Do girls really have life on easy mode? The media says no

Do girls really have life on easy mode? The media says no.

The media is just trying to get laid.

yes? dont they. they cant beat anybody up though

very beautiful/sexy girls/women absolutely do.

>given value by society for doing nothing other then existing and having a wet hole
>not easy mode

pick one

>not attractive

Like a lot of things it's a trade-off. They definitely have it easier socially, but much harder physically and emotionally.

Where can I see more of those cuties??


we all do

that's why girls really have life on easy mode.

I'd say a very attractive guy doesn't live in the same world as an ugly guy too

> having a wet hole that bleeds with agony once a month

> easy mode

choose one.

Without women there is no men. Women need to be valued.


They absolutely have it the easiest. Even the ugliest of girls do, simply because any woman can get at least one man to do what she wants

Kardashians are famous for fucking black men
Female life is hard
Internet full of porn

Get back to school jermain

Considering one man can impregnate 100 women I don't understand why the gender distribution is 50/50. Why wouldn't nature choose a 1/10 ratio of men to women?

The media has an agenda.

Yeah they do. The media is full of shit.

Nature hasn't chosen anything. If the distribution is 50/50 or there are more females, it's due to all the wars where men have fought and died to keep women and children safe.

Yea, that is just completely false. There is a pretty close to 50/50 chance of an embryo becoming male or female.


i bleed with agony all the time

not to mention how many fucking men can actually impregnate 100 women... I mean seriously - we all try, try and fail :)

>The media says

citation needed

Depends on who you ask really. Some of them, I mean the pretty ones who come from money, or even if they just won the genetic lottery and aren't ugly, yeah, they can coast through life on easy mode.

Otherwise, they're gonna have a hard time unless they suck a lot of cock.

If there was a scarcity of men it would be pretty simple.

i this a laugh u lose thread? cuz i just lost

Without men there are no women. Women don't give a shit about men, and they certainly don't appreciate them. Every woman I know sits around whining about how oppressed they are even though they have zero chance of having to suffer through the kinds of bullshit men have to put up with.

Probably to maximize genetic diversity by limiting the number of offsprings that have the same father

Essentially for more genetic variation. That's what men are to evolution, randomizers to drive it forward. In pretty much all human traits male variance is higher.

I think you need to read up on biology and primate behavior. The more kids you have, the more unattractive you are to a female looking to build a nest and start a family

Good point.

Because sucking a lot of cock is hard, yeah.

Genevieve Hannelius

In many ways they do until they drink a little too much sambuca and lean on the wrong guy.

I volunteer occasionally to provide services to the homeless. 98% of them are male. What does that tell you?


More genetic diversity.
In fact, the top 80% of women strife to have the top 20% of men. So yeah.

Nah, it's more like safe mode. Less risk in most cases. Something will most likely interrupt & assist you if shit starts going wrong. But you're running on a slightly reduced ability to do more advanced functions unless you really know what you're doing.

it tells me 98% of homeless people are male, according to some assertion someone faggot made on Sup Forums

Also the reason why (most) men are disposable.

Women get priority for emergency housing?


Women have higher value because they have larger gametes. They make more investment in reproduction. Men are more dispensible because we have ton of tiny, easy to produce sperm and you can just go away and have more sex rather than be pregnant

That's the evolutionary reason

I guess. Better figure that out, people!

Evolutionary design.

so close to fucking up

This. Women are surrounded by social support and demand even more. Men get blamed for being disadvantaged and get jack shit.

Well, it depends. If attractive, YES. They will get big promotion and great opportunity without trying. If they simply want to marry/date guys with money and go completely jobless, that's an option.

There have been studies that it takes far longer for ugly people to be successful and they simply don't go as far even if you account for identical college aptitude, intelligence, and time spent working for given employers. I've noticed in my personal life that in any employer you may have an ugly socially awkward dude doing most of the work in a department, but still he's the one that will catch the blame if things aren't going right.

But back on topic, even an average or ugly woman WILL NOT struggle to get laid like an average or ugly man. The difference is how people are sexually wired. Men typically want to bang as many women as they have a chance with, assuming they aren't groteque (and even if they are, there's plenty of guys to bang the groteque ones). Women typically want to date/bang the guy they see as their one best option. So more mediocre options in women have a chance, the mediocre males frequently do not (or the guys must date a league down to even get dates).

But that being said, it's a very different life. Looks are waaaay more important in a woman's toolset, and the downside of that is women's looks peak at 20, and each subsequent decade it gets far higher to maintain them, by 40 they're generally designated as too undesirable to be banged by most of us (while old and middle aged men are still a hot commodity to women, particularly if they've set themselves up well in life). They aren't expected to be tough or ideologically strong.

So it's a very different life. But I'll say this. Life is super unkind to a cowardly (some may prefer to say antisocial) male. If you don't have social skills and know how to stick up for yourself, you must get them or never progress past anything entry level and have no/few women.


Beautiful men and beautiful women have life on easy mode. Attractiveness makes you more likely to succeed in any field. What's being a woman have to do with it? Women have an unfairly large burden placed on their appearance. Ugly or fat women are treated pretty universally poorly.

not to the same degree, looks matter more for women than men

it also builds self confidence, so they pick up harder tasks and are more likely to get them done

natural selection at its finest

I no longer feel attracted to females because they are all parasites, I'm happy being asexual though

that's chue.

Asexual or celibate? Two different things.


Girls have life on super fucking easy mode:

Dating: Effortless. Just don't make a shitty selection. Most can't do that right but I mean, it's handed to them on a silver platter.

Work: If they do art or some bullshit society doesn't really judge them. If they do STEM jobs try to thrown women into those positions and give unfair advantages to them. Ever see a girl in an engineering class? They go "GIRL!!!" and literally throw opportunities at her to diversify shit.

Social issues: Super pro feminist America. Everything is in favor of the woman. If you get arrested you will serve less jail time, courts for custody are in your favor, socially you get so many fucking perks. You can say "my body my choice" then cut a piece of your son's body off since we don't give a fuck about men's rights bodily or otherwise.

Honestly, if you are a girl and you just make reasonably sound decisions in dating and in your career choice (which men have to try to get at least one of these right by default and it's usually career) then your life will be fine. Girls bitch and moan so much but their life is so much easier than a guy's. We even lie about shit like rape rates etc to victimize them further (look up the real data and the issues with the 1 in 6 study) as well as the wage gap so they can keep pilfering privileges.

Actually asexual

if it wasnt easy, they would have some muscle, scars, not fat cellulite entitlements issues, insecurity and drug problems.

Ugly ones don't

what about if someone bases their value on not just what other people think?

i envy you

i think about tricking my doctor into prescribing me some meds that would get me completely sexually insensitive. Could it be possible?

just think how much freedom could it be


From the way I've been treated by them for the past 22 years I just don't see them as human anymore

Yep, they got nothing to bitch about. Hell, they got half the money and ALL the pussy.

If you base value on not just what other people think then whatever you base it on will yield different results. Want to clarify the point or narrow it down a little so I can respond a bit better?

Excellent points. We need more Elliot Rodgers in this world.

Antidepressants suppress your libido. Strong ones probably best.

how about sex?

ugly girls usually get swarmed by mediocre guys looking at them as an easy target

ugly guys don't score at all

so yeah, still easy mode

Compared to low percentiles on the male side?

visit your local snowflake santcuary. for sjw cunts.

O shit dat boi so T H I C C

good idea, may try that

So basically any college. you know what a sjw is?



Anyone else here feel like punching girls?

No its about the same

Men are expected by society to be one way, women are expected to be another

It's difficult for both of us, in reality we need massive reform on both sides and it starts with us listening and understanding the grievances on both sides

Feminists feel like their grievances aren't appreciated, they see their male peers advancing when they don't, and they stereotypically are more likely to be pushed into social roles despite having the same qualifications as their analytical male peers. They feel that they are over sexualized and made into objects because of their bodies, and when they are interested in becoming sexual they are characterized as sluts. Any man would be upset about that sort of issue if it were against him.

Similarly men don't feel their grievances are appreciated. They are forced into a "male" stereotype where they are unable to show signs of weakness or emotion without being ostricized or called gay, so they hide their emotions while in reality men are 3 times more likely to kill themselves. They are also expected to work more and longer hours than their female peers, and if they don't they are considered undesirable by women.

Both have legitimate concerns, the break down of progress and communication occurs when the other party trivializes their grievances. And the cover all egalitarian bandaid programs can't really bridge the gap. We need to solve this socially if we want any actual progress

Yeah...nice cherrypicking. Now talk about the wage gap.

>inb4 wage gap does not exist


I'm no Elliot Rodger but in the STEM field I see girls get opportunities guys won't get just for being female. I've done research and know the rape rates and wage gap etc are major league bullshit. When I work with girls they usually don't do their job well and flirted with men to get them to do their work (see manipulative). Honestly, if many weren't such leeches and just worked instead of playing victim and saying "we aren't equal" or "you have it easier" or who only started to flirt with me when they realized I'm going to make a lot of money soon then maybe I'd have a different opinion but most women I meet are airheads and users who use the female card to get their way.

Some are good, most I meet are shit.

Girls age 18 - 23: Life on absolute fucking EZ mode
Guys age 18-23: Life very hard. "Fuck off kid you got no game/qualifications/experience"

Girls age 23-29: Life on slightly easier mode but starting to have to compete with ripe young 18yr olds for guys and therefore status/career ops.
Guys age 23-29: Life not so bad. You're dispensible as fuck but good news is even if you fuck up a LOT but you can bounce back from basically anything provided you don't an hero.

Girls age 30-49:
Married/famous = easy mode continues.
Not married/with kids = outlook not so good...
Guys age 30-49:
Investors start to listen. Young firm bitches listen. Any skill/charisma/professional experience gets multiplied 5 times over because society will only ever bend to a male leader. Unless you're a beta pussy but even then you keep to yourself and life's exactly what you make it

Women 50+
Married/Famous: Life on EXTREME easy mode. If career, bitch to massive female audiences with their partner's credit cards about "women in the workplace blah blah blah". If married can divorce any time you want cash/custody/black cock.
Men 50+
Not married/father/famous: You're insignifcant and will die alone but hey you have plenty of peace and quiet for your hobbies
Married/father/famous: Case-to-case dependant but generally meh because to do the right thing you're putting everyone ahead of your needs because of that thing called Honour. But at least when you die you'll die an honourable man.

TLDR: Men age like wine, women age like milk. Being a little bitch has no gender so if you're a spineless pussy now, life will get no better if you don't change.

As long as a girl isn't hideous, she still has lots of guys who want her. There are way more guys who care about average/below average girls than girls who cares about average/below average guys. And a fat girl can find guys, but a short guy is absolutely fucked.

i'd be interested to know how much the wage gap is due to nature vs nurture, but it's not because of discrimination

>via 9gag

> C U C K
> U
> C
> K

It doesn't. Occupations that men do are more valuable, productive and therefore more lucrative than occupations dominated by women.

I ain't the least bit like Elliot Rodger's, homey. That was a pathetic guy that just cried about how it wasn't fair and then did the ultimate tantrum.

But I used to be antisocial, realized it was making me fail in life (particularly with women), then actively worked to get better and became socially competent.

Now all that being said, "Elliot's Law" is very true. That since the sexual revolution, since the death of the "traditional family unit",since the death of monogomy. About 10% of the guys get about 75% of the women, the next 15% of guys get about 15% of women, the lowest bracket (usually antisocial sperglords of various calibers) of guys (actually over half) wind up with nothing.....

and guys like Elliot sought revenge for this fact. I sought to work out, get tougher, get more sociable, learn how to flirt and now I do pretty well with women.

It's based on evolution, since it takes women 9 months to breed, they want the seed of the best man they have a chance with. And if many women wind up going to the same small number of studs, from an evolutionary standpoint, makes the species stronger. Even though it means the vast amount of males are discards. Most other species operate like this and nearly all primates where only the most aggresive, sociable, and alpha guys are fucking a harem.

/Unfortunate truths.

>Gender role issues.
>Not realizing the biological reason for these and not understanding that some differences exist naturally and roles have some natural occurrence to them despite society since society is a byproduct of biology interacting with socialization.


>>inb4 wage gap does not exist
Burden of proof is on your side. Prove that it exist in the first world and same job, I dare you.

ahaha it doesnt

And why is the ratio of men to women so skewed in high paying jobs?

You can't inb4 the truth

Nail on the fucking head. You won the internets today.

Because men are more assertive and socially adept than women are.


>the media
>a single entity
i'll bite the bait regardless.

generally speaking, every girl or woman who isn't ugly has it easier in small, mostly unimportant matters.
they add up, so at one point it is some sort of advantage. but they are marginalized in many other aspects (some more justified than others) as well.
women have it harder to be taken seriously, and have to go through shit like their period and pregnancy.
i certainly wouldn't want to switch places.

on the other hand, a very beautiful woman has it much easier indeed - just as a very handsome man has certain doors opened for him that remain closed for the rest.

More like get chosen because of the rampant sexism in our society.