Which movie/tv show has the best depiction of hell?

Which movie/tv show has the best depiction of hell?

This one. The endless labyrinth of legendary pleasures and suffering.

Fiery lava filled versions of hell with horned demons and shit look stupid as fuck.

Star Wars

prob event horizon

none come anywhere close to reality

Sup Forums is hell

I would say Event Horizon and Constantine.

>that shot where kirsty backs into the wall of hell and it wobbles

Agreed, I wouldn't be here everyday if I wasn't in social, and economic prison. I've been living my own personal hell in exile and solitary confinement for ten years

Yeah, I always notice that. And the "stone" wall looks made of paper, too.



Ten thousand years of waking up to Sonny and Cher would drive me insane.

Real life desu.
I often wonder if this really is my own personal hell.


what this

America with a Donald Trump presidency,,

The Dilbert animated series, where the afterlife in general is an eternity in a cubicle in the middle of a blank void, with only Wally for company.

Inferno. It was a lot more psychological.

Hellraiser 2.
Shame on you.


Came here to post this.

"Wristcutters: A Love Story" had a similar thing, where afterlife is almost like life but all colors are washed out, there's no stars, nobody can smile, food has no taste and there's nothing to do but guess how other people went out.


what did he mean by this?

Event Horizon has the Warp, not hell

Bill & Ted 2


The warp is literally hell, though


that the one with the guy with the sticks on his head?

The castle

OBJECTION! Asked and answered, correctly.

What is that from?