Hello Humans. I am what your species calls an extraterrestrial. Due to recent events having to do with your planet...

Hello Humans. I am what your species calls an extraterrestrial. Due to recent events having to do with your planet, an official "Hands-Off" policy has been lifted from your world. I am here to understand your species a little bit more through the limited interactions that are currently permitted on behalf of my own civilization. In order to avoid violating your free will, this interaction will be limited to the questions you ask me and what information I am allowed to convey.

You may begin this interaction by asking any questions on ideas you may want to know, and I will answer to the best of my ability.

Is OP a faggot

Even if you do not think this interaction could be possible, it would still be very helpful to us if one were to pretend to themselves. Every interaction we have with your species tells us more about you even if such interactions seem negative or unhelpful.

Do gringos reached the moon?

gringos = trumps dick suckers

Yes, the moon landings as you know it from your perspective did occur.

give me a lift to another planet i would like to know more about interstellar trips

All interactions will be limited to this webpage.

and why did americans forbid every kind of contact with any of the people involved in the tripulation of the apollo 11 after they came back to earth?? Why they never made public the exact ubication of the moon landing?

Many details of the moon landing were hidden from the public. I cannot explain many details unless you inquire about them.

How do we solve the problem of humanity acting like a virus?
Consuming and destroying everything in its path.
How do we fix the monetary system?
(money system)
wich is nothing more then a large sceme to obtain masive amounts of power.
And (aye imao)

>first contact is with /b

Yeah sure, go find a role playing forum

All I would say pertaining to your questions is that there are much happenings behind the scenes of your world and that the best thing one can do for oneself is realize that one has no control over the bigger picture and to simply do all that's possible to improve the interactions one has in their own little "bubble" if you would.

Hey, space bro. I would like to know how to get the fuck off this shit hole of a planet. Everyone's been talking about worldwide nuclear war ever since we mastered nuclear fission. We can barely tolerate each other. We are capable of exchanging thoughts and ideas across our planet almost instantaneously, and yet many of us are as stupid and ignorant as we were millennia ago. The only reason we have space travel is because two separate cultures who were sworn enemies wanted to get into space first to prove themselves superior, and we haven't ventured off beyond our planet's orbit in decades because these two cultures aren't interested in this "space race" anymore. The planet is run by greedy, selfish idiots, and we care little for each other. We can barely go a few years without starting a war. You should just vaporise us, because that would be a far less humiliating fate than if we vaporised ourselves.

This is most certainly not first contact.

See You chose to be on this planet before you incarnated on it, likely on the basis of improving it.

What's alien pussy like can i put my dick in a hot green babe with three tits

But how can we improve the bigger picture? The bigger picture is what truly matters, right? The small act of helping someone in need is completely dwarfed by the cruelty, instability, and greed of those who actually wield power. Am I missing something?

So you have no solution for our problem that 90% of all live on this planet will die couse of humanity..
I expected more of a alien.
Just was testing you, and you failed.
This guy is a space nigger.
The only solution to our problem.
Is the final solution !!!
Fucking social justice space nigger.

Is the bigger picture what's important? Or is what happens at the micro just as important as the macro perhaps? It's also good to realize no individual can change the world.

This is not the right place to research humanity.

Believe me when I say that humanity is very well researched, more than you realize. This interaction is perfect for interacting with you in as direct a manner as possible without being outright.

Are there Traps in space?

Could you expand on what your definition of a "Trap" is? There are different meanings in your language.

What powers the ship you came in?

What do you extraterrestrials look like? Do you look like our very anthropocentric portrayals (e.g. Greys, ayy lmao, most alien species from Star Wars) or are you nothing like the life forms on our planet? Are you even carbon based? What is your home planet like?

Jeah the bigger picture is importend.
If we don't change the bigger picture we will all die.
If we do nothing, we change nothing.
And as a individual your not gonna change anything unless you have masive power.
So we need to change things together.
Or the most powerfull man on earth needs to change the world.

So as a species who has evolved past this state of being.
You must know.

Anti-Gravity technology.

When do you plan on pruning the global population?

Females with dick. (It's not gay)

No more illegal ayy lmaos pls.
Give us your tech and get out, take some niggers with you for anal probing on your way out. If you can take all of them pls.

Is your anti-gravity tech like our theoretical alcubierre drive? Please elaborate.

Guys who decided to have tit implants and physically alter themselves to look like women while still having a penis*

Your popular depictions of how aliens look like are often accurate in describing at least one being. Many beings are carbon based and many are not. The universe is infinite so there is truly no end to the potentials. My home planet is very sunny with many islands and beaches. It very much resembles a cross between a forrest and your tropical islands.

Can you elaborate further? How are you able to manipulate gravity?

>it's not gay mom
>it's still a female
>but with a penis

Can you manipulate time and space? If so, how?

This is contrary to my own experiences. How odd, you must secretly have a much wider view of the universe than my own.

No such interests exist on our end.

That is one manner of having ant-grav tech. I cannot elaborate on the specifics of my own technologies but I can say that your government is in possession of much of this technology.

This happens, but not always in the manner you humans relate to. In many space cultures, the lines between gender are a bit more defined and agreed upon. The reason your planet is experiencing such things as traps is that it is part of the process of realizing who you are.

>it is



what is causing 1 out of 3 humans on this planet to develop cancer?

>No such interests exist on our end.


I cannot elaborate further. See
Time and space are both illusions. There is only one moment: the now.

Time to nuke space. Nothing of value is out there.

There are many diseases on your planet created by your government or manifested through fear. Cancer is simply a symptom of being out of tune with the harmony of creation.


Muh fetish

>your government is in possession of much of this technology.

This is what I hate about human governments. They hide everything so that people don't shit themselves over it. People are consumers for big businesses, and when they get scared they stop buying stuff, then the stock market crashes. In our culture, profit is more important than enlightenment of humanity as a whole. How can we move past this? Will we? Has your species undergone a similar phase?

The alien speaks truth. Most of the carcinogens and pollutants on our planet have been created by humans.

why has our origins been wiped away? do all species not know where they came from?

how do I make my dick into an alien super dick capable of enslaving and raping all your females. asking for scientific purposes.

When everyone has the power, no one does.

Whether or not humanity moves past is entirely in humanities hands. What can be said is that your human race is a very powerful race. There has never been a race who has wandered so deep into the darkness without destroying themselves and still managed to find their way back to the light. Humanity attracts the attention of many many beings.

Can you abduction me right now and take me off this planet?

In our perspective lol I'm pretty sure from almost any perspective we landed on the moon.so in somethings else perspective we didn't know.please explains this,this sounds like the nonsense of a high 14 year old trying sound like smart ass

This is an extremely wide and complicated answer. Speaking generally, humanity has gone through many stages of advancement and decline. Your planet has a rich history with many reasons for the lack of records of you history.

K how do u power it

What event lifted your "hands-off" policy?

I cannot give specifics. There are many writings available to the public on your planet that accurately describe a manner of achieving this.


was there ever a time that dragons and giants etc coexisted with humans and when was the last time this occurred if true.

Maybe your species were a lot less violant, in behavior then humans
Maybe your species did not seek inmortality in procreating.
Maybe your species did not seek wealth.
But progress.
But we humans do.

Actually made me cry

Can you point us to one or two of said writings?

Hitler is our only hope

Duck off space bigger, we got lizard men already, the position of green men is filled

Speaking broadly, humanity has gone from an extremely negative state to a slightly positive one.

These things you might know as fairy lore did exist many thousands of years ago in varying degrees around your world. War and catastrophes ended most of their surface existence.

Was Dr. Roger Leir's implant research accurate?

One could research "zero-point energy". There are many many writings on the topic.

I want to know more about the moon landing.


Describe the appearance of your species, if you're allowed to.

Can you explain what those huge explosions are that go one all over the USA? the government isnt saying anything plausible and a lot of people are concerned. It happens where I live all the time and sometimes its so loud the walls shake and the windows rattle.

His research was not baseless.

The moon landing was your governments investigation of ancient structures and relics on the moon. It also kicked of the secret space program.

Please be more specific about Dr. Leir's research. Why are humans being implanted? How is it done so that there is no scarring or irritation to the surrounding tissue?

My species is humanoid. We are about a foot and a half taller than your average human with brown hair and Mediterranean features as you know it.

This depends largely on circumstances. There are many battles happening currently underground on your planet and behind the scenes.

Why is our government keeping so much from us? Are we not ready for it?

Some humans. Not all humans.

It is very much the result of a lopsided power structure which creates a disconnection between individuals and therefore strive and conflict. Your power structure is also very compartmentalized which keeps most from having any idea on how to deal with the problem since it has grown into a beast.

how does your species resolve conflicts?

humans are so very petty.

That's an incredible coincidence. Is it possible either we are an offshoot from your species or you're an offshoot from us? Or are you interested in us because we look like you? As you said, there are infinite possibilities for the function and appearance of life.

Do you think we'll be able to overcome this problem? Do you know of any species that have endured the same scenario?

who's fighting these battles. we dont have a large enough black army to be able to wage full scale battles underground. also more importantly how many species are we fighting against and more importantly why?

Okay.... Why are SOME humans being implanted and how are they chosen?

>You chose to be on this planet

Yeah, being born and raised on a planet, who's civilization has the ability and technology to commit to interstellar travel, to find another planet to colonize, but refuses to do so, while devolving back to our primitive ways by being hateful greedy people.
On top of things of how fucking ignorant and arrogant humans are, is considered as choice. Nice logic.

There was a time where we were focused on figuring out a way to visit other planets, we've managed to put a few guys on the moon and come back home, but that was because we had conflict with another culture (The Russians), as a way to focus on something else other than glassing everyone with nukes. But now after the cold war came to an end, that basically drifted away, and were back to our old bullshit habits. Today... well, there's only two major conflicts that is preventing us from choosing another planet to live on,
selfish politics and religion.

With those two not going anywhere any time soon, nothing will get done. It'll just be a modern version of oligarchy kingdoms, where only the rich and prosperous are important, while everyone else are just meaningless peasants.

Could said battles put above ground life in danger?
Are the battles between humans or something else?

>722880386 #
Lol most have had Giants hole poked the them by actual people who understand physics.take this for instance how humans have proposed a warp drive needs about −10to the 64th in power just to move a space shuttle sized craft that more matter/energy in the hole observable universe.if your going to try and take us all for fools in actuating thing u a aliens at lest use shit that believable. If u treys to say u could make wormholes that would be more believable the energy level needed to make those is only about a good sized galaxy

post alian nudes or gtfo

This is about the coherence level I expected out of this thread. Thanks for the laugh user.

Go back to planet mexico faggot

bump for answers

What was your species' history like?

Is it because of the new leader of the most powerful country on this planet?

I think the ayy lmao's done with us now. I still have so many questions!!

Bumping, come on the thread is so close to 404

Yeah, i think he gave up on us humans already. Stupidity is a powerful force that can repel even the most intimidating beings.

L. Ron Christ, an alien who believes in Scientology? Is Xenu still where he's supposed to be?

Can you predict large events? If so, what's our future?

I refuse to believe that an alien race capable of space travel would have exolinguists so bad that they couldn't tell you about our genitive case. In fact, that mistake only makes sense if you're a native English speaker and you can't hear any difference between our plural and our genitive anymore (because there is no more difference) 5/10 made me reply