First time buying. Is this weed?

First time buying. Is this weed?

Can't se sheet.

Looks like it need better pics


Looks like oregano.

Thats fucking tea

God dammit. Thats what I get for buying weed in poland

what the fuck this isn't weed bro. you have been scammed.

ile dales? XD

Just quick the shit and drink
Occasionally take magic mushies or something

Przynosisz wstyd cebulandii

"Is this weed?"

Fuck dude. And my friend said he was trustworthy
40 zl kurwa -_-
Yeah I wish

You are obviously trolling. No way you thought that was weed.

It was really dark and before i got it they drove away.

jesli rzeczywiscie nie lecisz w chuja i kupiles to, to nawet kurwa tego nie pal. Herbata albo oregano. Jakie miasto?

Then how did you get it?

Try taking like 1/10 out of the bag, move the camera like 3 meters away and possibly turn off the light. This ought to help with identification

Brzeziny. Najbardziej chujowe miasto.
What i meant is that they gave it to me and drove away immediately

No need. It even smells like tea

Well your options now are either, take the loss, or demand a refund/start a problem

No nic, stalo sie. 4 dychy w dupe. Na pocieszenie powiem Ci, ze na poczatku jak zaczynalismy z paleniem to kumpel kupil 20g "palenia" co okazalo sie potem herbatka xD Jak masz znajomych, ktorzy pala to obadaj jak to wyglada i pachnie i nastepnym razem jak bedziesz bral sam to sprawdzaj co bierzesz. Pozdro mordo

Make some tea op

Dzieki ziomku. Pocieszyles mnie troche. Ale jest problem, że nie znam nikogo, który pali.

Alright wait a sec

lol, that looks like oregano

Makin some tea my Sup Forumsros

Almost ready

Someone screenshot this

Thats actually some pretty nice strong coffee.