Why did Trump say there was a terrorist attack in Sweden?

why did Trump say there was a terrorist attack in Sweden?

Was he given bad information?

>why did Trump say there was a terrorist attack in Sweden?
Making stuff up to impress his followers

>Was he given bad information?
More likely he saw something on TV, didn't check his understanding and just incontinently spewed it out to his adoring fans as it supported his narrative.

In the land of fake news, the truth is irrlevant


sorry - typo

This is the Post-Truth Era.

He's an lying idiot?

he was referring to the refugee who was arrested while in the middle of executing a group of people via firing squad

This is the same guy who readily dismisses evidence for Global Warming and believes a wall will keep Mexicans out of America.
Have you considered that he's just plain stupid?

He did say he liked "uneducated people"

Man made global warming isn't real.

In fact, dumping tons of Carbon, CO2, and Methane into the atmosphere is a good thing, right?

That was his entire running platform, yes. It was rather funny, actually; a rich white guy telling poor people that other poor people were to blame for them being poor. And of course, being happily uneducated, they ate that shit up.

don't feed the trolls

subway has the best chicken tendies

reddit is the other way, newfriend.

nice dubs

i'm out of GBP.


So directly quoting the President's choice to lead the EPA is Trolling now?
OK gotcha champ.


So? I thought you liberals were tolerant of everyone. Why should they be less important because they didn't go to a liberal indoctrination camp aka college.

when is the trump joke going to be over? how much more dumb can this country look?

i'm not a liberal. what makes you think that?

>how much more dumb can this country look?

You sound uneducated. Very uneducated. Trump loves you.

my nutjob, Kramer like neighbor finally admitted he now thinks Trump is a phony. It took him this long, but at least he admitted it.