Anyone here knows how serious you can take what a 3 year old says...

anyone here knows how serious you can take what a 3 year old says? Watched over a cousins child yesterday and he told me that his father "often hits him in the head when he's angry". They're really decent people as far as i know, and as far as i can tell the child showed to signs of physical abouse.

A kid that young has no reason to lie about something like that.

He probably gets slapped across the head when he does something wrong.

Children are honest , poor kiddo.

Look for bruises, cuts, small scars.

Try talking with the kid and asking if anyone else knows. His mother might be aware and just be a shitty mother who doesn't care, or might also be abusive.

It took me decades to understand that the reason my grandparents sent an "au pair" to "help" my mother when I was 2yo was because my mother was basically trying to starve me to death. And that being belittled and kicked and hit all the time wasn't how most kids spent their childhood.

Be a bro, help the kid out. Call CPS/DCFS/whatever the kid-cops are named in your area, if the abuse is real and no one in the family will stop it.

no bruises, cuts, anything. Looks completly fine.

The parents are really nice people, both got a stable job, at family meetups always nice to talk to. I really wouldn't take them for ones to be abusive towards their two children.

Naturally i don't want to bring it up with them unless i have good reason to do so. The older child (6/7ish) doesn't talk about anything indicating abuse if that's worth something.

this, also a normal 3yo can express itself pretty good already.

>Call CPS
You're a fucking nosey douchebag. Everyone's answer nowadays is to call fucking CPS, just because a fixing TODDLER says they're getting hit in the head. My kid says stupid, made-up bullshit all the time, like how he "cut me", then makes "cutting me" noises. He lies. Toddlers lie and they do it with propose. He probably says that shit and is talking about play, especially if you don't see physical damage. That, or he's talking about little taps on the head. If he's not flinching when you raise your hand/voice around him, he's not abused, dipshit. Stop trying to raise other people's kids. You're not a parent, which is obvious as hell, and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


Preschoolerss lie for literally no reason (without motive, anyway) at all. It's a developmental stage that's well-known in 2-4 year olds. You can get a toddler/pre-k to admit to anything if you ask him/her the right way, even if it's untrue.

Big boy words from a barely coherent, almost-adult. Go fuck yourself. Come back to this topic when you are actually qualified.

Look, some kids are drama queens, and son are fucking saints. Don't disregard what he says, but if there's no marks of damage on hom, he's probably fine.

Hey user
I know it doesn't mean much
But I love you

If anything, it's likely just a clip on the back of the head to remind him of his behavior; as was common once.

Never get the authorities involved as a first resort. That is the sort of poor judgement than can ruin lives.

Yeah no you're retarded lol. Literally one tiny post on 4chsn and instantly you know he should call CPS? You just assumed it was true he literally said there's no signs whatsoever of abuse and you're talking about your dumbass sob story of being kicked and starved don't lie you don't remember that shit nobody remembers being 2 and nobody asked to hear your gay faggot story.

Shut the fuck up faggot and stick to reddit or tumblr

Been here since 06 faggot suck my fat balls

I'm not planning on running to autorities unless there's serious reason to do so, and i definetly don't see that right now. I don't have a problem with a slap on the wrist for bad behavior either, i could've used more of that for my own upbringing. Behing repeatedly hit in the head when dad is angry sounded a bit more serious though, so i'm asking how serious i should take it.

Considering i'm asking this question on a bhutanese woodcarving forum you can probably tell i'm fucking autistic and have no experience with children whatsoever. Just don't know how that situation should be judged.

Whatever you say buddy, if you've been here for 6 years then you've been wasting your time. Sick to reddit where all your gay faggot friends can circlejerk and shit in each other's mouths.

Dude if he's hitting the kid hard enough to warrant intervention by you you would see bruises and tender spots. If you touch his head and he's not tender and there's no bruising then mind your own business. Also wait and see if he brings it up more but kids say so much random shit my sisters 2 year old says random shit like "mommy scared me last night". He's in his own room in a crib could've been a dream kids just say shit.

>Behing repeatedly hit in the head when dad is angry sounded a bit more serious though
It does if you take it as an absolute fact and imagine the worst case scenario, like all those cringe worthy stock photos the media peddle for their anti-spanking pieces.

Kids can and will say many things simply to gauge a reaction. Unfortunately I know this only too well from experience.

allright then, so i'll do fuckall and just watch out for signs of abuse when i see the kids/take care of em

Yeah and next time you're around just try and casually pat and touch his hair and maybe finger his butthole a bit and look for tender spots.

Yes but don't be too obvious about it, unless you want to lose sitting opportunities.

obviously. I get along really well with his parents. I don't really care about taking care of the kids.

Should've beat him to teach him not to tell fucking stories

They're dumb as shit. He might mean he pats his head to calm him down. Have them show you not tell you.

Have him show you his butthole too it might have bruising it's a hidden spot

So what it sounds like op needs a smack around the head