This weed is like 6 months old. is it ready to be smoke?

this weed is like 6 months old. is it ready to be smoke?

see those white hairs?

they'll turn red. then they'll disappear into the bud.

when the hairs disappear, its ready.

just say "two more weeks" a billion times

yes its worth it. just have sugar leaf and trim leaf, no actual buds yet

I've been waiting two weeks for months!



here's a pic of weed thats juuuuust about ready

here's another that looks ready

real talk: you can harvest now if you want puffy whispy crispys.

if you want big chunky hard-as-a-rock, wait a bit

should I keep giving her nutes? Or start flush?

have you watered with molasses yet?

add a little bit of molasses to water and stir until it looks like "smoky water" or really weak tea. like a tablespoon of coffee to 3 cups of water.

i'd probably keep doing nutes til the hairs go red at least tho


*tablespoon of molasses

search for "How to harvest and cure marijuana" google is you friend,

As a sativa it will take a little more time than average to mature. Be carefull i have seen that if sativas are cut too early they will have low high and will give you headaches

i like what youre cooking

I have another weed that kind of mutated badly and started flowering very young
can I cure it somehow?

i c mag dot com.
tons of info there

=\ not really. i mean you can but it'll be kinda weak

i'd just push it through flowering and get a small yield

you should probably look up your genetics and see the average time to harvest.

if the flowering is being delayed you probably lack nutrients in your "dirt".. sorry my english is terrible i wish i could give your more detailed instructions.

where are you from friend?

This weeds about a month old. Is it ready to smoke yet?

looks cool.

some leafs on the left side look a little down? too much water maybe?

not yet, but you can chew it

can it flower a bit and then go back to vegetative and then flower again with better buds at a proper time?