I'm curious, I'm nearly sure that there's an episode where Stan asks, "So what is it? A boy or an abortion...

I'm curious, I'm nearly sure that there's an episode where Stan asks, "So what is it? A boy or an abortion?" But I can't find which episode it is...

Any ideas guys?

i know the exact episode you're thinking of but im not going to tell you lol

its from the Dictator, I don't think is American Dad


I swear I've heard it in an episode of American Dad...

That's a line from The Dictator.

I swear, this is a glitch in the Matrix for me... I've always told people that it's my favourite line from American Dad. I can even picture it in my mind, Stan saying it to Francine.

I mean I guess it's possible that it's a line on the show too, but if it is I don't remember it. I definitely remember it in The Dictator though.

I really hope I find this because it's driving me insane. I can so clearly picture it and I'm sure I'm right because... I've never actually seen The Dictator.

you pulled what chicks do all the time when they convict the wrong guy who raped them. at some point the idea got implanted in your head so long that you convinced yourself its true


yeah this happens quite a bit. eye witnesses usually implant their own details on to things after the fact, and then eventually believe it as fact.

Kind of an AD and FG expert, Never heard this line on either series. Did a script search from all of my transcribed episodes seasons 1-9 I got from a fan site.

Should I watch this movie?

And no luck? I recall from memory it being in the kitchen at the start of a scene, Stan asking Francine when she says that she's pregnant... Or it was regarding someone having a baby; maybe the two gay neighbours.

Actually it is a line from AD. It's a flashback scene of when hayley was born and stan was all set for a boy.

Can't remember episode name though

I might be in Stan of Arabia

No, hell the only baby related thing I can think of between them right now, and it's probably my favourite joke, is Stan being responsible for Steve's scoliosis because he used to throw footballs at her stomach while she was pregnant to make sure Steve would be good at sports.

Oh sweet Jesus, thank you. I will continue my search for this episode!

It's ok, nothing special. Nice quads btw.

You now remember hayleys twin

Nice quads

Not SBC's best movie, but not terrible either

Thanks m80s, I'll check it out.

season 7 episode 16 is your best bet. its the one where hailey needs a kidney transplant

I will check it now, thanks.

Not OP I'm pretty sure that's not the episode. It was a throwaway flashback much earlier in the run

AD is my go to background show and I don't remember that line. So if it is AD then it might be the first 2 season that I don't normally watch

You are correct; OP here, just checked it.

Dude I'm pretty sure you're mistaken. You probably heard the line somewhere else and subconsciously attributed it to AD.
I guess I can't say that with any more certainty then you, though. Memory is a tricky thing and we probably all live in a simulation.

I've literally been telling people for years about it. It was late at night, Stan asking Francine in the kitchen and I laughed so hard... From memory, the episode that got me into AD.

watched stan of arabia part one and 2 its not in their either, You gotta be remembering it wrong dude. sorry man

Please God no, this guy agrees with me!

That episode only aired in the Berenstein universe.

Yeah I'm sure it seems real (and it hasn't been absolutely proven to be false yet) but truthfully most of your memories are pretty much just a memory of a memory. It's even possible to implant false memories in a person that seem perfectly real to them. You may have heard of the Mandela effect but if not then I'd suggest looking it up if you're curious, because this is likely the same kind of dealio. If it turns out your memory is false don't worry because it's totally natural and ultimately it doesn't matter because we're all definitely in a simulation.

sad truth is if people on this board couldn't find it in about 20 seconds then it doesn't exist. Try the cartoon board. if they don't get it than it's your imagination

Dat Mandela Effect

Avid AD watcher here as well. I don't recall that line either. But like the other guy said, probably from the first 2 seasons I don't rewatch.

Sigh, OP here; I hereby thank you all wholeheartedly for your knowledge and shining a light on this odd phenomenon that's clearly made me see into another timestream.

I feel as though the fabric of reality is all a lie to me now.

is this b8? You guys are saying that you can remember all the shitty jokes on a shitty cartoon that is basically jokes glued together?!
Either you spend way too much time watching this shit or Sup Forums is filled with spergs

retard detected

Yeah it's bait and now you look stupid haha joke's on you dummy

Well that was a long unfunny joke

You should put that on your tombstone.

Kek now I want to