How do I stop someone from cutting?

How do I stop someone from cutting?

As far as I know, she doesnt have a particular reason, she just mentions often how life is tiring, when I ask why she just answers "life in general", without being able to name Particular reasons.

She usually seems Pretty depressed at the start of the evening, she usually brightens up after a while of skyping (i'm pretty sure she's into me, literally everybody who knows both of us is trying to ship us atm)

Any ideas?

Introduce her to heroin, after that cutting will lose it's appeal.

She doesnt even smoke cigis, even tho she is fully into metal.

Get her to visit a psychologist, you yourself cant help her she needs professional help

Alternatively you could work this to your advantage and acclimate yourself to knife play. It's pretty hot leaving a mark on someone to be quite desu.

Get her to let you watch her cut
If she says anythinv at all listen
Listen between the lines
Ask questions to understand better, but only to keep her talking
If she says something that really strikes you, repeat it quietly
Seduce her into feeling the focus of your attention and Non judgmental respect

It could trigger healthier perspectives


Tell them to finish the job

also, record it for a rekt threads.

Stop being a fucking teenager. She'll grow out of it and none of this shit will seem very important or so all consuming once you hit the real world and actually have real things to worry about.

Well, the easy way to make someone stop cutting is to tell them to go down the street, not across the road.

Let her cut.

>be teen fag
>post on Sup Forums
>underage b&
>kill her, then KYS

I second this

Also, this. I was 16 once. Got a job, starting smoking pot, doing acid, DMT.. There's better things to do.

she needs help and not from you. shes not fit for a relationship and youd do yourself a huge favor if you stayed the fuck away from that. really. she will drain you and youre just going to be a temporary bandaid for her to deal with her depression.

>She doesnt even smoke cigis, even tho she is fully into metal.
what? like the metal genre? what the fuck are you talking about.

Cunts that cut themselves don't generally think it's a problem and do it anyway, I've seen too many of these chicks do this shit without thinking about what they're doing to themselves is fucking retarded.

If you want real advice just make her do a bunch of shrooms or LSD then she'll think that she had a revelation about her shitty life and that she doesn't need to cut herself. Or she'll cut herself even more over the fact that she's hallucinating. Bonus points if you fuck her when she's in this state.

But in all honesty, bitches like that just want attention. If not, they might as well become a feminist and fucking neck themselves.

I think OP associates metal with smoking cigs. OP is likely 16, based on the issues they're facing.

Dubs wills it.

that would be hilarious actually.

"yeah she really likes metal but she doesnt smoke, its crazy!"

Jesus what a bunch of retarted replies. The best known way to get a cutter to quit is to remove her hands. Everyone knows this , faggots.

Go to her man, she loosens up around you, shares intimate secrets with with you (like the fact that she cuts). She is into you. You could be the reason she stops cutting and opens up and loves someone. It's your choice man, do you want to be happy? Do you want her to be happy? Give her a reason to want to not cut.

>cutting is retarded
>do acid or shrooms instead

you're the retard here

Srsly dude, do your self a favor and ditch her.
I had a girlfriend which was harming herself all the time(like every two or three days) not only cutting herself, but also drinking drain cleaner and what not.
I did manage to stop her, with telling her that she hurts my feelings when she hurts herself. Took a long ass time tho...
I was in a relationship of 4years with her.
After she stopped hurting herself, she had gone pretty fat... another vent I guess... then she was even more unhappy with herself and said that I was the problem for that...
After 4 years of this bullshit I couldnt stand it anymore and dumped her.
6months later I came in touch with my current gf and it's so reliefing so not deal with such bullshit and have a normal gf.

Tl;dr: forget her ASAP, these peoples are cancer

kek. dont listen to this naive faggot, hes probably as old as you are.

Cutting is about control and release. People who do it often feel powerless and removed from their own lives. Self harm is way of feeling powerful and in control, if only for a fleeting moment.

This is what makes is such a difficult problem to cure. The cure is 'get a better life where you have more control of things.' It's easier said than done.

I'm not the person you're referencing, but having spent years cutting I would say that doing acid would be way more beneficial.

Unless she is actually 16, in which case please wait until your brain is done developing.

Also this. A "fix-me-up" human doesn't work like a house. You have far less control over what happens.

dumbass what is she going to cut herself with? a plastic knife?

Nah, were just metalheads, and I dont know a single metalhead who doesnt smoke

I know that she will eventually grow out of it, I just dont want her to ruin her skin for life...

she never told me, its just obvious

Also update, she wants the D;
The dude who shipped us doesnt differencing between fucking and romantic interest, so thats all i know


male cutter here. just give her a better rush. people only cut for 2 reasons, to feel relaxed or to feel euphoric. if she still needs that rush ask her which one of those she is going for and give her an alternative. i use drinking but just offer her somthing that gives her some kind of rush drugs or fucking its not hard. long term she will stop everyone does. for her sake find a less damaging habit. if its for attention fuck her then get her to kill herself on cam so we can watch. all the best

yeah because smoking and being "into metal" are usually correlated. how did i not make the connection??!


I'm this guy I know girls in their 20's now that used to cut, it isn't a big thing. I would seriously stop wasting my time with that shit though dude. You're in the most carefree and easy part of your life- don't waste it on some cunt who wants to drag you down with her.

By the sounds of it she doesn't have any real issues aside from self esteem, and don't be around people that drag you down. Depression is contagious, as are low standards. Don't hang out with people who suck, because so will you.

Make any justifications you want- 'she's an awesome person, I really like talking to her' etc, but there is empirical proof that she's a fucking loser.

Don't do it, you're better than getting involved in that. If you want the pussy that's one thing, but don't wife her.

I cut arms, wrist, and thighs. Nothing visible on my wrist, thighs look similar to my arm.
If I had taken care of the cuts (or not heated the blade) it'd look better.

I wouldn't say "ruined" but I would agree to "clearly did stupid shit"

holy shit dude that is so shallow did you do it with your nails? real cutter here if you arent leaving massive welts then stop

I did stop, years ago.

lol look at this edgy attention whore faggot. "im a reeal cutter!" are you proud or something? kill yourself.

12yo detected