Young women desire "bad boys". This is how it's been. This is how it will be. Get used to it

Young women desire "bad boys". This is how it's been. This is how it will be. Get used to it.

Many, perhaps even a majority of young women, crave mystique. They prefer the allure of danger, of the unexpected. They desire men who'll take them to places unexplored, both physically AND sexually (and perhaps also spiritually.)

Young women do not pine for a man who can not provide these thrills. "Stable," "caring" & "providing" are terms that simply do not stir their loins, to coin a phrase. Such men do not excite a young woman in a primal sense, as they do not possess the attributes needed to make a young woman feel like she's the centre of attention, the central character in a grand, sweeping epic of romance and mystery. Maintaining a budget and washing dishes after dinner are no substitute for a myriad of tattoos and a rap sheet as long as one's forearm.

These men are, in many if not a majority of cases, put "on reserve" for later, when a woman is ready to settle down, become "serious" and begin the process of having children.

This is why battered women deserve it.

Is fucking true


Are you a 5'7, skinny pale teenager who repeated the 7th grade? Did you carve "anarchist" on tables or your own body? You just seem like the type of 2edgy5me kind of guy. You know, the type who can't get laid.

OP here
You caught me. I gave up trying to get women long ago. I'm really into guys now. I prefer bottom.

shoo shoo fish

Not an argument

OP are you ok?

You make a lot of assumptions without any data to back it up, and you generalize based on those faulty assumptions. There's no argument to argue against.

Still not an argument

What do you consider an argument?

I'm always ok as long a I have an anus full of hot sticky man milk.

This, in turn, is not an argument.
Don't try to stir a discussion if you're not invested enough to actually contribute.

bait. she was attacked by another girl

yeah i realized this a long time ago - whether or not they deserve it is a matter of opinion, but if there is one thing that all women love, its abusive men
now, if i see a bitch gettin her ass beat, i mind my business - whight-knighting got a dude shot in a walmart parking lot in my town recently...
most of the time the bitch will side with the man beating her ass anyway...
i just view it as a bdsm relationship b/t 2 consenting adults

That's a good little cuck.

Thing is, I get it. I really do.

I got into chemistry when I was younger. I loved blowing shit up. I idiotically stole a jar of KNO3 from my school science lab and used it to make rocket fuel and black powder, little crackers that are illegal here.

A year or so later, I managed to purify a psychoactive molecule called DMT from local fauna, and burnt up my lungs smoking it.

Me and a group of friends used to talk about it, girls would get up, walk away from us thinking we were immature idiots. Because we were.

So I understand the thrill of the danger that comes from breaking societies rules. What I dont understand is why beta guys everywhere don't react by standing up, and walking away from women who consistently choose these men.

If anything the female version of acting out is even more pathetic; when I was a kid, we were actually doing something anarchic, we were really breaking a rule. Women that seek out these men aren't doing anything, they are just fucking the guy that is. It's like getting a thrill, when you were never in any real danger. Why do these chicks get such a free pass for this level of immaturity?

well whats the topic?
is it op's faggotry?
or is it the actual question put forth "do battered women deserve it?"

the answer is most times yea.

op is certainly not wrong about the majority of young women making stupid decisions when it comes to men and hording a herd of betas to attach like a parasite too.

hes not involved at all therefore not even a cuck.

he just know that bitches are crazy and 9 times out of 10 she will side with her abuser

OP is a typical virgin cuck, dude go outside more you obviously don't have any experience with women you just seemed to study why women reject you alot and you're pretty much wrong just stop being a weirdo

cause they have much higher sexual capital than men.

to be on the level of a normal woman you need to be god level in either looks or charm
or money

hes not wrong.
most women in this day and age are vapid attention whores.
who latch onto whatever dick seems the coolest at the time.
the hard work needed to go through the bullshit and crazy bitches isnt really worth it anymore.

I know you right. I don't even like the way they talk about the female version of acting out. When I played up like that, the words used were titilating, and naughty. The sort of words you'd used to describe a 4 year old messing up. Girls describe it by saying that these guys make them feel excitement, thrilled, on edge; much more adult words. Girls that fuck bad boys were (and are) every bit as immature as I was. But they get a free pass, no one uses words like "naughty 5 year old". Shit sucks.

>they love testing men and being given the opportunity to find better males to perpetuate her line
you seemed a little confused so I FTFY OP

Thats not just an assumption thats proven by sience. Girls are looking for masculine and rough guys if they tend to do a one night stand or a loose relationship.
But if you ask them to choose men for a long term realtionship or merriage from images they choose good-natured and wealthy looking guys.

Thats all biology.

Yeah I agree, there's a lot of women who prefer dominant, harsh guys, but I don't think you should stereotype it like that; women who choose their partners solely on how aggresive they are made the wrong decisions in live and one should just ignore them, it's not worth chasing delusional people like that just based on their outer appearance when instead you could be hanging with your soulmate, watching the sun rise and go and enjoying the things you both love together instead of chasing someone who's obviously not interested in you.

true true

ive played so many games trying to get strange crazy pussy that i just want someone who is as interested in me as i am them.
someone whos not in it for the trill or the money but for me you know?

Typical nigger's white mudshark girlfriend

Yeah I understand,
I had a period of time where I really tryharded to get a qt grill, but I eventually just said "fuck it" and stopped.
Ever since that I just tell myself that I'll meet them someday anyways and that the best way to wait the time in between is to do what I like best, whatever the fuck that will be.

how can we go for tens of thousands of years arranging marriages and then suddenly in the last hundred years allow people to choose their partner truly, and expect women to be competent? It's not in our genetics to be good at choosing long term partners.

Fairly true.

>Poor kiddos that don't grasp this yet.

When no one's looking I put an extra heaping serving of mayonnaise on my burger.

That'll still stir some vaginal activity in the female populace.

Guess what? I also put extra sugar on my tea.

LMFAO! I wonder how many good guys she declined then this happend. Then i bet snapchatted a few "should have beens"

the other kinds of women RARELY exist; usually being of the equally unfavorable SJW type.

my hero.

Op pic is just your run of the mill coal burner

She played a stupid game won a stupid prize