Sup Forums is now a generic fantasy movie. language-wise, which countries are cast as which races?

Sup Forums is now a generic fantasy movie. language-wise, which countries are cast as which races?

Humans (default):

Dwarves: Spain
Fairies: Turkey
Orcs: Sweden
Humans: Brazil/Argentina
Elves: Russia
Gnomes: Netherlands



>Humans: Brazil/Argentina
i was thinking maybe it should be some anglo cunt, as english is kind of the default language nowadays. maybe the us would be a good choice, considering they're as multicultural as it gets as well?

Dwarves: norway
Fairies: sweden
Orcs: russia
Humans (default): finland
Elves: sami
Gnomes: estonia

My choice for countries was based on oppossing stereotypes for each country.
See: Dwarves is hardworking race who spen most of it's time mining or ingeeniring while Spaniards are considered lasy and carefree.

Dwarves: Scotland
Fairies: Russia
Orcs: Germany
Humans (default): America
Elves: Japan
Gnomes: Israel


tip top kek lad
but then what did you mean by this
>Gnomes: Netherlands
just their height?

Dwarves: germanics
Orcs: russians
Humans (default): celtics
(Wood) Elves: finns
Gnomes: italians ;)

They are usually considered lanklets so I put them into opposite direction this time.

Dwarves: Jews
Fairies: Gays
Orcs: Muslims
Humans: Europeans
Elves: Nordics
Gnomes: Asians

prove me wrong

Yuck, an orc just replied to me

>Fairies: Gays
that's funny, i was about to put your cunt there


Dwarves : Scots/drunk barbarous brits
Fairies : miniature elves
Orcs : balkan turks and turks
Humans : latins and dark haired brits
Elves : northern peoples blonde or light brown
Gnome : tiny midget german

Anything else is objectively wrong


>Using germanic mythological creatures

we're talking about the sound of the languages though

And Sauron and Mordor lands?

>shitgypsiebanian mythological creatures

> for europe
Dwarves: slavics
Fairies: uralics
Orcs: germanics
Humans (default): baltics
Elves: latins
Gnomes: celts

> for asia
Dwarves: tibet
Fairies: japanese
Orcs: mongols
Humans (default): koreans
Elves: chinese
Gnomes: viets

> for desert
Dwarves: egyptians
Fairies: greeks
Orcs: turks
Humans (default): assyrians
Elves: persians
Gnomes: bedouins

> for new world
Dwarves: zapotecs
Fairies: olmecs
Orcs: aztecs
Humans (default): toltecs
Elves: mayas
Gnomes: tainos

Elves can only be Georgians, d'ooooh