I just realized that when we die everything we remember and all of our experiences will be lost in time like tears in...

I just realized that when we die everything we remember and all of our experiences will be lost in time like tears in the rain. Whats even the point?

Or, you know, store the information in some way so it becomes available to those who'll come after you.


Live live for the pleasure while you can

No point at all. You're an ape and so is everyone else. And anything you leave behind will be framed or pillaged by future apes, or simply forgotten altogether. All you should care about is doing what you want.

But why its all just going to end anyways

You just realized this? Are you 10?

Because that isn't what happens. We are all part of the collective unconciousness. You, your family, your friends, everyone and every living thing is a fragment of the sea of souls. Everything you experience and your perspectives are returned back to the collective when you die. Soon you are reborn in a new body, built with a new mind and soul forged from previous experiences stored in the record. Everything you experience matters. Your perspectives matter. Do not be consumed by despair and know that you are never truly alone.

Nigga when you read a book do you not read it thinking it will end anyway. Go fuck a dolphin or something mate

The point is that there is no point. Nothing you do matters at all unless you make it matter. You have destroyed any meaning in life by realizing the pointlessness of it but it is only the first step on a path to creating your own purpose.

but rape is illegal

Wow. Not OP but I wish I could believe this. I've never felt not alone before.

You have no way of knowing this

Pssst, life doesn't end at the grave, you are more than just physical matter

Then what happens

True. He just believes it because he finds it appealing, which is what usually compells people to believe ridiculous things.

Oh fuck off

You either go home to your heavenly father who loves you, or you are separated from him forever

Just like a sterile room, no sin can enter heaven, so you have to pay for them. You can do so, but you lose your life, or you can let Jesus take hit for you as he already did.

No need to become religious, just talk to him, like Adam and Eve would in the garden. That's what real Christianity should be like, hence why the evangelicals are called crazy. If you're sincerely seeking, you will most definitely find him.

Thats pretty sad


>That's all it is: information. Even a simulated experience or a dream; simultaneous reality and fantasy. Any way you look at it, all the information that a person accumulates in a lifetime is just a drop in the bucket.

You have no way of knowing anything is truth. There is no way to know the truth, for it is shrouded from sight. All you can do is find something and hope that it is the truth. I have found this, so it is all I can do to hope it is the truth.
We are isolated from the sea while we are alive. Your physical body is naturally alone, your heart craves others as it knows what it should be so you feel alone, your soul is stuck on this plane, trapped by flesh and blood unable to be where it belongs. You will be alone while you are here. But you are never truly alone, everyone feels like this, but soon your body will die, your heart will stop, and your soul will return back to the sea, and we will be one again. See you soon.

Oooooooh another thread where budding twentysomethings confront their existential fears.

Get over it my dudes, almost everyone ponders the nature of their existence. If you took a step back for 2 seconds you might realize that these sorts of questions actually have no weight whatsoever.

Pretty much every time something amuses you or you feel some kind of emotion you've already shattered your preconceptions that life is meaningless. Your thoughts shape your reality.

Every time you perform an activity that has a finite limit you are accepting that it must come to an end, but you do it anyway. Video games, books, sports, television. If you truly felt that life was meaningless you would literally do NOTHING.

And after all that, even if you die and your memories and existence are lost forever to the annals of time, it cannot be said that your life was truly without meaning because you had unique experiences that no other human has ever experienced or will ever experience.

The crux of your assertion is that if an event is not "remembered" then it must not have meaning. You need to reevaluate this definition.

tldr ur an idiot

Life sucks, but your typing this on a computer, or phone. Go to fucking Sudan, Africa, or some other shithole 3rd world country. If you still feel nihilistic in life, go fuck yourself, and do drugs till you die. Pretty my life, except occasionally have a girl to call up. Quit being a bitch, humble yourself, and enjoy the experience only so few can truly express joy in.

... and there is no God, so even if you behaves as what people address as "evil", still you will end as the same: nothing.

Even if you will be the most famous person which existed and will ever exists, at some point every recond of you will be lost and you will be forgotten.

This is the universe, and it does need you...

You're already dead

>OP head deforms and then explodes after some seconds...

Why does it need any of us