How do I start feeling better Sup Forumsros? Nothing seems interesting...

How do I start feeling better Sup Forumsros? Nothing seems interesting, even tough I'm not a complete failure I still feel like my life is shit.

Read up on capitalism, alienation, and wage slavery. You'll find that depression, anxiety, and more are products of a system keeping you docile and in place within society. They then give you meds to deal with life, so you can work for 40 years, be a "productive employee and member of society" then die. Say "Fuck that" and reject it.

What sort of life would make you happy?

Where I do anything that makes me feel fulfilled, succsesful or appreciated. Whatever it is I start doing/learning I very quickly get turned off with the fact that Im not good at said thing. I'ts like an endless loop.

You don't get good at stuff, before you've been bad at it for a while though. Instant gratification is for drugs and television, when you want to learn, you have to be willing to not know how to do a thing first.

I was like you for yonks, except i was also a complete failiure in life.

You gotta do things that fulfil you man, i know its almost cliche at this point but working out sure helps. Learn a new skill and get good at it, go out and meet new people, try to improve your lot in life. I think purpose makes people happy, and you can make your own purpose.

>I think purpose makes people happy, and you can make your own purpose.
That's true and I know that. Thing is finding the purpose is incredibly hard for me. Anything that I think of doing/achieveing seems like a thing that wouldn't make me happy.

I know that feeling too well, i was always like how can i do something to make myself feel better if i can't think of anything that would make me feel better?

Its a fucking trap man and dont buy into it, because its only once you start DOING things that you start to feel better about life. I mean the first real purpose i found in life was quitting drugs, that was my reason for being for a while but it helped. Then when that had run its course i decided to get healthy, then that was my reason to get out of bed. Purpose can be anything man, even if your purpose is simply to be a little bit better in some way than you were the last.

What is it that you want out of life?

Happiness is a temporary state and it should be.
Find something that will make you content instead, something where you feel that you are making a contribution to your surroundings. Once you're content, you'll find yourself in more happy moments.

Whenever I see someone do something creative that's appreciated I get this thought of "I wanna do something similiar, I wanna make art". I get the motivation for like... an hour or two, after that time I notice Im shit and I give up. I just want to have this one thing that Im good at and that I enjoy doing. That's it. I don't really care about having great wife, about making the most money in country or finding a cure for cancer. I just want to live my life so I can at least somewhat enjoy it. For past few years I've been in that stupid "no-emotions" state, I don't care about anything, I want to kill myself so I don't feel bad anymore but I also can't do that because making my parents feel the sadness stops me.

i reccomend frequent masturbation and a weekly watching of Terminator 2

>After that time i notice im shit and i give up
Because we're all born great aren't we?
You need to be willing to try and fail and learn, and most importantly to DO.

Have you got any pics? i like drawing myself, im sure i can get behind it.

I don't have any pictures, I never did any drawings. Never got past the "learning the basics" stage where you draw random boxes, learn about perspective etc.
>Because we're all born great aren't we?
I know it's not that people are born with good drawing skills, it's all hard work in the end. But for some reason I can't get into something so much that I just want to learn it/get better (if that sentence makes sense)

Go ask for help about your depression user.

I'm also having problems with that. Can't bring myself to go the a therapist. Leaving the comfort zone is really hard.

Well are you actually comfortable in that zone, or are you just vegetating in it?
It's not a comfort zone if it makes you feel like killing yourself, then it's a zone of negative thought patterns and possibly a hormonal imbalance.
You're not going to start feeling better, before you start taking responsibility for yourself. Sometimes the only mature thing to do is bite the sour apple and ask for help, people won't look down at you for doing it and the few who might, are shitheads who don't want you to get better because misery likes company.

I guess you're right on the "vegetation" thing. Im scared to leave my room and go ask for help from a professional. Hell, I even have huge problems with talking about this with my parents.

I've been in your state and i can tell you, once you lance that emotional boil, you'll feel relief not regret.
Your parents will be willing to anything in their power to help you and a professional is there because of people like you, it's their job to help you, so they wouldn't judge you for asking for the help you need. If anything they will respect you for taking that step.

See, I am a complete failure. Mostly because I insist on it. As is, I'm just holding the elevator's emergency break, because I have no guarantee that when I release it, I'll be able to get out before it crashes.
I've tried to change or better myself. Lasts a couple of weeks, maybe even months on the SUPER RARE occasions, but it's never enough. I quit because it can't be enough. Because I refuse that I deserve anything but the life I insist on having.
Take walks, pick up a hobby, accomplish small tasks and accept the wins, no matter how small. Eventually, these will better your mood and you'll be able to start working towards something bigger. I won't because I outright refuse to even try. You could, though. Don't be a fuck up like me who only serves as a cautionary tale.

Well alright. I keep telling myself to seek help and people like you are giving me some motivation to do it. So, I hope I'll soon enough find the strength to go to a therapist. Thank you user, god bless.

>using the avatar of a dogfucker
>wanting our help

You set yourself up for failure.

user don't give up. I believe in you. I don't know what kind of advices to give you but I just really hope you get better at some point.

agreed on this.

First take care of yourself a little. Establish a baseline - shower, get some sun on your face. eat vegetables. (Seriously, fast food makes you feel like garbage whether you realise it or not).

Then, do this. Reject shit that doesn't work for you.

Be clever. Make your own job. Your own life. When nothing matters everything is up for grabs -- that can be good and bad.

I don't even know the origin of this picture. I just found it in some random non furry thread on Sup Forums I think.

Well, logic dictates two outcomes. I die like this, or I eventually change. We'll see which it is when I finally get sick and tired of this. Just kinda expecting to be into my 40s by then at best.

I hope you will feel better at some point user. Good luck