Wake up

>wake up
>look in mirror
>you are now a little asian girl

wat do?

Have sex with myself until I die of an orgasm overdose

Become $2,000 mail order prostitute for Sup Forumstards

>become a cam girl
>literally gain money to do nothing

Do some math

Study to become doctor


ching chong ching ching chong

do i stay living where i am and keep my memories and shit
probably just redo my life and get my shit together
also get a nice fat ass

love you long time

Grab a knife and start stabbing my colleagues.


you have to be an adult to use Sup Forums

open a corner store

Get payed to do someone else's math homework. start a small, secret business that only a select few of the student population know about. Set rates to be 50 cents per mark. Begin to do peoples exams by dressing like their ID's. Use a metric fuck ton of moisturizer to keep looking young. Retire at the age of 20 with millions and get plastic surgery to become, once again, a perfect white male.

ching chang chong all day long

Barbecue a dog


>9gag humor
you have to go back

Whore myself out.

Whore myself out to pedos.

Kill that classmate that was messing with me.


make fetish kiddie porn. make bank.

nobody would suspect the asian kid to be the distributor. blame the guy down the street.

gtfo doggo