Is buying Elite Dangerous from Steam at £19.99 a worthy investment...

Is buying Elite Dangerous from Steam at £19.99 a worthy investment? Been in love with the game ever since my mate had it for xbox one. Watched a load of Youtube footage and I thought, fuck it, I need this.

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Play in solo until you get away from the starter system. Faggots like me gank newbs for giggles.

Holy shit what's wrong with her face?!

I love Elite, buy it now. I was actually about to start it up in a few minutes.

Also, it's worth investing in a HOTAS if you like the game, I use an X52 Pro.

Or watch this instead, OP:

Open is the only mode worth playing in.

It's as wide as an ocean with the depth of a puddle. You have to make your own fun half the time, get involved in a community like SDC, The Code, or the Mobius faggots if you want to find other people to interact with.

>buying a game of steam
>worthy investment

Shift Lock canisters prevent them from waking out, thermal weapons will cook them regardless of their hull integrity or shields.
I love Rinzer, dude's fucking fun to duel with, but this guide won't save you from someone who really wants you dead.
Also; kitting out a T7 like that would cost roughly 76 million creds, most noobs don't have that.

Well, until I get my head around the game and controls, I'd eventually wanna start some group multiplayer shit, so I will post at a later date to ask if anyone is interested.

I own that game, it's garbage. I actually enjoyed starbound better

>Shift Lock canisters
Disrupters you mean? I've never heard of someone ganking a sidewinder with those missiles, ever.
>thermal weapons will cook them
Not since the nerf after the packhounds mess. You can wake out before you take any damage no problem.

>Also; kitting out a T7 like that would cost roughly 76 million creds, most noobs don't have that.
No kidding, but the point is most people don't know how to high wake. New players make a run for it in a straight line, try to low wake, and get mass locked.

Another question, is keyboard and mouse an adequate setup? Cba with buying a controller/joystick.

Do whatever tickles your fancy. If it's something you will enjoy, go for it.

I rarely spend money on myself, been feeling a little shitty for a few weeks, so I thought I'd treat myself for once.

Some of the best pvp players use mouse and keyboard, but a HOTAS will feel more natural and fun. The X52 Pro has good default bindings and is probably the most popular choice.

Thanks user, I will bear that in mind.

>not since the nerf
No shit? I'll have to go back to using High Yield cannons then.
Shift Lock canister is a mine upgrade. Boost directly over the other CMDR's ship, drop the mines, their FSD gets reset.

Yes. But play in solo

>No shit? I'll have to go back to using High Yield cannons then.
That happened a while ago actually, have you played recently? Packhounds were stupidly OP with heat and killed everyone in seconds.
>Shift Lock canister is a mine upgrade. Boost directly over the other CMDR's ship, drop the mines, their FSD gets reset.
Ah, okay, that's interesting. I've seen a lot of people do that with Couriers and Vipers, but never with that upgrade. They're always cascade mines instead. Usually the disrupter missiles are what people use for that, because you can't divebomb with the bigger ships and small ones don't have enough hardpoints to waste

No, play in open. Why buy an online game to isolate yourself in a box by yourself?

Taking all this advice into consideration, thanks Sup Forumsros, it normally doesn't take me long to learn stuff (not being cocky), my ultimate aim is to join some online alliance. Looking forward to the experience.

Watch the training videos first, and do the basic training missions too. That way you'll have the controls down and a decent understanding of how your ship works before you start the actual game.

I miss moot ;-;

Noted, will do user

He ain't coming back. I think this place scares him now...

I know he's not coming back but I miss him. Is that okay with you mate?

I accept that, we have to fend for ourselves now though, I would suggest another exodus, but that just divides us more and never works, 8ch is a prime example.

Cripple chan sucks. I'm staying here. I have no idea why I keep coming back to Sup Forums but here I am. Going on 10 years now. Oh well. I'll see him on the other side where he will undoubtedly be an angel... Like Gabriel.

>Elite Dangerous

Seriously. Get Rebel Galaxy or something.

I feel like he made that video just to troll people.
>you can just run away! :^^^)
The advice is solid, but ignores a lot of shit. You could tell the "ganker" in the video was holding back. The only true way to escape is to break the interdiction or warp to another star either before or during interdiction. Then switch to solo because the ganker isnt going away any time soon.

I mean. Literally everything in E:D is a contest to see who can exploit the game the hardest.
If they removed the engi grind and used the block player feature to get the PKers to fuck off to Anarchy systems the game would be fucking great. The lack of structure in the game cripples the hell out of it.

even worse, Rinzler got banned for posting that video on the forums. any kind of criticism is not welcome. you will get shut down for offering any kind of advice, especially if it's towards FD themselves on how to improve the game.

>The only true way to escape is to break the interdiction
Worst thing you can do. Submit and high wake, then emergency drop and jump again if you're that scared.

>Then switch to solo because the ganker isnt going away any time soon.
That's griefing, not ganking.

>and used the block player feature
Anyone you block will no longer be instanced with you, barring some wing and friend interactions.

>The lack of structure in the game cripples the hell out of it.
Elite has always been about finding your own path in an open world. Go play the original, I think Frontier still has a Windows port you can download.

>any kind of criticism is not welcome
He was banned for the large amount of profanity in the video, get your facts straight.

Meh, too late Anons, it's already downloading, slow as fuck, may I add, but at least I can see for myself. Thanks for all opinions, this has been a quite chilled thread, I usually bait with copypasta or make raid threads, too tired tonight.

76chan seems cozy, no elitist edgelords and they have a working /i/ (invasion/raid) board, just not much traffic, I'd advertise/shill more but normalfags would ruin it.

No. Just no. If you cant escape the interdiction then you're most likely going to die. This is assuming you're dealing with a griefer and you're not in a combat ship.
I'm so sick of seeing this "just exploit the game" tier advice that only works against NPCs. Again, the guy in the video was holding back. A combat python is much, much faster than a stock T7. If you deploy chaff an actual griefer will just ram you to death instead of shooting at you. This kind of advice is what allows FD to have their garbage "hands off" approach to the game.
They're the same thing to most people. Even in the video Rinzler calls the guy a "ganker."
>Anyone you block will no longer be instanced with you, barring some wing and friend interactions.
This is a step in the right direction, but I think it shouldnt apply to Anarchy to prevent abuse and get the PKers to operate there.
>le blaze your own trail
The people saying this are the ones that need to dust off the commodore. FD are the ones "blazing" something if they cant be arsed to moderate their own game and put in proper crime/punishment. I dont even want griefers banned. It should be a proper career path with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Also, that other user isnt wrong. The "profanity" is an excuse to ban him. No one is offended by profanity.

Read tutorials outside the game. The video ones in the game are there to make you leave the game open for 2 hours so you cant refund it.

>If you cant escape the interdiction then you're most likely going to die.
Are you retarded? You submit to have the lower FSD cooldown time. There is a reason that's what everyone does. And if you die in the 15 seconds it takes to jump, you deserve to die for being so terrible at the game.

>A combat python is much, much faster than a stock T7
It doesn't matter. 15 seconds, jump out.

>actual griefer will just ram you to death instead of shooting at you
Top fucking kek, do you even play?

Ooooh, right, thanks for that mate, good advice.

>And if you die in the 15 seconds it takes to jump, you deserve to die for being so terrible at the game.
More excuses. Any top-tier combat ship can kill any trade ship in 15 seconds. Especially if the trade ship doesnt have RNGneers mods.
I think anyone that interdicts a fucking trade vessel is the one that is terrible at the game. And then you go on the forums and tell the trader it's "their fault" for "not being good enough."
This wouldnt happen if the game had structure. In a game that isnt absolute garbage at being an MMO, the trader must go to the PKer and deal with him (usually for a very high reward). THEN it's the trader's fault. But ED isnt that kind of game and probably never will be because forumdads cant deal with the fact that it's not fucking 1984.

ED should just be single player. FD has consistently failed at offering a multiplayer experience.

>he thinks that ramming isnt a common griefing tactic
>he doesnt know that you can use a ram in combat
Do YOU even play, faggot?

>More excuses.
No, facts.
>Any top-tier combat ship can kill any trade ship in 15 seconds.
Anyone trading in open should have a ship capable of escaping in 15 seconds, no engineers required. The time to kill is massively long right now, not short.
>I think anyone that interdicts a fucking trade vessel is the one that is terrible at the game.
Piracy is a legitimate role, especially at CGs.
>This wouldnt happen if the game had structure
It's Elite, this is what the game is. Go whine to Braben if you don't like it.
>ED should just be single player.
Online play is one of the game's main attractions. Stay in solo or mobius if you're that afraid of seeing other CMDRs.

>Do YOU even play, faggot?
Ramming is a common tactic, but no one is going to "ram you to death instead of shooting" to keep you from high waking out. Read the thread.