Anyone who disrespects or disagrees with President Trump should be jailed for treason, and in more extreme cases...

Anyone who disrespects or disagrees with President Trump should be jailed for treason, and in more extreme cases, should be given the death penalty.

Other urls found in this thread:

So what would happen if I was gay, would mike pence do some conversion therapy before they killed me?
>also #FDT


Purging the queer left is necessary for health of the nation. Take their money, jail or kill them, and outlaw their culture of death and poison!

Article III, Section 3
>Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

>The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

Let us make this a global law. We shall enforce it through nuclear attack. The millions of gallons of shitskin blood will soak the earth before we are done!

Fuck you and fuck him.

So we start with Trump, right? I don't know if I've seen anyone contradict or disagree with Trump more than Trump himself. Move on faggot, you got cucked.






Go back to twitter before you get triggered

If Trump is Not Your President, America is Not Your Country.

If you support a man who's using the presidency to enrich himself even further, then you might be a cuck.

>queer left

That's funny now, what with Bannon's faggot butt boy Milo in the news lately.

watch as another guy fucks my country

the only thing dumber than this thread is the Orange Turd in Chief


I believe that's jewtube to begin with faggot

The president is a poop head.

Did that trigger you?

>Anyone who disrespects or disagrees with President Trump should be jailed for treason, and in more extreme cases, should be given the death penalty
I'm sure Führer Drumpf would agree. And I'm sure he's working towards that.
And I'm sure you think it's a joke, kek, luls, ... until you find out what it will really be like.

They won't care until it's too late and there wont be anyone else to fight against it.

>faggot butt boy Milo

Confirmed kiddy diddler. Where did the moral compass of the republican party go.

>Where did the moral compass of the republican party go.
The end justify the means

This thread has the feel of a new Nazi party

Sup Forums
here is some fresh copy pasta for you

president trump will be the worst president in history.let me explain why. Trump wants to put america first consequently embargoing america.
how? well taking away jobs from other countries now that means there is no more cheap labor and prices of products will skyrocket. trump wants to build a wall to keep "bad hombres" out meaning the cartel. well guess what that's not gonna stop the cartel they'll just pay to get in the u.s, this is worse. Since the cartels have to pay to get in they have to make up that lost money by marking up prices on drugs. now prices of drugs will increase and people who do drugs wont stop just because prices increase. Leading to an increase of crime. Back to american jobs sure more people are going to have jobs but companies will lower minimum wage to compensate the money there going to be losing. so only two choices left for Americans wither prices of products skyrocket or they get paid $1.00 and hour. Either way america will end up like mexico (ironically)

then agian you're probably not going to read this and just be a facist retard


What about people who feel political apathy and know Trump is just one head of the duopolic Jew-run system that's currently destroying the USA from within?

i think trump and his supporters should be sent to the death penalty.


Disagreements are fine. Otherwise, get fucked democrats.

Nice life choice. What a tool.

When is trump going to bring china to there knee's?

>the majority of Americans
Fat cunts who think their countries power makes them worth a shit


Ja, ja. Hitler did nothing wrong. We get it

Why would he want to? When they play joke and put peepee in his Coke they're playing right into his desires.

Does that "get fucked" include a republican who disrespected Obama over where he was born?

/didn't think so.
//Trump is a traitor

She's not a winner

>Then again you're probably not going to read this.

What's the point in putting that but extra at the bottom? If they already made it that far then they have already Fucking read it.
I guess it is to get people to reply?
I wanted to originally reply for another reason. That whole paragraph was the most autistic I've read on b, ever

>when Americans try to defend their tiny brains, fat guts, low pay, shitty job, ugly wife, shitty life by stressing the fact they are American
What a lot that did for ya

Oh this asshole?

because if the trump speech he stated " I will bring Chinese to there knee's " I know see them on there knee's.

You are a winner

I dont like this photo because the woman looks mentally ill & like someone made her put that on

point exactly


If you support someone for presidency because they make you feel good you might be a cuck

Dat goy s freekin yuggge!!

Daily reminder that Mein Drumpf, Spicey, and Miller-Smeogol are all closet homosexuals and proud graduates of Roy Cohn's Finishing Schools for Boys.

I try, still the question remains. When will trump " bring china to there knee's ". Where are the Muslims badges. Where is all this shit he said he was going to do.?


China is a large country, grow up. It's Yuge.

Week 1: Attempt to put executive orders into effect, attempt to fill cabinet, photo-op meeting with another country's figurehead, go to Florida and play golf.
Week 2: Attempt to put executive orders into effect, attempt to fill cabinet, photo-op meeting with another country's figurehead, go to Florida and play golf.
Week 3: Attempt to put executive orders into effect, attempt to fill cabinet, photo-op meeting with another country's figurehead, go to Florida and play golf.
Week 4: Attempt to put executive orders into effect, attempt to fill cabinet, photo-op meeting with another country's figurehead, go to Florida and play golf.

Making America Great Agian

the fat small handed oompa lompa needs to be impeached, the orange chode is an incompetent whining-fucktard.

I disagree with your faggot ass opinion and statement
>see what i did there?

But but trump said... china= to there knee's

what if i do it on Sup Forums?

But Obama said close Guantanamo

Consequences will never be the same again

Based Thunderf00t pwns Trump!

Trump is absolutely BTFO!

but we aren't talking about obama. We're talking about trump and all the promises he's made. Badges for Muslims and banning them all. China to there knee's, deporting all illegals not just Mexican's a wall along the southern border the size of trump hands, ending isis, the sucking of putins dick.


No you were



Correct, are you a special needs child?


Except talking to russians isn't treason. Anyone can do it.




That torch has passed


True story. I was talking to a Russianon just last night, matter of fact. Cool dude. Gave me a few pointers on my god-awful grasp of the Russian language.

lol, triggered much FAGGOT??




Better Trump's Russia than Clinton's Saudi Arabia



Do you have scripture to support that


Putin's Amerika, rather.

Funny how it's his Saudi Arabia too. Watch how he lets them off the hook like every other president - he already did in the travel ban.


This and only this.

Workers of the world, unite!

Well that would mean we'd all be jailed for all the Obama bashing too so no.

So you felt the exact same way about the last guy? No, no you did not. This is bait, you are a troll. I give you 1/10 for nudging my diffident reply. Really, I know that this is easy, but you children have gotten so fucking lazy these days.

Faggot boy mad.

The Effects of Immigration on the United States’ Economy — Penn Wharton Budget Model

FYI: Donald Trump went to Whaton

Donald Trump was bailed out of bankruptcy by Russia crime bosses

Thanks for inadvertently proving that it takes the mental capacity of a toddler or a Trump supporter to miss the rather obvious fact that "#notmypresident" is not a literal statement.

Did you know what when your picture book says "the stars were diamonds in the sky" it doesn't mean they're actually diamonds?

fuck you, you cock sucking mong. get off the fucking internet and go help your mom fold laundry or, at the very least, empty all those fucking piss bottles you have around your bed. You're disgusting. Sad.


Democrats are so tolearant of others.

Quit resisting. He is the king of this castle we know as America and serve him by working and paying taxes. we shall!!

man, i had some bad hemies from doing heavy squats over the years and this was the instructions they gave me.. that shit sucked so bad.. the pills aren't small and you had to put the middle finger all the way up your ass or it would fall out.
