Why white bois have such small penises while we black gods have colossal ones?, i dont think is fair...

Why white bois have such small penises while we black gods have colossal ones?, i dont think is fair, thats why im fucking white cute girls so their kids will have at least half of our size and wont be ashamed of taking their pants off

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Now listen here you stupid nigger. Im a skinny white guy and packing 8in. Every man and woman ive hooked up with marvels at the size of my cock. Your argument is literally a fantasy. I am aslo way more attractive than you could ever hope to be.
>pic related, Its the God whos cock you'll be sucking

Heres a closeup, you stupid bitch.

88 motherfucker

Why is it so crooked? It looks just as stupid as your hair.

>being this butthurt
Maybe you should consider suicide user, if someone on the internet calls you a bitch, are you going to take a picture of your face with short hair trying to prove you are not a bitch?

Cut your hair faggot

The only thing they marveled at was how crooked it was
You look like a total fag and not the Norse god look you're going for
Hit the gym

ITT: Jelly neckbeards

None can penetrate this ego! My ass on the other hand... ;)

>we black God's have colossal ones
>posts a porn dick instead of his own

Is Sup Forums right and you're actually some shill meant to piss of the retards here or are you just some faggot that hopes the retards post their own dick to prove you wrong?

I am quite the huge faggot, not denying that. I like being mistaken for a girl, gets me all hot and bothered. Anyway, point made, im audi!

100% shill. I find it hard to fathom someomne being so sandoffish over a fuckig fetish.








big black cock is superior. White bois sit inside and play video games, watch anime, and never exercise. I stopped dating white guys when my ex boyfriend was beat up after talking shit to a black guy to come off as alpha or something. When he was beaten and started crying, i just lost respect for him. How can i respect a white man if he can't even protect me? Black guys have swag, they can dance, they can rap, and they know how to have fun. I got tired of my ex bf trying to get me to watch anime. Grow up you white boi-children.













This thread is so stupid /shill

Just proves how pathetic Sup Forumslacks are worying about their dicksize and trying to bait the loser on here into their even shittier ideology.

GO HOME Sup Forums





Blacks are the animal of burden of humanity, which is why they are similar to donkeys with big dicks. They tend to hee-haw all day long but rarely get much done unless some one leads them to it, usually with a whip. If they want to breed with a white woman, that is their prerogative. A mixed child is better than pure-bred nigger any day.

you look like you belong in fucking metallica





you sound like a Sup Forums


I hate furry shit, but it's much better than this bbc cuck shit, keep up the good work furfag.











this aint even furry shit its full beastiality

i approve

Then, after you'rd done, go apply for a good job using your dick as a reference, or a bank loan.. I hear hey accept dick as collateral. Faggot.

>being a nigger
>being a god




why not let black people share their "culture" with others. Look here, black culture week in Paris last week:



what are talking about



Not since ages. There was a time when pol was more than white pride circlejerk

When it was for anarchists and loser like me

Now it is for losers that dont want to face their failure

this furry shit is disgustin btw, atleast bring real furry


oh yeah hows that dog meant to drink that wine ya fucked up shoulda put it in a bowl mate

Please stop seriously responding to these threads.






catty is so hot

literally deserves an honor killing.




>so their kids will have at least half of our size
typical nigger doesn't understand biology

moar catty


Tits or gtfo , faggot

Big dick no use if police shoot you, nigger

Cut your hair you fagoot piece of shit

dude its just OP samefagging like in every other nigger thread.


Go back, Sup Forumsack

the only reason you niggers got big dicks is b/c your grandma got fucked by a white boi.





I'd cut your cock off and take it for myself, maybe get a transplant, and put it to good use, instead of where you aren't.

please spam niger threads when you see them ty