Could you be a cameraman if it meant filming shit like this?

Could you be a cameraman if it meant filming shit like this?


why dont they mount the camera on a drone?

It was the 90's, they're filming Goldeneye

Nowadays a big budget picture could film via drone. But smaller budget pictures still do it this way.

Or big budget pictures that want it to look a specific way, they'll still do it like op

Tell me about the operator. Why does he sit on the crane?

>yfw the cameraman goes through more danger than 007

Do i get a seatbelt

is he ok

I would do that for the thrill alone and there isn't any real danger, he is on a harness.

>Trusting a woman on the counterweight

Thee hazard pay is probably awesome. Plus you get to see the world. It also helps that I have very little regard for my own life.

The fall would be too painful

he's a big guy

Looks like a dude with a hat.

you would have a pretty high regard for your life it was spent with a lot of money and travelling the world though

why would his size matter? a fall from that high would kill a person no matter what you weighed or what size you were.

learn some physics you dumb fuck

wonder where based cameraguy is now. probably left the biz ten years ago and is an Arizona gourmet food photographer now.


>Nowadays a big budget picture could film via drone.

Nah they would just CGI it like every trash they put out today


Most of this shit is now done with remote heads, so I think it would be rare to be in a situation like this now.

>it's a CGI is ruining the entire film industry episode

The bloke at the end with the counter-weight should've taken some black foam bricks and gaffer taped them to the end of the counter weight before the crew arrived. Then once the camera man was swung out over the dam, start pulling them off and throwing them over the side.

I'd like to correct you on your terminology if I may. CGI is when an entire scene is generated with the computer, like Toy Story or The Incredibles for example. Glad I could clear this up for you.

There must be a gif of this pic.

>mfw I'm the crane guy who has to go higher up to take a picture looking down at the other crane guy

Thanks man
What do you call when CGI elements are inserted into a real time shot?

I was at a Muse concert a few years back and they had guys seated above the stage controlling the spotlights, seemed pretty freaky 10m above the stage attached to shitty temp scaffolding. So it's still around in some capacity.

This. I'm getting anxiety looking at that picture. I've always said if I was an old man I'd commit suicide by dropping in on a skateboard down the hoover dam though. Hopefully have a heart attack before I hit. A shopping cart or motorized scooter if mega old or lazy.

For you
