OK, I honestly don't get it. What's the controversy with a border wall...

OK, I honestly don't get it. What's the controversy with a border wall? If it's illegal to for someone to come over into the US without following legal routes, why is so evil to stop them?

>herp derp it's banning immigration!

No, it's banning ILLEGAL immigration. Seriously, I don't get it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Liberals are ill and will applaud the downfall of America if it makes them look good on kikebook.

It is costly to build, maintain and easy to get through.
People can dig tunnels, and find weak spots.
You can't simply build a wall without paying guards everywhere to check for holes 24/7.

That is why rednecks voted for him, even thought they didn't know that the wall was already part built in bush years, neither the search of how many that shit cost
>Hurr durr Mexico will pay for it
Then they realize Mexico didn't have the money, so no, nobody said it was evil, it is just retarded

>That is why rednecks voted for him
I guess most of America is rednecks then.

Then what is your solution?

No, he got fewer votes than his opponent, who got a low turnout herself.

A wall is a retarded solution for fixing an illegal immigration "problem" and asking mexico to pay for it is just all around shitty thing to do

Since when do liberals care about the cost of government projects. They had no problem with spending $800,000,000,000 on a stimulus package, but now they are up in arms over the cost of building the border wall?

>muh popular vote
The majority of America voted for Trump when it comes to electoral districts, which is the only thing matters.

Also, that doesn't change the fact that he won the election, and therefore a lot of Americans agree with his ideas.

The annual costs of illegal immigration at the federal, state and local level to be about $113 billion

I have nothing wrong with immigrants. I like immigrants. It's ILLEGAL immigrants that it the problem. And, yes, it IS a problem.

If I moved to another country without permission and didn't bother to learn the language everything would call me an asshole. Why the double standard?

Is like to see a deterrent... maybe landmind zone + gunners. Those get caught actual get punished before release.

In addition our immigration process should be stream lined. No more multi year waits to get approval or denial.

It's expensive, not to mention that it's possible to get into the US legally then stay illegally (which is common).

However, as much as the wall is mocked since it does nothing for keeping people from flying in then staying illegally, if someone's kicked out once then they can be banned from flying in, and the wall prevents them from sneaking in by other means.

It's expensive, not effective, and gives the USA a negative image.

Solid point.

It's a waste of time. Most II get in the country by flying in with visas.

Most? What is your source.


Sure, maybe it doesn't border on most, but that doesn't change the fact that the wall does more harm than good.

Because America has no one national language.

That sounds like job creation to me user

Waste of money

I guess it would put some money into the pockets of construction workers, but in all likelihood the firm that gets the deal will hire the cheapest available labor and that will probably be illegal immigrants or Mexicans.

A wall is a piece of a solution... not the sole solution. Even if it reduced iillegal immigration by 1% the US would be saving millions to billion a year.

its expensive and unlikely to work

also illegals are useful for things like picking crops and building houses

The Effects of Immigration on the United States’ Economy



Another worthless libtard. See your party 20-30 years.

yes, it does fuck nut... I've never seen a god damn "slow traffic keep right" sign written in Albanian you retard; every street sign if written is written in English.

that article on the cost of illegal immigrants which may or may not be accurate, its hard to imagine you can get accurate figures on undocumented people. But thats really besides the point, you don't consider the tremendous benefit illegal immigrants add to our economy. They do jobs that no one else will really do in america, and on top of that because we can pay them less they take jobs that would otherwise be sent to mexico anyways. So instead of that money going to mexico it is spent here. The idea that you can look at what may or may not be accurate cost of illegal immigrants alone to assess the effects of illegal immigrants in america is taking an extremely narrow look at what is a really complex ordeal. Life simply is not that simple, sorry to break it to ya

This article says 40% by air. It is a till an article slinging mud with no study cited. Like a different post stated, it's a piece of a puzzle and not the only deterrent. I say all of this from a position that could care less if a wall is built or not.

At a cost 15 to 25 billion, that's only the construction.
Where do you get those yearly savings from 1% of a reduced illegal immigration impact?

This is not accurate. We do not have a nation language. There are many cities across the nation with signs in different languages. Fremont Ca. Comes to mind.

Why does the White House have an iron fence around it? Why do rich people live in neighborhoods surrounded by walls? If walls are so bad, why does the pope remain behind the walls of the Vatican?

If you don't believe in the wall, do you still lock the doors of your house?

pics or it didn't happen...

Purely annidotical statement. I have nothing to support this post.

remote snipers and drones.

Pay neckbeards and basement dwellers decent money to sit at home and shoot shit all day.

Also, to prevent tunneling, an underground labyrinth that is buried deep to just above the mantle. The only way in is to traverse a series of levels designed to train the border-crossers into high-fidelity assassins with a psychological fixation on eliminating Middle Easterners and serving their white American overlords.

Then the only way in 'illegally' ends up breaking you, or you never make it in.

Alternatively, you can just learn the constitution and provide credentials for being a quality contributor to our society.

Here you go


I like when people say people will just dig a tunnel forgetting all the famous walls that kept people out for fucking centuries.

That iron fence won't do much to stop someone trying to get in. The military guys patrolling the yard probably will though.

The american people are literally going to pay for it while its just a minor inconvenience for illegals to enter. The wall is more or less just to make the American people feel like less illegals are entering the country. Sure it might stop a few. But its a small percentage compared to the amount of illegals that will still enter the country. Its basically dumbos feather for the masses.



what language is the Constitution of the United States of America written in? Oh that's right... ENGLISH


I think ya'll are forgetting about the possibility that mexicans might get a tourist visa, go in through the front gate and let it expire rendering the milti gorillion $ wall useless.

people are smart enough to realize america is built on cheap labor. The politicaians are protecting acmerica in a weird way by allowing Illegals. >

>No one wants those shit jobs anyway

what language is understood by the VAST majority of Americans? ENGLISH FUCK HEAD... therefore, national language.

Language Spoken at Home (U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2011)
English only – 231,947,071.
Spanish – 37,579,787.
Chinese – 2,882,497.
Tagalog – 1,594,413.
Vietnamese – 1,419,539.
French – 1,301,443.
Korean – 1,141,277.
German – 1,083,637

A nation without secure borders is not a nation

I was going to dissect Your post. But after reading it. In poo sitive your me a troll. On the slim slim slim chance you're not.
Then you're fucking retarded.

>Seriously, I don't get it.
There's nothing to get. They're stupid. A country without strong borders is no longer a country. Look at Europe being practically invaded with no power to stop them.

Vote accordingly and laugh at autistic screeching along the way.

It is written in English and Latin. Even if it was only English, there are no articles or admendments that state we have a national language.

Being a white make who refuses to learn another language I wish this wasn't the case. Fucking Forfathers

We do not have an official language at the federal level, but every state has only English as it's official language with the exception of Hawaii (English, Hawaii) and Louisiana (English, French).

wasn't he going to hire 5000 ppl to patrol the wall? that's like three every mile avg

Sorry this news angers you.

Build the wall and end anchor babies

1 - A wall won't stop people coming in, there's hundreds of tunnels, and it's easy enough to build a couple 50ft a ladders

2- You can't build a wall along 700 miles of ravine cliff face net to the rio grande in texas

3- Immigration from mexico peaked in 2007, it's been in decline, and in 2013 more people went BACK to mexico than came to the USA

4- It's an extremely expensive and pointless project when our school system has major issues, we don't have healthcare for all citizens, we need new infrastructure, bridges, roads, solar farms, wtc... it's a complete waste of money and will cost like 40 billion,.... essentially for nothing.

incredibly expensive
it will work as well as the stupid fence did at stopping illegal immigration
terrible for wildlife in the area


look faggot im sorry to burst your bubble but it's English

I think it's a cool idea and I don't care how much it costs.Even if they were building a fucking 100 billion dollar castle made of candy,I'd be for it because it's unusual and interesting.

Tell that to the Rhythm Nation.

1/3 of the stimulus package cost was tax cuts, oh the stimulus worked btw, unlike this stupid wall

It prevents the tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free from fleeing adversity in their shit country.

first sensible thing ITT

I think all of those non English speakers are doing the fucking.


>>That is why rednecks voted for him
>I guess most of America is rednecks then.
Actually , most of America did not vote for him.
He won the electoral college and thus became President. He lost the popular vote. So most of America voted for Hillary, not Donald.

I don't really care if no one wants them. If you're unemployed you should either be picking oranges or cleaning toilets or you should die. There are so many fucking people not working (more than the unemployment figure, which doesn't count people who stop looking for work)

also unless we hire about 6000 full time boarder guards at 40K a year each plus benefits, and give them all night vision goggles and subterranean tunnel detection equipment to patrol the wall 24/7 then the wall won't do a fucking thing.

Come to think of it if we just hired those guys we wouldn't need a fucking wall in first place. They would be enough.

Why the fuck are we building a fucking wall? Are the fucking white walkers coming? Is this Feudal China?

>He lost the popular vote.
Remove two counties from the results and Trump would have won the popular vote too

I will fuck you in that loose abscess you call an asshole, til' you die you faggot.

that 90+% of people here speak English. I guess we could all switch to spanish but I don't see why. we should all be speaking the same thing

>illegal immigration costs the US $200billion per year apparently
>being this retarded

A wall would have been built decades ago if it weren't for big business wanting illegal immigration (cheap, vulnerable, labor). There will be no wall.

May I suggest a balrog or two for the labyrinth?

Sounds legit

>>therefore a lot of Americans agree with his deas

"New numbers just released by Gallup show the slide continues. Trump's numbers dropping to 38 percent approval and 56 percent disapproval."

Seems like a lot more don't.

But that's just fake news, don't worry your little head over it.

Fuck it, sure.

Mexico is paying for it anyways

Wall is a waste of money that is better spent on border agents and recon/surveillance equipment. The number crunching is been done. If we can't take care of our damn highways imagine maintaining hundreds of miles of that shit. It's also very impractical in a myriad of ways from land rights to insane terrain. Money for wall is better spent targeting the source of migration in that form of foreign aid. Remember too that a lot of these people are seasonal farm workers. You'll actually be keeping them trapped in. And most illegal immigrants actually come in legallybypassing wall completely.
It's not logical desu. Are most you want a fence in areas because you can't see through concrete.

remove millions of votes and the outcome would have been different.



easy solution is to punish people caught hiring illegals. A 30% fine on pre-tax income would be a great deterrent. Wall is worthless.

>OK, I honestly don't get it. What's the controversy with a border wall? If it's illegal to for someone to come over into the US without following legal routes, why is so evil to stop them?
1.) It won't work
2.) It will cost us 21 billion plus
3.) Mexico is most certainly not paying for it
4.) Pointless because the net influx of illegal immigrants is near zero anyway.
5.) It will cut water access to the Colorado to many farmers on the border, because they aren't going to build it in Mexico

does anyone know how much money you have to pay in taxes in the United States to be a net benefit? Like if I make 0 money and pay 0 taxes and I'm out there breathing the clean air and wearing down the roads, I'm costing people money, obviously. at what point am I worth the price?

Then make dinosaurs alive again, and lasers effective weapons, and we'd be living in some kid of dino-riders future battle world!

The imagination game is FUN! Let's keep playing!

I read 300 billion 1134.00 dollarsfor every US household

ur fucking autistic if you think mexico is paying for it. Trump literally just put a 20% tax on all mexican goods that are bought in America. Meaning that the American people are paying for the fucking wall. NOT MEXICO. Fucking dipshit

if you make zero money and pay zero taxes your ass isn't driving anywhere.

did you imply air is a limited resource in this country?

>Solid point.
You have been Conwayed dude. The Stimulus package has nothing to do with the wall.

He got crushed in that popular vote. And no, you can't have 5 mil people vote from surrounding areas. That's a monumental effort just moving them. And why would they bus them into states that didn't matter to win? He's a fucking retard

>remove millions of votes

I'm talking about counties specifically. Do you know how many counties there are in the United States? Over 3,000. Remove 2 and he won the popular vote.

You might just build a wall around your city and deport all illegals there instead.

really... how long do you think it's going to be until that starts hurting Mexican exports and they come walking to the negotiating table with their tail between their legs?

and that does actually matter because urban centers are basically just undifferentiated liberal hive minds--it doesn't matter if there are a million or a billion of them, they'll all think the same stupid way

Following this logic there is a national race and a nation religion as well.

Pretty soon, we'll have to solve entire fucking crossword puzzles for the Captcha. I just wanted to say that. Oh, and also, fuck Canada. Canada sucks.

Your paying for it dipshit with your jails and your schools

>hire the cheapest available labor and that will probably be illegal immigrants or Mexicans.

Oh the irony. I can totally see this scandal happening. We like cheap fruit and veggies and we want a cheap wall

Because "le burnt cheeto XD" supports it

Article 13.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.

it doesn't after what you were talking about. it was retarded thing to say.

>if you take away two touchdowns the Falcons wound have won the superbowl. it's only two.

yeah but you can't. and the hypothetical proves nothing except how dumb you are.

Jesus Christ you are stupid... I supposed you think the national language of Spain is Chinese because they don't expressly state it in their laws?