The leader of the free world declared the press to be the enemy of the people. How does this sit with Sup Forums?

The leader of the free world declared the press to be the enemy of the people. How does this sit with Sup Forums?

not surprised. sounds like typical don.

>bunch of corrupt, one sided agenda filled broadcast companies
this is bait. it better be

Don't care. You bought it onto yourselves.

You could have had Bernie, but you greedy rich liberals didn't want to pay for the poor to go to college. Fuck you.

he lost by 3 million votes so we tried

Why dont libs ever mention when Andrew Jackson won the popular vote and lost?

its the DNC to blame for bernie no one else

>you could have had bernie
boy oh boy what a disaster that would have been

you have to go back to Andrew Jackson to make your point? stop calling people who disagree with you libs, you need to realize that you're being manipulated into thinking there are two types of people and you're on the winning side, he used reductionist logic to make you feel special for voting for him, it's a classic narcissist trick and it blows my mind people can fall for it


Yeah Bernie Sanders would really show Vladimir Putin who is boss ;)

>The press is the enemy of the people

because they are . the news is skewing reality to suit thier narrative of what they want you to think is going on in the world.

I'm a libertarian.

And when I keep being told to "learn from history" I go back in history, but apparently now I've gone TOO FAR back in history? Please almighty man on the right side of humanity, tell me what I should believe!

>an enemy of me, is an enemy to the people
>stop being mean to me!

Let's be honest, the vast majority of American media has failed this country. From sheer incompetence, to unapologetic bias they are a complete disgrace.

stop labeling yourself or anyone else, use critical thinking and stop listening to things that only reinforce your bias. You literally don't think properly, no one taught you critical thinking and it makes me fucking depressed as hell, it's like you have a box over your brain


Well he wouldn't be sucking his dick and conspiring to make oil deals with him for one.

Also I don't care what kind of retarded shit you have been hearing about Bernie.

The guy is all out against the establishment by himself, both Democrats and Republicans. He has been at it for half a century. And he's not rich and has no powerful backers either. Guy got more balls than anyone else in US politics.


11% of the Presidents haven't won the popular vote.

Trump lost popular vote by 2.8 million – but he BEAT Clinton by 3 million votes outside of California and New York. Clinton won California by 4.2 million votes and New York by 1.6 million, running up the score in places where she would have won no matter what. Outside of those two liberal states, Trump was 3 million votes ahead. California alone accounted for more than Clinton's national popular-vote edge.

In a game of football, a team can have more yards and lose the game. What matters is how many points you put on the board. Liberals don't like that idea.


I'm a human. I'm a male. I'm an internet user. I'm a student. Man these labels are ruining everything!!!!! AHHHHH

we should at least destroy buzzfeed

Trump is a fucking shitstain on the planet's boxer shorts.



it's true

down with buzzfeed

Well you just proved his point moron.


Gee, when you put it like that, his comments seem almost reasonable.

Does it make a difference? He says "the media" but he really means "CNN and all the liberal media outlets" which those who voted for Trump wouldn't follow anyway.

oh sorry and trump isnt skewing reality to suit his own narrative ?

my god how brainwashed are you ?


Sorry man my bad. Let me try again.

I'm NOT a male. I'm NOT a human. I'm NOT an internet user. I'm NOT a student.

Phew. Balance has been brought back to the universe.

everyones full of shit. isnt it obvious.

This ones good.


Dumbass, he means that you should not label yourself as a means of having an identity. Why the fuck would anything of that define you as a person? If those things you mentioned are the only aspects of your personality then you must be as fun as a bag of shit.

His comments are spicy as fuck, mang.

This guy is a fucken savage.

Both of them are. Kind of a big problem.

Well at least you are wasting only your own time proving that you are a retard.



Woah woah woah

Did you just label me as a "Dumbass"?

Dude, that doesn't fine me as a person.

And a fun bag of shit?

Dude...stop labeling. You're ruining everything.

Trump is leading the pack though!

the man is clinically insane

It does define you. You are a dumbass. You literally can't comprehend what this is about and you aren't even good at baiting.

Labels aren't the fucking problem dumbass. They're a useful tool in explaining a part of who you are. In this case, saying you're a liberitarian is just useful in explaining the basics of your political opinions. Just because I can identify what political beliefs I hold doesn't mean I wouldn't change them at a moments notice if I figured out I was wrong.

No, because using labels will become the most important aspect of you and soon you will circulate around that. Do you ever wonder why tumblrinas are so fucking dumb? Because they use labels to an extreme. Going around saying "I'm an republican" or whatever will soon become the only thing that is important for you.

Guess why all these "gamers" showed up? People like clinging to a label and use that as an excuse for not being interesting.

Would you like to skype? I feel you have a preconceived notion of me that isn't...correct..and I'd like to fix that :)

Looks like someone tried to escape Sup Forums ...

Politics are a pendulum. They swing left, they swing ring. All the infighting has given it extra momentum and it's swung too far this time. It will swing back again with equal force, with an equally insane democrat next time. So congrats for that, idiots.

There's a difference between labeling yourself as a male/student/conservative and labeling yourself as a gamer lmfao holy shit folks

You're coming across like a high school student in an introductory philosophy class


Trump is correct, CNN is full of shit and causing a racial split that does nothing to help us. The media shit slings everything they can think of saying and contradict themselves, then just roll with it when something sticks.

These are gold. He'll hate them. Anything to make him angrier. And the cool part is, we know he sees them because he's a Twitter addict.

You're assuming that everyone's an idiot but you. I am certain things. There are names for the things that I am. I use those words to convey information to people about who I am and what opinions I currently hold. It's only bad if you let the labels define you. As long as you don't, it doesn't matter.

why is it different? if you use it to define yourself they're literally the same thing. You feel that using your political standing is better than anything else and that's why you use it. Other people decide that gamer is the better one.

I voted for Trump and these memes are funny. They would've been funny with any president.

So we're saying the same thing then? That don't use labels to define yourself?

No I dont think its better than anything else lmao
Really man how old are you?
I dont mean that condescendingly, you just sound like people I knew back in like freshman year of HS hahahaha

Don't let yourself believe that the labels are you. You can use labels, as long as you're willing to be more than them.

Why don't you just say "last year"?

Again, we agree.

I'm a 21 year old college student :+)

the press used to be represented by professional journalists who wished to inform the world, now it's a place for junior bloggers who wish to obfuscate any truth that stands in the way of their personal feelings.

the "age of information" has become the age of infotainment. junk food, mass-produced, vacuum sealed and made especially for consumption by adhd minds.



Yeah okay, I thought you were saying that labels should never be used at all. Carry on.

But you started assuming people were DEFINING themselves as the labels that they simply IDENTIFIED with. I said I was libertarian and you seemed to take that as the libertarian philosophy defines my entire state of being. Thats where you should take responsibility for being wrong.

The press is already as corrupt as the government, but restriction and censure of the press is among the top 10 moves of a dictator. Fact.

>Free Press
>Corporate Media

Pick one.

I'm a conservative and this argument is fucking bullshit. Why does it matter that those millions of votes come from certain states? It is still millions of votes in favor of a candidate. The flip side is my vote literally means nothing because I live in a blue state so I have no say in the election.

The electoral college is completely obsolete. The only reason you want to hold onto it is because it makes your vote more powerful then people living in poulous states and you happen to disagree with them politically.

Fuck that. Our party needs to win on its merits not a broken system.

>Why does it matter that those millions of votes come from certain states?
And in one, fell swoop, you prove that you have no grounds to talk about whether or not the Electoral College is valid or not.

Everyone has an agenda. Even if it's under the guise of noble intentions.

Actually I'm a rich liberal and supported Bernie. People who didn't support him choose Hillary primarily because they didn't think a Jewish socialist could win.

Maybe because the margin was so much smaller. That or maybe because it happened over a hundred years ago

fuck the media
i'm going to dove bomb the fuck out of buzzfeed

I completely agree with him.

Um fine. They are biased.

No counterargument. Just more bullshit. Explain why any individual should have more say than another in electing the president because that's what the electoral college does. Artificially inflates the voting power of less populated states.

because we live in a republic?

>It's not my fault that I'm racist, it's your fault and your actions


(not the one you're arguing)
Nigga, what? I live in a republic too (eurofag here), and we don't have any electoral collage bullshit here.

oh my god man. you literally just did what the fuck he's talking about. fuck you people have no hope.

True--but no other President has been as sensitive about size

It reduces the proportion to a balanced minimum, allowing for the representation of underrepresented states in the union. California and New York -- our most topical examples -- are already a large proportion of the electoral votes required to win a presidential election, roughly 23.7%. The population of California and New York, combined, is 58.55 million, and the nation has a population of 318.9 million, which comes out to 18.5%, roughly. We're talking total population here, not voting-age, but we'll assume, for the purposes of this moment, that it's roughly equivalent in percentages (give it a +2/-2 leeway or something).

This gives California and New York an advantage in the Electoral College system, but it also ensures that in a situation, where the majority of other states are split rather equivalently (within +5/-5 percent+) between candidates, that the majority wills of those states hold.

When you know the history of the Electoral College, this is a bit backward from what the Founders intended, but it's also a fairer system in terms of electing a President based off the will of the people and the states. A pure popular majority would disadvantage more states than it would advantage, so this ensures that the Executive of the Federal government -- that is, the government which is the collective of the states -- is fairly chosen by representation through those states, of the people.

>And in one, fell swoop, you prove that you have no grounds to talk about whether or not the Electoral College is valid or not.
is a valid response to
>Why does it matter that those millions of votes come from certain states?

its the way it works here. Its been this way forever.

>Trump lost popular vote by 2.8 million – but he BEAT Clinton by 3 million votes outside of California and New York. Clinton won California by 4.2 million votes and New York by 1.6 million, running up the score in places where she would have won no matter what. Outside of those two liberal states, Trump was 3 million votes ahead. California alone accounted for more than Clinton's national popular-vote edge.

Clinton won the popular vote in 20 states, including the 2 with the most people (CA and NY). I think you are not understanding why so many people are horrified at his presidency. It is not because Clinton lost, it is because of what he has done since he was elected. He uses alternative facts to tell us how he has been keeping campaign promises while not keeping one. There are many Trump supporters that are having buyers remorse, including me.

That's not an argument it's a statement, I'm asking you to defend the practice of maintaining the system "because that's how it is" I'd not a defense. So I'll ask again, why do you believe less populated states should have more power per vote in deciding our president? What are the merits to that system beyond "my candidate is popular in the states that are favored by this system."

Because my arguments are that in the current system:

1) Millions more people wanted a certain candidate and the system tells them that a farmer in Idaho is worth probably 10 of their votes so sorry and

2) Millions of voters voices literally mean nothing, my own included, because in a winner-take-all state that always votes blue I might as well vote Mike Fucking Mouse for all I will contribute to the election.

Why shouldnt one vote count as one vote apart from "my party will lose then?" I say again, if we can't win the right way why should we win?

>who gives a fuck

Yes but think aboutthat. Hillary Clinton was such a shit candidate that she lost the electoral college to Foghorn Leghorn. If she was really presidential material Trump wouldnt have stood a chance.

ur using a lot of words for someone who has trumps cock in ur mouth, bitch pussy faggot

well then read this guys post.

>This gives California and New York an advantage in the Electoral College system, but it also ensures that in a situation, where the majority of other states are split rather equivalently (within +5/-5 percent+) between candidates, that the majority wills of those states hold.
you must've been a history major with your distinct lack of statistical retrospeck bitch

And? The media in the US has become an absolute joke. They don't even pretend to be objective anymore. He's a buffoon but he isn't wrong when he complains about the bias in media these days.

>you greedy rich liberals

Have we just gone off the rails now? Aren't Bernie's supporters made up of liberals who don't understand socialism and socialists? Shouldn't you complain about conservatives?

Is there an arbitrary date that we have set to make points? Nothing before 1964?

Keep in mind that sites such as Breitbart and Infowars is where some Americans get the majority of their news. These people truly believe Trump is the savior. Look at Ben Garrison.

>people bitching about the electoral college

Do we not understand the meaning behind "tyranny of the majority?"