Hopefully nobody finds from work finds this...my name is Tom...

Hopefully nobody finds from work finds this...my name is Tom, 3 years ago I graduated from collage and moved to California to take up a job as financial advisor. By the time I had arrived in California every where I went the area had been gentrified. Lgbt marches ran rampant in the streets. Soon I found my self involved in identity politics and rights activist movements. I enjoyed it. But soon all my libral friends got dumber...and dumber...until finally they couldn't make solid arguments for their cause, people made a mockery of the calm movements we did. Under the surface I realized that what I was doing was stupid. I was sick of being around self righteous women. I was sick of being told I was privileged even after I had helped the cause.
I was sick of being around the stupidest people I'd ever known. Who couldn't make an argument with out harassing and screaming at those who opposed. So...I made my revenge...my...addiction...
Believe it or not. Sjws are still women. And lonely ones at that. They trusted me and soon I was making a jest at their power, they wanted to put me down? I'd dick them down!
I'd start by pretending I was interested in whatever libral nonsense they were preaching. Then I kissed up to them, and praised them unconditionally, finally, we'd go club and talk very progressively. Until finally the moment was right! I'd take them to a motel PLOW THE SHIT OUT OF THEM and take lots of pictures, left them Hurting and wet. No condom.
It didn't matter, hairy, fat, tattoos, purple hair I got them all!!! Over and over I nailed them to my list of dishonored sjw, while they preached of female superiority I showed them who the real master was. Many fell to their knees, oh how they bled and sucked and moaned until I tossed them aside.
I destroyed them, and they didn't even know it.
I fucked 27 Sjw girls. But now they're on to me. This is my manifesto. Call me a villain or a hero. I've won my battle.

pic unrelated


>and taking lots of pics

We're waiting Op

If you took pics then show them OP

Pics or it didn't happen

Isn't their enough porn for you guys to look at with out me making it for you?

You said you had pics of them.

Let's see em mate. Let's see this conquest you talked about

No one posts SJW sluts though.

You have them, I want them.

Nope. Go get your own bitches. I got mine fair and square

>Until finally the moment was right! I'd take them to a motel PLOW THE SHIT OUT OF THEM and take lots of pictures, left them Hurting and wet. No condom.

Stop being a fagget pics nao

>Isn't their enough porn for you guys to look at with out (SIC) me making it for you?

Fuck no... there can never be enough porn... and sjw porn is best porn...

Fine you get ONE, it's really hard to take pics

You deserve a firing squad.


Hopefully nobody finds from work finds this...my name is Tom, 3 years ago I graduated from collage and moved to California to take up a job as financial advisor. By the time I had arrived in California every where I went the area had been gentrified. Lgbt marches ran rampant in the streets. Soon I found my self involved in identity politics and rights activist movements. I enjoyed it. But soon all my libral friends got dumber...and dumber...until finally they couldn't make solid arguments for their cause, people made a mockery of the calm movements we did. Under the surface I realized that what I was doing was stupid. I was sick of being around self righteous women. I was sick of being told I was privileged even after I had helped the cause.
I was sick of being around the stupidest people I'd ever known. Who couldn't make an argument with out harassing and screaming at those who opposed. So...I made my revenge...my...addiction...
Believe it or not. Sjws are still women. And lonely ones at that. They trusted me and soon I was making a jest at their power, they wanted to put me down? I'd dick them down!
I'd start by pretending I was interested in whatever libral nonsense they were preaching. Then I kissed up to them, and praised them unconditionally, finally, we'd go club and talk very progressively. Until finally the moment was right! I'd take them to a motel PLOW THE SHIT OUT OF THEM and take lots of pictures, left them Hurting and wet. No condom.
It didn't matter, hairy, fat, tattoos, purple hair I got them all!!! Over and over I nailed them to my list of dishonored sjw, while they preached of female superiority I showed them who the real master was. Many fell to their knees, oh how they bled and sucked and moaned until I tossed them aside.
I destroyed them, and they didn't even know it.
I fucked 27 Sjw girls. But now they're on to me. This is my manifesto. Call me a villain or a hero. I've won my battle.

This is now a copypasta

learn how to spell "collage", retard.


>lots of pics

Jesus Christ this thread is cancer.

pictures or it didn't happen. Even if it did your a faggot for that rant.

post pics faggot. also this "manifesto" (sounds like you've regressed into a faggot sjw yourself) is now copy pasta

Op here...

None of this happened. The actual story is that I was turned into a homo when I moved to california. Every man I slept with had a bigger dick than the last... apparently I was a shitty lay... they all left me bleeding with precum on the tip... I was so utterly defeated that I needed to make this post to feel like a man again... however my asshole is so stretched at this point that I have no bowel control

^ you got me

Never stick your dick in crazy, soon you'll have a ninbinary child.

^ I fear the worst. For all I know. I have fathered the antichrist