What's wrong with my penis. What do I do to save it? It hurts when I masturbate and my friend hasn't fucked me in weeks...

What's wrong with my penis. What do I do to save it? It hurts when I masturbate and my friend hasn't fucked me in weeks. Helppp

Rubbing alcohol should fix it

Why's that?


That's friction burn, stop shaking hands with the sherif for a week and keep it clean ... then use lube for a while if you really need to keep jerking it 24 7

stop touching it for a week or so and put aloe or medicated lotion on it, its just crochrot you disgusting pig.

jesus man do you ever use lotion? that shit looks like its been chaffed/rubbbed on to many times

if you don't have rubbing alcohol, you can also substitute with vinegar, it will clean it right up

maybe it's jsut dry skin, moisturize fag

Don't that will hurt like fuck.

I can't stop jerking off. I can only sleep after orgasm

Thats a problem

By your nails I can tell you are a dirty bastard.

I have a friend who's a doctor, who says you can squeeze an orange and use the juice you've extracted to cure this exact condition

It feels like the little area between the shaft and the head is getting cut into. Should I be worried about the head being cut off?

It's a yeast infection. Yes, men can get them. Get some ointment.

It will sanitize it and speed up the healing very quickly. I had something similar early last month. I used rubbing alcohol and by the end of the week I started to see progress.

yes, if you continue like this your dick will be headless

Stop pulling on your dick without lube. Stop beating off for a couple days. Source: had the same problem 2 days ago.

Can confirm, citrus fruits does wonders to minor skin damages.

rubbing alcohol dude..
ive gone thru this myself when I was younger

most probably a fungal infection. Would go to a doctor to get a proper diagnose but if you don't want to get a cream with some cortisone plus anti-fungal agent in it and apply that for at least a month

It's true, the vitamin C in the fruit cleans this up immediately

Thats necrotic tissue, second stage of syphillis. Your dick rots user. Visit a doctor, you cant cure it anymore but you can keep the symptoms in check. Sadly, fucking is over for you.

Bro. Get Hydrogen peroxide, 3% only solution, and some toilet paper. Wind the paper around your dong and drench it with the solution. the antispetic qualities and excess O2 will kill the yeast the same day. leave the paper on for 15-30 minutes and shower. If you are close to the sea spend an hour in the ocean each day. best of luck

Don't listen to the idiots in this thread. Hydrogen peroxide and then an acetone dipped paper towel should heal it. The Hydrogen peroxide speeds up the scabbing process and the acetone seals it. Give it a month and it'll get better.

Im being over whelmed with information

it's because we care, OP

dude, OP wants a solution, no blowing his penis away

here OP, hopefully this will make you feel better

If only I could jerk off without my dick falling off

Either go and see a doctor or do the hydrogen peroxide cure. I hope it's not to late for that.

maybe you should just one more time? then worry about fixing this issue?

OP, just look at a bunch of gay porn when you get a boner and it should go away unless you're one of those faggots

pour hot sauce on it

You're circumcised, that's what is wrong with it.






6% would work better

trips faggot, start beating it

put salt on it.
it will kill the bacteria and when you're done if you have some mentol schampoo put it on there.
it will ease the pain while masturebating.

I get that shit that looks like that sometimes. Eczema. Atopic in my case.

Although i'm no doctor, which gives me an idea.

Go to the fucking doctor.

I'm a doctor and even I have no idea what the fuck that is. Doesn't look like any STD I know of. Does it smell like anything? Any secretions?

I would recommend not masturbating or having sex for a while. It should heal on its own.

Prove it. Show us cotton balls

>ITT people advicing to moisturise fungi
You niggers are dumb. Yeast gets worse when moisturised. Get fungal cream, keep it clean, and no soap, ever.
