Any psychology fags here?

Any psychology fags here?

An user in some other thread talked about how family relation detemine our preferred sexual partners. He also linked and scientifc article on this topic which - at least I think - was very acurate and I could reflect many on this given info on my situation.

The two main point that were scarily true were:

>boys who grow up as the youngest sibling are by far most likely to prefer older/mature women

>girls who have only a younger brother tend more to be after juvenile, boyish looking, and in many cases younger, partners

Any thought on that? Is this just bullshit or does this stand any sort of scientific proof?

Its fairly common psychological profiling.
Youngest siblings get doted on by the mother instinctually or subconsciously depending on who you ask. The oldest had the proper amount of attention and are grown/growing into functional self-sufficient adults and don't require the help of their parents.
The mother on an instinctual/subconscious level looks at the youngest as "behind" the curve of his siblings by being smaller and more vulnerable so they instinctually/subconsciously dote on them to ensure they survive and "get up to speed" quicker even if we know logically thats not how it works. This causes a stronger mother/son relationship just like a father instinctually favoring his eldest son causes a stronger father/son relationship. Anyway, this causes a strong association of love and caring to the older female form, hormones, visual body cues, and possibly even smell.

For girls growing up there strong evidence that the men they come into contact with heavily influence their view of whats "masculine" and "desirable" in a male. If their major exposure is to a male that acts juvenile in comparison to their ages maturity then that sort of gets hardwired as a desirable trait in men as they've become comfortable and accustomed to it and thus know how to interact with it. This also cuts both ways with idolization of the father and traits he displays. This is why "daddy issues" are a thing and why daughters form stronger bonds with fathers than mothers and viceversa.

Can I at least get the name of that pic fam?

Also I am second youngest ... I like younger chicks, but older women love me I hate it but love it at the same ryme

This sounds very reasonable. Do you have maybe a source to go deeper in the rabbit hole?

don't have sauce. Got that pic from a bush thread. Consider your trips checked nonetheless.

Wait... I'm a guy and I have a younger sister. Is that why I like lolis?

Hard to cite specific sources on these sort of things. Psychology by its nature isn't exact and it comes down to experts making their own opinions through teachings and experience so every individual has a slightly to vastly differing opinion on this though certain baselines are held as widely accepted and sound.

You'd have to start at freud(not saying he was correct or right but thats a good as place as any to start on human sexuality) and just work your way through from there to modern day textbooks on human sexuality.

Remember that modern textbooks on this are as spotty as freuds books will be due to LGBT and affirmative action fucking over actual scientific study and empirical evidence cause saying something even remotely close to "gays are made" or "women are psychologically wired to care for children" will get you lynched in todays academia.

You probably have self-esteem issues and a mildly distant parental relationship at some point during serious social development.

Oldest of 3. Have a sister and the youngest being my bro. I love my milfs, not sure about my bro though

What are the age differences?

Remember its psychology. Very few things are super concrete and the most it can say it your brother had a higher chance of liking older woman than you did. Not: "he's the youngest so he WILL like older women."

Wow, spot on.

Brother is only 3 years younger. My sister a year

>tfw only interested in middle aged women
>in school I had a crush on almost every female teacher
>always fapped to fantasies involving them
>never fantasies or dreams about girls my own age

No it doesn't, get off the internet sometime

It actually does. Theres thousands of branches of psychology and even the officially recognized ones can often contradict each other. Its why experience is important as are individual papers that get peer-reviewed as it creates internal debate that furthers the field outside of studies that barely ever get funded these days.
You can literally google all of this if you don't believe me.

Psych fag here.

Everyone is different. So when you see a generalisation like

>youngest boys more likely to...

It means that a common trend has been observed. Of every generlisation you'd fall into, its likely only a small handful of them are actually true for you.

I am the youngest boy, and i do indeed like older women.

My older sister liked older men with more manly features. My brother in laws older than her and he looks like an ape man.

But anyway. Yes. You do learn from your immediate environment growing up whats hot and whats not. How you behave in relationships is also well influenced by your parents relationship with each other for example.

Hard to cite? Just tell the truth and say you have no evidence.

I'd literally be citing a few hundred book titles and papers i'd have to individually google up, read up on, and tell you which pages to look at cause you probably wouldn't read the whole thing for one tidbit. Just google "human sexuality" and "sexuality and psychology" and i'm sure you'll have your hands full for days.


You know psychologists consider him non scientific and an asshole right?

Hes the reason why people dont realise psychology is a real science. They dont actually sit you on a couch and ask about your dad. They collect data and compare it against dna patterns and brain formations to find a link between behaviours and physical properties as well as generally environmental upbringing.

They then collect data from hundreds of thousands of people and find what holds up.

If everyone with x line of dna all hate when people dont say bless you, guess what.. Youve found a genetic link for intolerance to lack of manners as a dumb example. Pro tip. Personality is half genetic. We know this pretty well.

But what youre right about is what OP is talking about is highly subjective.

>No sources.

Did you literally stop reading right at "freud" and miss the tidbit immediately following that was put there specifically to stop us from having to retread this conversation for the trillionth time in history?
Its as good a place as any to start reading up on thoughts and theories on human sexuality and theres a reason he's still a recommended read in college course but by no means are his ideas what we use to base anything on these days as they're by and far largely debunked outside the widest and vaguest of findings.

>did you stop reading

Yeah. Sorry.

what trips you autist