Just got Masters AMA

Just got Masters AMA

This game in conjunction with my lack of willpower has consumed my entirety. Nearly eight years now; I wish I never started.

how tall are you?

i wish i started in beta

What's the deal with people beeing attracted to stubborn chicks who act all hard to get? What part of them getting turned down so they can persue her some more makes a chick more desirable compared to a chick that openly shows affection?

its just like why people dont like REM. Easy to get is boring. Like getting bronze. Everyone wants a challenge

But it's simply retarded...
I don't get it.

Does it really matter?

you and the other 6 people that still play must be so excited!

Im a Teemo main. How do you see me?

Whats your favourite colour?

WHAT is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

How many times a week do you jack off, and/or what do you mainly jack off to.

what do you main? also why can people not admit they are bad?

it is the largest most played game in the world
i feel bad for teemos because the free sweeper counters your champion lul
11 m/s

perhaps 4 times a week. anything that moves pretty much. Normal porn, hentai, GO Daddy commercials, ect.

he probably doesn't because you're most likely silver

*Sigh* I know...

i used to OTP rengar but i play adc/jng now. Mainly playing Varus/jhin/Ziggs/ and jng Warwick and graves. People dont admit they are bad because they refuse to believe they are the problem quite common to most things in life.

ty for summoner name you stupid faggot

doxx me ploxer

do you prefer the rework or old rengar? Na or euw?

how many games u have in total? ranked + normals?

NA, I personally prefer the old rengar because he was more easy and more constant (no flashable dmg) I havnt had too much success on the new rengar.

i have well over 5k games

carry me - EUW

i dont play on EUW

then start brah !

get coached by imls he's a fag but a good coach none the less

he is a fag yes, i like when he roast people tho quite funny. his coaching costs like $120 tho

How much salt did you have to ingest to get to that level?

I used to be a master tier Renekton main on NA. I'd hit you up for some duo but I quit league at the turn of the season, and sold my account for a new graphics card that I ended up not buying.
I play hots now, occasionally with a master tier fag. He's not bad but it gets annoying when he complains in the same voice he gets fucked in

i actually was D2 and demoted to DV. I stop making excuses played meta never flamed and climbed back up with an impressive 32-6 win rate from D4 to masters

same i love it when he roasts some shitter thats been playing like 12 diff champs across 3 roles lol and yeah 120 fuck that but the info always seems so good or its some shit i didn't think about

chu8? lol thats the only hero's of the storm player i know

Have you tried to get into pro scene or aim to stream with a good amount of viewers?

i can fuck u up and im bronze 5 1v1 me faggot

No, master tier. Chu8's grandmaster which is akin to challenger in league except it's top 500 I think

How to climb and suck me off pls

OP here i acutally got rank 1 in 40 games when i played hots.

play meta and pretend the other 9 players are robots and sometimes the robots are good and sometimes they arnt.

master tier isnt even close to pro. Csgo has a good ammeter set up but not league. I dont know how people would ever find my stream with the thousands of other lol streams.
lul u got me

Would you suggest OTPing a champ to a certain elo?

basically ive found the answer to this question. u NEED to play meta OR if ur not gona play meta u NEED to otp that no meta pick. once ur not good at a champion thats not good, its a bad combo.

Happens, especially in the pre season. Grats though it may take a long time before I even reach high diamonds in this much simpler game.

i like hots a lot actually. dont want to touch the game not because too many champs i wasnt there for the release. but i played that black angel guy, rehgar and the monk guy.

I too like the game but goddamn these players are shit. They don't have nearly the skill of the average league player
Blizzard releases some pretty fucked up patches time to time but at least they're willing to try something new

i know what you mean. i would call for a play, lets all stand near the boss bush and bait we are doing it, and my team was like omg genius.

I play with hotsg a lot though, the good players that don't suck. Much better times than league though, I never really had fun with that game except in URF. I don't know why I played league so much actually, because I wanted to see my rank increase I reckon.