Semi-regrettable shit you've done in the past. I'll start

Semi-regrettable shit you've done in the past. I'll start.

> Be me, with my friend at his house. Know his phone password
> He falls asleep, so fuckit.png
> Take his phone, and plug it into my laptop
> Open his phone onto itunes and create a backup
> Return his phone back to its location
> I'mASnake.jpg
> Open up the application ibackupbot
> Time to snoop niqqa
> For those who don't know, with a phone's backup you can look at almost everything accessible on the person's phone
> Begin to dig
> Look through his photo gallery, and conversations w/ everyone including girlfriend
> Fuck nothing good yet
> Continue snooping, until I notice he has more than on calculator app
> Shit just got interesting...
> Upon further investigation discover #2 and #3 were installed off the app store..
> Open them up and view file data and find they are photo vaults with some gold in em



Show us tits

If you're going to share, yes

Saw escorts while having a gf.

wut happen sur?

do it

did u find a box?

Go on

OP does realize he could have pretyped this right?

>inb4 childporn
just guessing

mmkay i'll cont...

> So I find those vaults and open em up
> Several folders inside with some interesting shit
> Looking through the files, and find shit like random pornstars and fap shit
> Until bazinga! Got the OC gold
> Open up folder, over a dozen nudes of his gf
> Save em all to my computer, hotasfuck.gif
> Obvious stay silent about this shit, never tell a soul
> Fap vigorously to them at home
> Still feel a bit of guilt to what I did
> At the same time, quite worth it for the gold mine of nudes I found

If you fags roll trips I'll dump some

why didn't you just greentext this all at once you fucking attention-seeking whore. Get a life, nigger.

fuck your post sage

>If you fags roll trips I'll dump some
>i.e. no intention of actually dumping


i wonder what she luks lyke

This, fuck you OP and fuck your thread

Roll 'em

>roll trips and I'll dump
So you're sayin you made the story up and you don't have nudes. Alright.


Not to get attention, but to get lurkers who intend on posting cunt

OP is a n nigger faggot

Very believable

I will dump fag, l2 trips



fucking legend. Still kind of beta to fap to another guys gf but whatever



Trips and op will dump
If I get dubs op is a faggot and wont dump

If your gonna post nudes do it, if not gtfo

no this is 555 tho

roll for 555


or this

funny thing is I did this to another friend too and got a few, nothing great


Dump it

I got that 555 ^


fuck you guys

666 mabey

Roll for 556


Op will never deliver



By the power of satan

OP promises but never delivers. Doesn't even have the pics.


Hail Satan!


There ya go


OP you better deliver

holy fuck

Check em

check'd. OP here, transferring now from other PC so sit patiently and bump.

There you go.

op deliver now

Satan wins and so does my dick




love that santa.
yeah its like whatever but still pretty good

Hail Satan

Hacked my roommates Facebook now I just read along with the melodrama that he makes for himself with's sad on my part and his

Nothing but lies here


What 25nd 6f n6r05e fagg6t w643d c35c2 re-3y 6n th5s/

Op won't deliver


Fake and gay

Op better deliver


60g wtf d5d y64 d6 t6 0y 2eyb6ard////!


Making a friend with a girl who was an asshole.

Then she got sick and is permanently physically disabled from it. But she's still an asshole, and now I can't cut her out of my life without looking like a douche.

guys, i hacked 10 of my friends' phones and found wins. roll trips and i'll dump


off by one




He figured it out all by his fucking self

Another trips, OP still a faggot.




Fuck this shit, im out.

OP is sucking nigger cock and never had pics of naked girl.

Came in my own mouth, but I kinda want to try it again too.

Hail Satan!

Waste of satan trips

of course you can, just be like "Cya nigga" and go on with your fucking life. Rip off the rear view stomp the gas and gtfo

be more of a fucking moron please


Roll for quints



Guys, I have hacked open 17 packs of Swedish meatballs and have not been to the toilet since eating them.

Roll trips and I'll dump.
