pizza so i get cash from tips every night

When I sneeze I piss my pants.

dead end job unrelated to my degree.

i'm lucky to live in the most nationalist country in Europe though so at least it'll be delayed here a couple of years

>no gf

A day*

You're probably American... In America you can always try.

I guess it depends on your age. The world doesn't seem to settle in until you are about 30 with hopefully a good enough job to afford your own living space and without any school debt.

I mean back when people would just be able to start their life at 18 was that tale of people getting into very serious relationships at a young age.

Me? I sort of hate it. Been with a girl for 4 years, and I mean I love her and all that, but there isn't the sort of stories I'm going to have about traveling somewhere and just being sort of free and not bound to someone else.

It's gotten to the point where I could be out enjoying myself, and be massively flirted on by a cute chick and immediately feel guilty to go further because of my care for my girlfriend.

I'm going to wait like 4 days to apporach her again and maybe ask for a second date.

We did have a great time and god damn we had so much in common. 3 hours went by like water and I'm ready for a committed relationship.

That's actually how I got the first date. In Valentine's I told her I was serious on going out with her because I've been trying casually to get a date.

I'm choosing to be something.
I hear voices and Everytime I hear a child cry I think of things I will tell no one and take to my grave.
I can, so I do.

I'm slowly dying, I'm happy for each day I get to wake up... Shit sucks though.

oh man, really sorry to hear that.
care to elaborate on your condition?


I have been pushing to do more workouts at home, I feel like the progress has not been really made just by my heavy food addiction. It's that lack of willpower, the urges to eat, and that same lack of willpower that makes me not want to progress. I was diagnosed with chronic depression and told to stay on a high dosage antidepressant a few years back. I mean they say that it's suppose to help with willpower and energy to do work, but fuck me if it doesn't help but instead just block shit out of my head.

I think that's your best bet, I'd recommend perhaps being a little bit more casual about the whole thing tho. It's easy to be eager for a good relationship but if you put too much pressure on her or any aspect it can scare her off. When you approach her so so with an open mindset with out setting what your expectations are or what your intentions are. You can still give off the wrong impression without saying anything so just play it cool n try to have a good time with her n leave it at that

>retail pharmacy
Let's talk areas that are ripe for automation - you'll be leaving one way or another in the next 5-10 years, max.

I'm just not getting sick dubs is all....Lung cancer actually. Been struggling with chemo for about yr and a half now. I was suppose to be dead by the age of 29, I been dragging along enough, that if all goes well, I will see my 30th bday in a few weeks.

I also have chronic depression (since 2003 but I think it has always been there) and I've been told here that I should have taken meds to heal me but I guess not everyone can be healed. So maybe not taking them wasn't so bad.

I'm about to kill myself soon but for some reason I found courage to start working out (started last june). It doesn't make sense but I do it, I guess it's false hope...

With this I'm just wishing you good luck and you find your motivation as well.

I was a fucking dumbass little bitch boy and I let my decent car die.

Then my milquetoast of a dad got me to buy his friends car and the thing sounds and smells like a piece of shit

I used work in a restaurant preparing meals for hundreds of people a day and my mom said I need to get a real job and make a contribution to society

now I am a professional butt wiper and I change diapers and watch TV with retards who don't have the presence of mind to grasp their own mortality and my mother thinks this is somehow more important.

I haven't gotten laid in 2 years

I want to try working for Uber but I'M TOO MUCH OF A FUCKING LITTLE BITCH to get a loan for a newer car

thanks for listening

Poland, just please don't tell the sandniggers

sorry dude, you probably deserve life more than some of us...

i don't even know what to say; whoever you are and wherever you are, just know that there's an user out there (me) that wants you to stay strong

I am addicted to porn and I am getting married soon. I really need to stop - I can't set up a new life with this overhanging addiction. Just good to get it out there.

I used to be a regular gym goer, and the only thing I'd think when I saw fat people was 'cool, at least they're trying'

It's not like an ego complex, or at least I don't think it is. It's just that lack of inner confidence and lack of willpower to proceed. I sort of hoped to just save up money and get a personal trainer to just push me over the hurdles and force me to do better.

Plus fuck me, I don't want to be one of those like snapchat pictures of some fat guy overexerting himself at the gym and some white girls laughing about it. Like that sort of media bashing shit is everywhere, and hell I laugh at it all the time but would know if I was in that position it would hit me like a ton of bricks mentally.

They don't exactly look downtrodden

Keep strong dude - every morning say FUCK YOU to depression and know that it will never defeat you. You're stronger than you know and you will beat the fuck out of it.

Don't need to be sorry. First it's scary, you slowly start to accept it. A lot of ppl find god amd that helps a lot with accepting your fate. I didn't find god, I did accept that I was gonna die.

Now instead of fearing death, I'm thinking of fucked up shit to do. Kinda want to get a bunch of helium ballons, dress up like superman and go up into the sky a couple thousand feet, jump from it and plummet back down to earth.

Do it in like new york, so better chances of landing in front of ppl.

23 year old kissed virgin NEET, More than anything just want a girlfriend (one that I could fuck preferably) then get a job.

ahaha you crazy fuck, that would be amazing

Thank you, I really appreciate your words, and I'm not saying this just to be polite.

I hope you're joking, I don't know what to think anymore. Anyway, I hope you get what you want just in case your story is true. Stay strong until your last seconds.

Was at my best early last year. Came back and
went downhill in August. And I have been on edge ver since. I go back to uni on Monday. And it's currently worse than it was when I was at uni last year. Trying to not think about it, because I can't let it interfere with my studies.
The usual overthinking
>can't even go into a public place without feeling constant dread. Especially having to order lunch
>reduced to eating my lunch in the car park/delivery area at work

Reverse that order and you should succeed, bro.

Keep going, man,
Drunk as shit. Got an awesome gf, good job doing what I love (I edit movie trailers!) and generally enjoy life but get down on myself pretty often. I cant even imagine what you've gone through / going through, but stay strong. I really, really hope for the best for you, user.
You're inspiring, to say the least.

I agree.

I made the mistake of not starting by my studies and work and now I just realized my problem wasn't my face but my mind.

Hope the other user rectify in time, he's younger than me a lot.

I'm a drug addict and an alcoholic, zero friends and no social life. Completely unsuccessful at everything. No will to live.

Ppl always think about how they want to die. Yeah its nice to think about dying, being surrounded by ppl that care for you when it happens. When you're finally on that clock, know that soon it will happen....that idea of dying with my family and friends around me is slowly going. I rather go in a way that made ppl talk about it.

At least I get a lot of dank weed from all this.

Gotta start somewhere, man.
You may never do anything great, but at least do something.

Thanks fellow anons, I'll keep trying.

I understand that the message being spread is
> I go to gym, I see fat guys, and man are they doing their best, godspeed fat fucker

But it doesn't change the impression I feel from just the strangers of idling eyes. It's almost like paranoia. I feel uncomfortable being fat in like everyday situations that I just force myself to subject to.

>Sit down in public area, feel fat and uncomfortable
>walk a long stretch of a populated hall or street with no one, feel fat, awkward, and uncomfortable
>wearing clothing in a public area, feel fat and uncomfortable, like I'm some sort of gelatinous molding blob that is sinking into the pockets of his own clothing.

I guess ultimately what I need is that idle distraction for myself while there or something that gives me the mentality of being comfortable like I am when I am alone. I would go work out with a friend or get a friend to help me but mostly I just have those friends you are connected to because of a mutual reason. Like work buddies or school buddies. Like everyone has their life and are living in it and fuck me if I want to interrupt that for the trivial reason of entertaining me while I squat like some sort of fat fucking king on a throne.

Try and socialize, be honest with yourself and keep going. Maintain your sense of self but be willing to adapt and accept criticism.

Don't blame it on the beer, bobby

Thanks for the advice.

First it's easy to stay strong. First you fight with every thing you got...over time though, it really begins to weigh heavy on you. The other week I decided to stop chemo therapy and just enjoy the time I have left.

suck it up and go, man.
Sure you might be noticed, but who cares?
people are there to do their own thing, not ogle you.
You have nothing to lose.
I always told my gf when we started to lift to love the suck.
It is going to suck, but you decide how long that suck lasts.

I'm trying to find a nice small apartment for myself in a run down area. Problem is nobody makes the small ones nice and they are all cheap, it's 'buy a mansion or we wont even bother to fit the carpets'.

You fool! You're not supposed to give a shit about them and show them who's boss and beat the fuck out of their pussy and you should be the guy that when your baby girl goes out to party she's partying with a playa... If you think you gonna find love homie ill fuck your girl at your house homie don't trust bitches

Wow I hope you'll be all good homie that's hell

no fucking doubt... i already feel like a robot.
this robot model will be based on me

Movie trailer guy:
if you're ready, then you're ready and I have nothing but respect for that.
That takes a lot of will. A lot of bravery.
Do what you feel is right, man.

Inspiring, nonetheless.
I asked my grandmother on her deathbed if she had a good life and she smiled and said: of course I did. And was so happy to be reminded of all that. that good thing that was now coming to a close.
user, I hope you have some good things to remember.
All the best.

Sounds vague, I know, but really appraise yourself.
Its only up from there.

>you dont have to pay taxes if you own your own business
if i had a $ every time i heard that phrase being said unironically i wouldn't have any money problems

Some people have a weird impression of the third world, like it's a small African tribe from the 80s with straw hut houses.

They have nice mobile phones, the same clothes (usually London style jackets), almost the same fast food, coffee shops, ice cream shops etc. It's not that they are extremely poor, it's the fact that bombs started falling from the sky.

Do some cocaine for a little and once you are a little addicted you never touch the drug again surround yourself with people who don't have it and then try working out again, I guess when you work out you'll have similar effect to cocaine and since you loved it you'll try working out more an if not.... Then you're just a fat fuck

go outside and start walking
no need for a gym

clearing your mind is a very important part of an exercise routine

walk walk walk

track your progress

after 2-3 months start jogging + walking

after a while you will be just jogging
(no need to speed run, just make sure only one foot is on the ground at a time)

work your way up to health

you're welcome

ps: dont eat pizza, burgers or drink beer (at least for a while)

I'm smart enough to and have the resources to be certified in a field I'm trying to follow, though I don't have the energy and or simply too lazy to re-study material so I can sit already payed for exams. :/

Lol I dunno if that's the best advice...
I'm on coke right now and am not addicted by any stretch but I think you mean seek out some kind of rush.
coke is fun af but I wouldn't go getting addicted to anything...

there is no such thing as addiction to porn

you are a man with testosterone

it's just your whoremones talking

sex is perfectly natural and normal

you will NOT stop watching porn after getting married

because its PERFECTLY NORMAL to do so

Men have been jerking to porn forever, check out the Venus Of Villendorf ... these guys made a doll to jerk off too

until your testosterone tapers down you will never feel relief from this, deal with it, live with it

embrace it

Just break up with her if you're still playing games with all that marriage crap she's your girlfriend right? Not your wife I mean unless you wanna have a family shit

I lived with my gf for years and never stopped watching porn
Its just a different experience

life is not a fairy tale

but these are good attempts at trying things

dont lose the confidence, bitches love that

they also love money and attention

basically dont stahp what you're doing, although take it easy on the "most beautiful girl" cheese stuff

physical health