Give a society to black people were they aren't discriminated or enslaved and see how a percentage become successful...

Give a society to black people were they aren't discriminated or enslaved and see how a percentage become successful people.

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America right now.

And a laughably low percentage become successful people.

>America right now
That's the point

>A low percentage of people become successful
No shit sherlock!.

>where they aren't enslaved

Good fucking luck, nigger. Ever wonder why everyone had african slaves? Because they bought them. They were already enslaving their own people and sold them so they could be the biggest warlord of their tiny little tribes. Blacks aren't successful as a race because they're the only ones dumb enough not to gtfo of africa 100,000 years ago.

What do you consider successful?

To me being able to provide for your family with money left over to enjoy life is successful. To some its making $1,000,000 a year. To others its not drinking booze for the day.

poverty is hard to escape. Blacks have been in poverty forever. They are not personally discriminated against, but most of them are born into places where opportunities are scarce

Fucking this, is different.

When you are white and your grandfather already own a house, a car, a jod and a whole family that help him while if you are black your grandfather was discriminated, could't afford to go to school or college, couldn't find a decent jod (discrimination), and his father probably was a slave and don't own a house.

Which values can a slave teach to his son? This is why some criminals are black, they were not raised in the same way.

>nice dubs

>To me being able to provide for your family with money left over to enjoy life is successful.
Pretty much this


>a good person in Sup Forums
that's new

There are blacks at high levels in almost every field. Rising to the top is a multigeneration project, and a half century ago they couldn't even use the same bathroom.

Yes that's pretty much my point.

>where is your mclaren and your kardashian white boi?



Like Africa?

>taking Sup Forums seriously
You may have a problem there.

>born in a desert without food and water makes it easier to create a society

That was the first time somebody didn't tell me to kill myself

Africa is rich in natural resources
Humanity originated there and is still there now so don't give me that shit

Black prosperity implodes every time because of black envy. It's biblical. They can't escape it. So give them their own society and they will be Kings and then become slaves and warlords.

South Africa for example

Or Liberia and Somalia

There are many theories as to why people in africa and places like it are not as advanced as the western powers, none of which being that they are inferior.

Job. It's a fucking "b" you knuckledragger.

Africa is rich in SOME natural resources.

A few people have worked on mapping the best areas, regarding resources and climate and so on, and have found Europe to be pretty much the best place to live. There was a book written about this, although I don't remember the title of it.

because they quite possibly are. Black people have existed longer than whites, yet still live in mud hunts and, for the most part, only advanced with the help of other races around them.

The only people who are on the same level of them are the lost tribals in South America... and THEY have an excuse.

... they've never been introduced to white people.

I never said they were but there has been enough food and water to keep them going from the dawn of humanity until now so try again

Know who else got shat on when there were here? Chinese railworkers.

Dont see many chinese out rioting, looting and burning down the town when they dont get their way.

But let's all be square here... we're all just slaves to the corporations that run our planet and always will...

until our alien ancestors come back.

... then they probably still will anyway.

Like everywhere else then
You trade what you have a lot of for what you have less of, like every other fucking place does. Stop blaming whitey

>that's why people starve to death there
sorry son

They did, m'dood. They traded people for resources... cause that's what they had the most of. XD


Moar like this

You could argue they starve to death there because of over-population and lack of farming...

They werent enslaved and were not being persecuted for as long as the blacks.


People starve to death in every fucking country in the world

Good "job", you know english, but what's your opinion?

Niggers will never succeed.

Sup Forums discord here:

I've been posting my opinions, but if you can't fucking spell a three letter word like "job" properly, maybe I see why the community isn't getting any.


They even seized it via violent revolution just like 'merica. Conditions there? Shit. They're actually kinda nice people though, black people make a lot more sense without hip-hop around to promote gang warfare, racial terrorism and anti-intellectualism.

>Give a society to black people were they aren't discriminated or enslaved and see how a percentage become successful people.

Liberia. Founded by former slaves and other blacks from the US in the 19th century. Fast forward to 2017, still a shithole. The descendants of the Americans hold the power and are more or less in a constant state of war and/or are actively trying to oppress natives. The entire continent had eons of a head start on Europe, the far east, the pacific islands, and especially the Americas. It's completely loaded with natural resources, abundant land. Despite all of these advantages, other than a few jewels along the coasts, the vast majority of the entire continent remains in the stone age. It's poor. It's dirty. It's not developed. It's stagnant. And it's mired in ancient mysticisms. Working hypothesis - these people are not capable of anything better.

Half century ago they couldn't even use the same bathroom and today they are rich millonaires.

Wait 200 years and see how they develop

What dude? I mean, the corporations work together the the governments to control the masses by giving them privileges disguised as "rights" so they can take them at will, forever keeping the minority under heel.

Also, the idea that humanity was created by an ancient visiting alien race that bred us for slavery and worship, then abandoned us isn't too far fetched. It makes more sense then anything religion peddles, since ancient art, stone work, and folklore rudely portrays events involve possible extraterrestrial visits and life forms.

Sorry it's my fourth language

If you wan't to talk about a disadvantaged people, look at the natives of central and south America. They didn't have any beasts of burden, nor did they have the ability to steal metallurgy from their neighbors, both of which African nations had. However, they've built countless monuments and cities that still stand today, and were incredibly sophisticated for when they were created. For millennia before European nations got involved in Africa, they still didn't create anything nearly as impressive as Machu Pichu, Chichenitza, or Tenochtitlan. Africa is one of the most resource rich continents on Earth and they literally chose to make money selling each other because it was easier.

>Haiti don't have resources

with 17% of the population commiting over 50% of the crime in JUST the US?

They'll collapse in on themselves or bred so far out of control that they'll become a plague of locusts.

Hell, look no further than the 60's. The government built apartment complexes for poor black folk and what did they do?? Destroy them and wreck the local area surrounding them, causing crime and hatred.

But, I'm not saying all black people are horrible... They're are a lot that want to better their communities, family's, and lives... and I love them. They give me hope that we can live together peacefully and build to a better good where everyone is kind & happy... But the majority are fucking shit.

>none of which being that they are inferior
pretty sure that has been the leading theory for hundreds of years up until 2008 when it became illegal to hurt peoples feelings but perfectly fine to pull your penis out in the womens bathroom at the airport

ITT people who know fuckall about civilization asserting that it's just something you do unless you're too stupid

I'm sure it is. Because anytime someone gets corrected in anonymity, back pedal & play the victim.

>somebody take a screenshot
lost again

Kinda hard to "build" something when some white guy keeps wrecking your shit to find shiny rocks and then won't leave

dude... I don't even know, man. I'm really fucking high and watching "Traveling the Stars: Action Bronson and Friends watch Ancient Aliens" and that shit just makes sense.

It's still a fact that the only thing holding back American blacks is their own hatred.

You see this guy? This is a terrorist, a person who profits from violence. The sooner blacks accept that the better off they'll be.

you really REALLY need to read this

also, the modern champion of the black people and BLM is a white guy pretending to be black.

i like his music (:

Stop talking shit about Eminem!

>give blacks a country
>country dissolves into anarchy
>blames whitey
how about you niggers start taking care of your own shit and stop telling white people what we need to do for you. you already get 40% of the welfare, make up 40% of the prison population, commit 80% of the violent crime, and are only 13% of the population.

I did read it, and I agree to a point. The black people got raw dogged in the day, and now, they are getting back up. I'm happy for them. Honestly. I want to see everyone step up, and make their lives better...

But at the same time, it's like a 75/100 that want to continue to drag their feet, living a culture that is promoted by the days of old, where the ONLY way to survive was crime. Hell, single parent's are a leading cause to what can be the NEXT downfall for the black people, because men are still wanting to fuck & run, cause that's some hood shit.

I was raised in the projects all my life. I go back & hang out with friends who STILL live there, and I see that it hasn't changed much. That shit makes me sad.

(you) read

white people didnt seriously start colonizing africa until about the 1830s. niggers had been kicking shit around for as long as 200,000 years acording to some studies. sand people and chinamen had already had for 11000 years by the time "whitey" came and kicked your mud huts down. try again

you're not oppressed , you're just weak.

my nigga talcum x is not white, hes a jew just like the naacp faker dolezal

... a white jew.

>Implying all of Europe didn't have a free for all hundreds of years earlier

I'm not sure you should argue history. It's not your subject.

This is true. We should shift the focus off race and into wealth. Work to create more jobs in struggling communities. That can do no harm.

>that's a opinion not a fact


Yeah... in castles, with towns and settlements & farms... and clothes... then made ships & conducted trade with other nations... settled in other countries... then went to Africa and bought people their own countrymen captured and sold...

When did Africans trade with China? India?? Did they settle in other countries?? Hmm... odd.

We did with obama. And he's now going down as the worst president.

we already discuss about it sorry

a few hundred years is entirely meaningless when you consider that for hundreds of thousands of years they had nothing of worth. if after the europeans show up, all that is left in africa is nothing, how is is that the fault of the white man? which, might i add, is not the case. go to one of the parts of africa that is still relatively untouched by the white devil and try to walk back out without your head shrunk

There is no war but the class war. Everything else is just a distraction.

History is rather proving itself.

Let's look at Zimbabwe. They stole farms from white Africans, gave it to Black Africans, who then RAN THEM INTO THE GROUND...

Then invited them back, since... ya'know... they knew what they were doing

pick one
see above

They had no need retard. Why would they leave? In search of gold? That shit was everywhere. Lack of food? It was literally growing everywhere. The only people who farmed were the ones that didn't want to migrate seasonally!

Then some white dude noticed all the gold and things went south. Sound about right?

I recall a black pastor once said "If the US was filled completely with black people the entire USA would be one huge ghetto."
I mean the British gave them all the advancements of the time when they were imperialism, and they destroyed everything.

You know nothing of the world and understand less

Id seize her means of production if you know what I mean comrade

Gas everyone who can't drink milk and we'll have a better world.

First off, it's called Africa.
Secondly, the African blacks themselves are and were the ones enslaving their own kind.

so your argument has become that we should have let niggers stay in mud huts with ebolaids and that they are somehow worse off than that situation now? im for it. send all the american niggers back. i'll pay out in taxes whatever it takes to send all 40 million back on a cargo freighter since thats what you all want so badly. but if you dare try to come back know youll be executed

As a percentage black women have more college degrees than any other demographic. Look it up

Take an Asian American studies class. They were, and still are, prosecuted way worst in the US history. Yet still they succeed. They're known as a "model minority" because despite their past they still strive and achieve success.

If blacks were like Asians with what they studied, and how they treat others (even themselves), then they'd succeed too.

The greatest deterrent of success for blacks...are blacks who choose to continue acting like blacks.

They have zero excuse.

... then why are they still living in shit mud huts & not an advanced civilization??

>implying that they gave the farm to farmers
Zimbabwe kicked the white people out as a knee jerk reaction as soon as they were able. They just forgot that none of their people had learned to be farmers yet

well, you're at ad hominem now. how long until you call me a poopyhead so we can be done?

Those everest college ads must really be working during maury.

... thank you for proving my point that they literally acted solely on "WE WAZ KANGS" logic of fuck white people.

They bought the land, worked it for generations, then the government forced them off to give it to fucking idiots because "they were black" and then realized "Herpdaderp, that was fucking stoopid."

it's not even that they simply choose to keep acting like niggers; they will see another person in their community starting to succeed and actively sabotage them. advancing is social suicide in the black community.

>popping champagne = "success"
>waking up in a new bugatti = "success"
>squatting over a diamond toilet = "success"

that's the problem. and not just with black people, either. if money is how you define self worth, you'll always be poor.

we already discuss about it

No, my argument was that they were about as advanced as anyone else at the time, but since they lived where all the gold and diamonds were the rest of the world subjugated them. It's really not fair to completely annihilate someone's culture, lock them in poverty for centuries, and then assert that if they had done a better job maybe things would have turned out better.

>because the white people own all the land just in case they find shinies in it

... That's literally choosing to be a nigger.