Who here is legitimately racist?

Who here is legitimately racist?

I'm not talking about the edgelords that think it's cool to call people niggers or the equally dumb people who say "white people need to stop doing ......"

I mean that you sincerely hold prejudice views and beliefs based solely on the color of people's skin or their ethnic background.

I'm not here to argue with racists or anything of that nature. Just curious to know

Get the fuck out fucking nigger

Everyone is to a degree its how we separate tribes and cultures, but I can't stand niggers. They are subhuman. There are decent black people, but that's pretty rare.

Just so I understand. What is "human" so I can then know what you mean by "subhuman"

I am a bit wary of muslims and niggers and love racist jokes
I get increasingly racist when it comes to the media and things like BLM.
Still I dont think about race unless it is affecting me in the moment and I judge a person by their actions.

I think he means civilized.

There are no real racists, just people labeled as such.

That isn't racism. it's prejudice learn the difference

I see. Interesting, do you guys believe that these ideas about other races come from lack of exposure to other's culture or do you think it's something learned (ei. One's parents are racists so the child is subconsciously taught to be prejudice) or something else

Used to live around them. They are walking garbage. Brought tons of roaches into our complexes, trashy single moms with kids, always fuckng yelling, all on welfare, they would stare me down, call me a cracker, they would fuck with ppl just for looking at them wrong. They are fucking walking excrement. They would always band together so if they fucked with you you couldnt do anything fuck I hate fucking niggers. They would pick on this sick kid specifically because he couldnt fight back. They would act like gangsters even though they didnt do shit but collect welfare checks, all had records were only 16.. fuck those fucking monkey pieces of shit. They need to be gassed.

I absolutely hate Mexicans and most other South Americans. The ones I've ever liked are the ones that are completely removed from their retarded culture and beaner tendencies. I've met some that are straight up "fresh over the border types" that barely speak english, but either hate their country of origin's culture or just don't really have any care or pride for it, and they are fine to me. It's that damn, "I'm gonna associate with and only talk to other beaners, while I freeload off of and judge every other culture that exists" shit that pisses me off.

I''d say about 70/30 learned

I hate anybody who qualifies as a porch monkey
I want to tell black people to get a job.

All humans are retarded. It doesn't matter how they look, they all need to die in a nuclear blast.

My parents never said a thing about racism to me
It was all personal experience.
I first noticed in highschool that blacks were bad at school and into gangs, rap, crime etc
I noticed afterwards as I was seeing black communities that are just trash.
In college I would get emails that alert me to crime on campus and the suspect was never anything other than a black male.

my friends and me make A LOT of racist jokes but none of us does actually dislike foreigners or other races. It's just a very easy and cynical subject to joke about
Even the kids on pol and b who post racist shit mostly do it to trigger whiteknights

How much time have you spent talking to Mexicans or latinos? Also, do you feel like you expect people to behave a certain way and anyone that doesn't you then reject ? I'm just trying to view it from different angles, like if a tourist from the States travels to say Mexico city and they do not behave to the social norms there they would then also be rejected

Personal experience
seeI have no problems with mexicans or asians. Muslims yeah i kind of do., they get a bad rap im sure a lot of them are decent ppl same with kikes.

Niggers, no exceptions. They are low IQ subhuman monkey fucking garbage. I have more stories if you need.

Guilty. But I know there are some decent blacks.

Not totally racist but despise asians, am australian and the gooky cunts come over here and take our jobs illegally paid cash in hand, cant speak english, cant fuckin drive ive legitimately beat up over a dozen in the past 2 years coz they make me fuckin sick

I see the common theme of blacks. Do you think crime is more on social class rather than race? I've had a family member be burglarized and killed in Illinois. It's a poor country area, most crimes are done by poor whites there

Im not racist in that i believe everyone is an individual with equal value and should be treated equally under the law. That being said science and common sense confirm that average levels of ability and behavioral patterns are different by race. I live in a diverse area where whites are a minority and fear for the day when whites lose power because we are the only ones who can handle it. That being said i hang out with minorities all the time and theyre nice and kind and good people. But ive seen how they run cluntries and i know friendships can give way to group conflicts.

I think black women are loud, is that racist? I mean some of them are pretty loud in unusual places.

>niggers aren't overwhelmingly ghetto as fuck and do crazy shit
>black PEOPLE would deny this
there's reality, and then there's reality + being jimmy john bucktooth in the middle of a swamp in southern america, how many of those types have you met in your life?

Not that user, but my experience with mexicans is so and so.
In general I think they lean towards crime and gangs just like blacks, except they are not nearly as violent.
Only other problem is mexicans that refuse to learn english and they live in the same community as you. They can be very rude. Making noise 24/7 by peoples homes instead of going to work.

Social class and upbringing are large factors, but I personally believe that people only oppress themselves by using drugs, committing crimes etc. Blacks arent dealt a shit hand, they just dont always choose to be happy or try to succeed at anything other than street cred.

Being that you chose to mention "science". Can you provide what sources you used to make that claim? I'm curious what science was used to prove this

I am actually "racist" and I don't believe being racist should be a negative connotation.

Take blacks for instance. The only ones worth anything in society are either mixed with Europeans somewhere on their family tree, or statistical anomalies.
Even when mixed the vast majority have primitive inclinations, lower IQ, and shallow concepts of consequences for their actions.
If being called racist for acknowledging statistically, medically, and pragmatically proven fact is how society wants to play it.. Then I'm racist.

The Chinese score on average higher on knowledge retention, and do better in school when the playing field is level.
However it's racist to poibt that out too.

I'm white.. I have certain advantages and disadvantages do to my lineage too.
Ignoring the reality of human evolution isn't going to make the world better.
A spade's a spade. Telling them they are equal to whites, asians.. Won't change fuck all.

I'm okay with blacks, but I genuinely can't fucking stand native Americans. All they do is sit on their asses and complain that they aren't getting enough. And then they go out and complain about shit that happened hundreds of years ago.
>residential schools
>missing women
Not sure if you guys have a similar problem with them down south (Canadian fag here), but it's a problem here.

Many. I live in northern Virginia. Very diverse and wealthy. 1hr south or west are the Appalachian mountains with the moonshiners

I like to consider myself a stereotypist. I love everybody until they start acting like an ass. If I see a nigger being loud and beating on its chest, I hate. If I see a white person being snobby/rednecky whilst being rude, I hate. If I see a mexican.......wait mexicans are pretty much always good people. And where I'm from I don't see much else of any other race so yes. I hate people who obnoxiously fit their stereotype.

That's not racism you dumb fuck.

Ah yeah that old crevice there, Virginia still isn't as bad as West Virginia but you're still not bound to see anything over glares.

Really depends I guess, you get isolation like that and they are "damn durty negger" and then you get isolation like Washington state where they're liberal as fuck because of varying factors in regards to being so far away from shit.

Life is funny but if anything can be learned it's different regions warrant different responses based on many things whether or not they're rational or coherent. For instance based on what I sad about Washington state, it becomes more apparent to me that you get more "racists" the closer you are to mixed communities. Ironic, or telling?

I'm illegitimately racist.

When I roast someone, I use anything at my disposal and racial epithets are fucking excellent for jimmie-rustlin.

I don't actually believe minority groups are inherently worse than any other, besides issues caused by external factors, but I don't really like Israelis, Muslims, or Christian conservatives. I feel bad for African blacks because they live in undeveloped countries and have no chance of living well. I feel bad for Mexicans and a lot of South Americans because their countries suck shit too. I've hung out with nogs and Mescans, though, and they're decent people.

It's all about environment. Nurture instead of nature. Society breeds the asshole into people, unfortunately.

I don't know about you guys but most black people I've met are dumb as shit. And for your infomation, none of them came from poor neighbourhoods.

We were doing so well with them from the 60s-80s, it's a shame it tumbled downwards further than any other point in America since bondage.

Damn Chlorfors. Tried to chlorf me right out of my money.